Hospital pharmacy part 4 Flashcards
Trissel’s IV compatibility is found at Lexicomp…can search medication or medications into different solutions or a medication and an IV fluid that needs to be run at the same time and they see if they are compatible
Modified release tablet or extended release tablet should not be crushed
Different medications need to be packaged differently in a hospital because we are monitoring what medications pts are taking while they are in hospital and giving it based on these medication orders
Single pt use preferred: one pt per one medication
_______dose: one pill or one tablet put into one little blister pack, we need to have brand name, dosage, NDC #, lot #, and expiration date, don’t need pt’s name
Unit dose
Manufacturer, serial number for bottle,bar code to scan
_____________ is used to reduce medication errors, right medication, right dose,right strength prior to administering
Bar code scanning
In EHR such as Epic, physician will place order, nurses will receive order and will pull medication
Unit dose liquid medication, dose is measured in cup and then nurse just has to give to the pt
How are medications delivered to pt care areas? Cart/cassette fills…_______________ usually do this or like smaller institutions can do this where they are less pts…cart has pts drawers in it so each drawer would have a pt’s name and that pt specific drawer would be filled with that pt’s medication
nursing homes
Automated dispensing machines more commonly seen in hospitals
Two brands are pyxis and Omnicell…allows medications to be readily available up on pt’s floors, in the operating rooms, recovery rooms
Nurse can type in the pt’s name, after loggin in with their credentials or finger scanner so it allows restricted access to these machines but also allows nurses to have these machines readily available…they don’t have to wait an extended amount of time for meds to come up…these machines are filled at regular intervals, stored within a medication room and also have the availability to control and track distribution can see when med was pulled by nurse and see EHR and see when nurse administered med
Pyxis has a barcode scanner, computer screen, drawers that pop open, refrigerator machine where meds need to be refrigerated like insulin, there’s a tower which if there is any larger medications like bottles of magnesium citrate or IV medication because they are bit bulkier, not every med is available just the medication they need the nurse will have access to which is a great way to control access
Omnicell, has drawers for oral medications, has drawers for larger medications as well, computer screen, has a fingerprint scan