ACFT Flashcards
To make a left hand turn, of the ailerons, which side goes up and which side goes down?
Left side goes up, right side goes down.
What colour has the navigation light on the right wing? And on the left wing?
Right: Front side green, back side white
Left: Front side red, back side white
What type of lights are red, flash, and are usually position on the top and bottom of the fuselage?
Beacon lights
What type of lights are white and flash at a regular interval?
Strobe lights
Name the 4 so-called “strokes” that an engine cylinder goes through in a 4-stroke cycle
- Intake
- Compression
- Combustion or Ignition + Power stroke
- Exhaust
Why are turboprop engines better suited for short-runway take-offs?
Turboprops are better at accelerating a large mass of air at lower speeds, compared to turbojets and turbofans
What is the function of a carburetor?
Mixing air with fuel
Which indicator(s) use(s) the input of the pitot tube?
Air speed indicator (ASI)
Mach meter
Which indicator(s) use(s) the input of the static port?
Air speed indicator (ASI)
Mach meter
Vertical speed indicator (VSI)
Which indicator(s) use(s) the input of the gyro?
Slip and turn indicator
Artificial horizon
Compass (heading indicator
What are the 4 wake turbulence categories?
Super (J) - A380
Heavy (H) - 136,000 kg or heavier
Medium (M) - between 7,000 kg and 136,000 kg
Light (L) - 7,000 kg or lighter
What are the 2 main types of drag?
- Parasitic drag
- Induced drag
In which two sub-groups can parasitic drag be divided?
- Profile drag
- Interference drag
In which two sub-groups can profile drag be divided?
- Form drag
- Skin friction
What type of drag is a byproduct of generating lift?
Induced drag
True or false:
Bernoulli’s principle states that if the speed of a flow increases, the pressure of the flow must also increase
False. An increase in speed results in a decrease in pressure, and vice versa
What are the primary flight contol surfaces of an airplane? And how does it move the airplane?
Ailerons - Rolling the airplane
Elevator - Pitching the aircraft
Rudder - Yawing the aircraft
What are the secondary flight contol surfaces of an airplane? And what function do they have?
Flaps - Increase surface area and maximum Angle of Attack (AoA).
Slats - Increase surface area and maximum Angle of Attack (AoA).
Spoilers - Increase drag and reduce lift.
Trim - Relieve the pilot of maintaining constant pressure on the flight controls.
What types of jet engines exist?
Turbofan (low-bypass)
Turbofan (high-bypass)
Turboshaft (helicopter)
Ramjet (Military jets)
Why are bypass jet engines better?
- Lower fuel consumption
- Quieter
Why does a helicopter have a tail rotor?
To counter the torque created by the main rotor
What is the transition point on an aerofoil? And the separation point?
The transition point where the laminar airflow becomes turbulent
The separation point when the airflow detaches from the wing
What are the 3 (4) aerofoils on an airplane?
-Vertical Stabilizer
-Horizontal stabilizer
What is the function of a winglet?
Reducing drag and wingtip vortices
Why does the center of gravity (CoG) change during flight?
- Fuel is used
- Passengers move around
- Changing seat after boarding
What are the 4 forces acting on an airplane
- Gravity - Opposite of lift
- Lift - Opposite of gravity
- Thrust - Opposite of drag
- Drag - opposite of thrust
If thrust > drag, the aircraft accelerates till thrust = drag (balanced)
Lift formula?
Lift = CL * 1/2 * ρ * V2 * S
CL = AoA and wing shape
ρ = Density
V = Speed
S = Wing surface area
Jet engines, asside from thurst, also provide?
- Electricity
- Hydraulic power
- Pneumatical pressure (cabin)
- Bleed air for anti-icing
Name the 5 stages that an jet engine goes through
- Air intake
- Compression (between 40:1 / 55:1)
- Compressed air mixed with fuel + ignition with constant flame (600/900 degrees Celsius)
- Hot air passed through turbine (drives the compressor)
- Hot air pushed out
Name the 2 types of aircraft engines
- Piston engines
- Jet engines
Force formula?
Force = M * A
M = Mass
A = Acceleration
At what angle are the flaps extended during take-off?
And landing?
- Take-off: 10-15 degrees
- Landing: 30-45 degrees
3 types of slats?
- Fixed slot
- Movable slat
- Leading edge flap
4 types of flaps?
- Plain flap
- Split flap
- Slotted flap
- Fowler flap
What should a controller do when he/she is informed of a terrain warning?
Confirm the appropriate altimeter setting and NEVER ask a pilot to stop the climb
What is top of climb (TOC)?
The moment, right after climbing, where the highest cruising altitude is achieved
What is top of descent (TOD)?
The optimum point for commencement of descent, usually given by the flight management system (FMS)
What are the 3 aviation fuels?
AVGAS (aka 100LL) - highly refined kerosene for piston engines
JET A1 - unleaded kerosene for modern commercial airliners
JET B - naptha-kerosene blend for cold weather (dangerous to handle)
When is the highest demand on the hydraulic system?
When the landing gear is retracted or lowered
Fill in (increase or decrease):
Anhedral wings … lateral stability
Dihedral wings … lateral stability
Anhedral wings decrease lateral stability
Dihedral wings increase lateral stability
What is the airbus cheat?
Airbus aircraft use the ailerons as speedbrakes by moving them upwards on both sides