Article 1-3 Regulations For The Governance Of The State Police Flashcards
What are the Massachusetts state police’s rules and regulations issued in accordance with?
They are pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 22C.
The Massachusetts State Police’s Rules and Regulations are issued pursuant to what?
Pursuant (or in accordance with) Massachusetts General Law Chapter 22C.
In the United States it is essential that the criminal justice system be administered in what three ways?
in a manner which promotes:
1) public respect
2) confidence and
3) acceptance
Article 1
What are the problems associated with the delivery of police services?
There are many problems associated with the delivery of police services,as they reflect the complex interactions and changes of modern society.
Article 1
In rules and regulations how should all members decision-making processes be guided?
All members should be guided in their decision making process by subscribing to certain fundamental principles.
Article 1
How many fundamental principles should all members be guided in their decision making processes?
There are six fundamental principles.
Article 1
What are the six fundamental principles that members should be following?
1) Members shall endeavor to elevate the standing of the law enforcement profession in the public mind and to strengthen public confidence in the Massachusetts state police.
2) encourage all other members to fully appreciate the responsibilities of their office.
3) strive to develop and maintain the public support and cooperation.
4) promote the concept of teamwork for the benefit of all.
5) strive for full coordination of effort and all official
6) provide high quality problem solving and community oriented police services
*** New
Article 1
What are the MSP’s code of ethics?
The code of ethics is a reflection of organizational values of the Massachusetts state police, and is a general performance standard for all members and civilian employees.
Article 1
What are the code of ethics adopted as?
It is adopted as a general performance standards for all members.
Article 1
How many code of ethics are in the rules and regulations?
There are 11 code of ethics listed in the rules and regulations.
Article 1.3
What are the 11 code of ethics in the rules and regulations?
1) We shall respect the diversity of and be sensitive to all people.
2) being punctual in our engagements an expeditious in the performance of duties.
3) We shall regard our office as a public trust and in the discharge of our duties be mindful of our primary obligations to serve the public efficiently and effectively.
4) We shall administer the law in a just, impartial and reasonable manner affording the same reasonable treatment to all cases.
5) We shall recognize the limitations of our authority and at no time use the power of our office for our personal advantage.
6) We shall be true to our obligations as custodians of public property.
7) We shall not diminish our integrity or limit or effectiveness by excepting gratuities or favors from persons businesses, corporations, or other entities.
8) We shall cooperate fully with other public officials to ensure safety in general welfare of the public. We shall not permit jealousies or personal differences to influence our ability to cooperate with others in our official business.
9) We shall add to our effectiveness by enhancing training diligent study and attention to self improvement including physical readiness. We shall welcome the opportunity to disseminate practical and useful information relating to matters of the public safety and welfare.
10) We shall bear faithful allegiance to our government and be loyal to our profession. We shall except as an obligation or responsibilities to support the Constitution of the United States in the commonwealth of Massachusetts.
11) We shall fervently seek out and report the truth.
Article 2
How many organizational values are in the state police?
There are 6 organizational values.
Article 2
What are the six organizational values statements of the Massachusetts state police?
1) Maintenance of the highest standards of integrity and ethics.
2) Excellent and teamwork in the performance of duty.
3) Protection of constitutional rights.
4) Problem solving for continuous improvement.
5) Continuous planning for the future.
6) Performing public service in law-enforcement tasks as to provide leader ship to the police profession.
Article 3
What are the regulations establishing the duties of members established for?
They are established to attain the Massachusetts state police organizational goals and to implement the regulations of the mass state police.
3.0 Who are the regulations established for?
Regulations are Established for the members of the state police. The members include:
1) superintendent
2) deputy superintendent
3) supervisory members
4) other uniformed members
5) and civilian employees of the MSP
3.1 What rank does the Superintendent hold?
The rank of Colonel
What shall the Superintendent of the mass state police be?
- shall be the executive and administrative officer of the state police.*
- The Colonel shall promulgate All rules, regulations, policies, procedures, orders, and directives governing the state police including but not limited to discipline organization government administration training and compensation.
What rank shall the deputy superintendent be?
The rank should be a Lieutenant Colonel.
What shall the Deputy Superintendent be in the MSP?
Second in command of the mass state police.
Who designates the Lieutenant Colonel as a Deputy Superintendent?
The Superintendent/ the Colonel shall designate who it shall be.
What is the role of the Deputy Superintendent?
- To be second in charge of the State Police.
- shall exercise Authority and supervision over functions of the MSP as the Colonel May assign
- During the absence of or one so designated by the Colonel shall perform the official duties of the Colonel/Superintendent
Who appoints the staff officers?
The Colonel/Superintendent appoints them.
What are the duties of the staff officers?
They shall exercise authority and supervision over the functions of the mass state police as may be assigned.
The term staff officer shall include what ranks?
- Colonel/superintendent
- Lieutenant Colonel/deputy superintendent
- Lieutenant Colonel
- Major