RTF Flashcards
“Let me know that you have received and understood this message.”
Meaning: AFFIRM
Meaning Approved
“Permission for proposed action granted”
Meaning: Break
“I hereby indicate the separation between portions of the message.”
Note: To be used where there is no clear distinction between the text and other portions of the message.
Meaning: break break
“I hereby indicate the separation between messages transmitted to different aircraft in a very busy environment.”
Meaning: Cancel
“Annul the previous transmitted clearance.”
Meaning: Check
“Examine a system or procedure.”
Note: Not to be used in any other context. No answer is normally expected.”
Meaning: Cleared
“Authorized to proceed under the conditions specified.”
Meaning: Confirm
Ï request verification of: (clearance, instruction, action, information).
Meaning: Contact
“Establish communication with…”
Meaning: CORRECT
True / Accurate
Meaning: Correction
“An error has been made in this transmission (or message indicated) The correct version is…”
Meaning: Disregard
Meaning: How do you read?
“What is the readability of my transmission?”
Meaning: I say again
“I repeat for clarity or emphasis.”
Meaning: Maintain
Continue in accordance with the condition(s) specified in its literal sense, e.g. “maintain VFR”.
Meaning: Monitor
“Listen out on (frequency).”
Meaning: Negative
“No” or “Permission not granted” or “That is not correct” or “Not capable”.
Meaning: Out
“This exchange of transmissions is ended and no response is expected.”
Note: Not normally used in VHF communications
Meaning: Over
“My transmission is ended and I expect a response from you.”
Note: Not normally used in VHF communications
Meaning: Read back
“Repeat all, or the specified part, of this message back to me exactly as received.”
Meaning: Recleared
“A change has been made to your last clearance and this new clearance supersedes your previous clearance or part thereof.”
Meaning: Report
“Pass me the following information…”
Meaning: Roger
“I should like to know… “ or “I wish to obtain…”
Meaning: Roger
“I have received all of your transmission.”
Meaning: say again
“Repeat all, or the following part, of your last transmission.”
Meaning: speak slower
“Reduce your rate of speech.”
Meaning: Standby
“Wait and I will call you.”
Note: The caller would normally re-establish contact if the delay is lengthy. STANDBY is not an approval or denial.
Meaning: Unable
“I cannot comply with your request, instruction, or clearance. “
Note: UNABLE is normally followed by a reason.
Meaning: Wilco
(Abbreviation for “will comply”)
Meaning: Words Twice
As a request
“Communication is difficult. Please send me every word or group of words twice.”
As information:
“Since communication is difficult, every word or group of words in this message will be sent twice.”
How to request start up at tower?
Tower, callsign, position, request startup. Information X, QNHXXXX
What are the sections of a taxi instruction or en route clearance
How to give an ATC clearance
Aircraft identification, cleared to (destination), via (first point or Sid), FLXXX, squawk XXXX, (conditions)
Build op conditional line-up clearance
Behind landing/dep XXX line-up RWYxx and wait, behind
Build up take off clearance
Callsign, traffic info+wind, RWYxx cleared for takeoff
How to cancel take-off
When not yet rolling: callsign, cancel take-off, I say again cancel take-off (reason)
When rolling: callsign, stop immediately, callsign stop immediately
How to give a landing clearance
Callsign, (traffic info) wind, RWYxx cleared to land
Instruction to enter runway and await take-off clearance
Call sign, line up RWYxx and wait
An example of an aerodrome traffic circuit
Callsign, tower, join left hand downwind RWYxx, report base
How to manage traffic in the traffic circuit?
-Continue downwind until advices
-extend downwind with xNM
-you are number x behind A/C on final, join base behind