RSV Flashcards
RSV infection produces mild ________ like symptoms and they recover in a week or two some cases of RSV can be serious especially in infants and older adults and those specifics showed also sometimes required hospitalization
Symptoms of RSV Typically show after 4 to 6 days after getting infected
Symptoms appear in stages and not all at once in very young infants with RSV of note the only symptoms that will be seen by caregivers may be irritability, decreased __________ and _________difficulties
decreased activity
breathing difficulties
Almost all children will have RSV infection by their second birthday so its important when we see those cold like symptoms no matter who the pt is we manage those as best we can at home so managing fever and pain with over the counter medications making sure that we are reminding our patients to drink enough fluids or to give enough fluids to prevent dehydration.
In healthy adults and infants effected with RSV do not usually need to be hospitalized but some people especially older adults and infants younger than _____ months of age maybe…especially if they are having trouble breathing or are dehydrated and in the most severe cases a person might require additional oxygen or IV fluids that’s if they can’t eat or drink enough or incubation meaning they will have a breathing tube inserted through the mouth and down to the airway with mechanical ventilation and machine to help them breathe…in most of these cases hospitalization is only a few days long
younger 6 months
People who are infected with RSV are usually contagious for _____ to ______ days and may become contagious a day or two before they start showing signs of illness however some infants and some people with weakened immune systems can continue to spread the virus even after they stop showing the symptoms and for as long as 4 weeks so its important that especially during the fall and winter seasons when we know that there is more likelihood for flu transmission or covid transmission or rsv transmission…
that whenever we are around people we cover our coughs and sneezes because those virus droplets that are in cough and sneezes are what transmit the virus into someone else’s ________and into their nose or ________
3 to 8 days
We don’t always know who has RSV so its important to limit direct contact especially during those times of the year
Children are often times exposed to and then infected with RSV outside of the homes such as in school or _________ centers and its then that they come home and transmit the virus to other members of the family
RSV can survive for many hours on tables or grip rails and it typically lives on soft surfaces such as tissues or hands for shorter amounts of time so keeping our hands washed, doing it regularly and washing for at least ________ seconds at a time especially if we are touching any surfaces that potentially could have the virus on it like a doorknob and then we touch our faces before washing so washing our hands before we are touching ourselves so as we said prevention is always key and as pharmacist this is a big deal for us
wash hands for 20 seconds
Currently CDC recommends a single dose of any FDA licensed RSV vaccine for all adults ages 75 and older and adults ages 60-74 who are at increased risk of RSV and those people might be people who fall in categories such as people with certain chronic medical conditions those who are _____ or frail and those living in ________homes
nursing homes
You can tell pts that they can get RSV vaccination at anytime of the year but we are in the window right now where its peak flu, peak COVID, peak RSV season so the best time to vaccinate is right now so late summer to early fall before RSV usually starts to spread in the community*…right now its NOT a _______vaccination
not a yearly vaccination
RSV is NOT a yearly vaccination so you can tell your patients when they come in that they will get 1 and then they are done…further RSV vaccination is also recommended in pregnancy and it takes place during weeks 32 through 36 and its administered September through January in most parts of the United States
________ vaccine is only RSV vaccine recommended during pregnancy
Monoclonal antibody products…provides an _______ layer of defense that helps fight RSV…protection antibodies provide though wanes over time and these products are NOT treatments for a child that already has RSV infection
Nirsevimab is preferred by the American academy of pediatrics (AAP) over palivizumab because of its ________,___________, and convenience so there are recommendations for Beyfortus that are given for certain infants and for certain times of the year specifically during or entering RSV season and it is preferred over Palivizumab
efficacy, duration
Adults 50 and older are recommended to have any of the RSV vaccines