Rubin's Liver (1) Flashcards
What is the basic unit of the liver?
Liver lobule (hexagon with portal triads at the angles)
“bile duct + hepatic artery + portal vein”
Portal triad
What is in the center of the liver acinus?
portal tract
What are the zones of the liver acinus?
Zone 1= most highly oxygenated zone arond the portal tracts
Zone 2= intermediate
Zone 3= surrounds central vein (poorly oxygenated)
Name the 3 cell types in the hepatic sinusoid?
Endothlail cells
Kupffer cells
Stellate cells
Function of stellate cells?
storage cells for fat and vitamins ADEK
Function of kupffer cells?
bone marrow derived phagocytes
What are the phases of hepatic regeneration?
Progression to mitosis
Nonparenchymal cells
Priming depends on…
TNF-alpha and IL-6
“reversible brain injury due to fre bilirubin toxicity in newborns”
:inherited disease that results in the absence of UGT”
Crigler- Najjar Syndrome
What are the symptoms of crigler- najjar?
Increased UCB
Usually fatal
Which type of crigler- najjar more severe (type I or type II)?
Type I (AR inheritance) but it is also more rare
“mildly low UGT activity leading to mild chronic unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia”
Gilbert Syndrome
Symptoms of Gilbert syndrome?
Increased UCB
Jaundice during stress