RPS Scram Signals COPY Flashcards
What is the Turbine Stop Valve Closure RPS trip setpoint?
1) 3 Turbine Stop Valves less than 95% open will produce a Reactor Scram 2) 2 Turbine Stop Valves less than 95% may produce a ½ Scram
What is required to bypass the Turbine Stop Valve Closure RPS trip signal?
Less than 38% Reactor Power
What is the basis for the Turbine Stop Valve Closure RPS trip signal?
1) Ensures MCPR Safety Limit is not exceeded on a Reactor Scram 2) This is the primary Scram after a Turbine Trip
What is the Turbine Control Valve Closure RPS trip setpoint?
Less than 530 psig Emergency Trip System(ETS) pressure
What is required to bypass the Turbine Control Valve Closure RPS Trips signal?
Less than 38% Reactor Power
What is the basis for the Turbine Control Valve Closure RPS trip signal?
1) Ensures MCPR Safety Limit is not exceeded on a Reactor Scram 2) This is the primary Scram after a Generator Load Reject
What is the Scram Discharge Volume High Level RPS trip setpoint?
Level greater than 67%
What is required to bypass the Scram Discharge Volume High Level RPS trip signal?
Mode Switch in REFUEL or SHUTDOWN with Instrument Volume High Scram Bypass switches in bypass
What is the basis for the Scram Discharge Volume High Level RPS trip signal?
Insufficient volume to accept displaced water, control rod insertion would be hindered
What is the MSIV Closure RPS trip setpoint?
1) 3 Main Steam Isolation Valves less than 92% open will produce a Reactor Scram 2) 2 Main Steam Isolation Valves less than 92% open may cause a ½ Scram
What is required to bypass the MSIV Closure RPS trip signal?
Mode Switch not in RUN
What is the basis for the MSIV Closure RPS trip signal?
1) Anticipation of a complete loss of the normal heat sink 2) Reduces the amount of energy required to be absorbed, and along with the actions of ECCS ensures fuel PCT less than or equal to 2200F
What is the High Drywell Pressure RPS trip setpoint?
1.68 psig in the Drywell
What is required to bypass the High Drywell Pressure RPS trip signal?
What is the basis for the High Drywell Pressure RPS trip signal?
Minimize the possibility of fuel damage and to reduce the amount of energy being added to the coolant and the Drywell
What is are the APRM Neutron Monitoring RPS trip signals?
1) APRM Flux Setdown-15% 2) APRM Flux HI-118% 3) APRM Flow Thermal Power High-Greater than .628 x Recirc Flow + 61% clamped at 111% 4) APRM INOP
What is the basis for the APRM Flux Setdown RPS trip signal?
Nothing specific in the Safety Analysis
What is the basis for the APRM Flux Hi RPS trip signal?
Terminates the Main Steam Isolation Valve closure event and, along with Safety Relief Valves limits Reactor Pressure to less than the ASME code limits
What is the basis for the APRM Flow Thermal Power RPS Trip signal?
Provides protection against transients where thermal power increases slowly (such as the
loss of feedwater heating event) and protects the fuel cladding integrity by ensuring that the MCPR Safety Limit is not exceeded
What is required to bypass the APRM Flux Setdown RPS trig signal?
Mode Switch in RUN
What is required to bypass the APRM Flux High and APRM Flow Thermal Power High RPS trig signals?
Mode Switch NOT in RUN
What three OPRM monitoring functions produce RPS trip signals?
Period, Growth, and Amplitude
What is the basis for the OPRM RPS trip signals?
Provides protection from exceeding MCPR Safety Limit
What are the IRM Neutron Monitoring RPS trip signals?
1) 120/125 2) IRM INOP
What is required to bypass the IRM Neutron Monitoring RPS trip signals?
Mode Switch in RUN
What is the basis for the IRM Neutron Monitoring(120/125) RPS trip signal?
Mitigates the neutron flux excursion due to control rod withdrawal errors keeping energy depositions below the 170 cal/gm fuel failure threshold.
What are the SRM Neutron Monitoring RPS trip signals?
1) 2E5 cps 2) INOP
What is required to bypass the SRM Neutron Monitoring RPS trip signals?
Shorting links installed
What is the High Reactor Pressure RPS trip setpoint?
1065 psig in the Reactor Vessel
What is required to bypass the High Reactor Pressure RPS trip signal?
What is the basis for the High Reactor Pressure RPS trip signal?
Initiates a scram for transients that result in a pressure increase, counteracting the pressure increase by rapidly reducing Reactor Power.
What is the Low Reactor Water Level RPS trip setpoint?
Reactor Water Level 3( 178 inches)
What is required to bypass the Low Reactor Water Level RPS trip signal?
Mode Switch in Shutdown with the Level 3 Scram Bypass Switches in BYPASS
What is the basis for the Low Reactor Water Level RPS trip signal?
The Reactor Scram reduces the amount of energy required to be absorbed and along with ECCS fuel Peak Central Temperature less than or equal to 2200F
What is the High Reactor Water Level RPS trip setpoint?
Reactor Water Level 8( 219 inches)
What is required to bypass the HIgh Reactor Water Level RPS trip signal?
Mode Switch NOT in RUN
What is the basis for the High Reactor Water Level RPS trip signal?
Ensures The MCPR Safety Limit is not exceeded as a result of a feedwater level control problem admitting large amounts of relatively cold water.
What are the Manual RPS trip signals?
1) ARM and DEPRESS 2) Mode Switch taken to SHUTDOWN
What is required to bypass the Manual RPS trip signals?
What is the basis for the Manual RPS trip signals?
Not specifically credited in the accident analysis, but required by the NRC in the approved licensing basis