Reactor Level Setpoints/Actuations and Basis Flashcards
What functions occur at Level 8(219”)?
1) Reactor Scram 2) Main Turbine trips 3) Reactor Feed Pump Turbines trip 4) Motor Feed Pump trips 5) HPCS Injection Valve, E22-F004, closes 6) RCIC Steam Isolation valve, E51-F045, closes
What function occurs at Level 7(205”)?
High level alarm
What function occurs at Level 5(201”)?
Normal operating band
What functions occur at Level 4(197”)?
1) Low level alarm 2) Reactor Recirc FCV runback coincident with a RFPT trip to 17% valve position equal to 48 Mlbm/hr.
What functions occur at Level 3(178”)?
1) Reactor Scram 2) Reactor Recirc Pumps shift to slow speed 3) RHR Shutdown Cooling isolates(NS4) 4) ADS confirmatory signal 5) Setpoint Setdown activated
What functions occur at Level 2(130”)?
1) HPCS starts 2) RCIC starts 3) Division 3 Diesel starts 4) NS4 BOP Isolation 5) Reactor Recirc Pumps trip off 6) RWCU isolates
What is the basis for the Level 8 Reactor Scram? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Stop positive reactivity addition to the Reactor 2) Narrow Range
What is the basis for the Level 8 Main Turbine Trip? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Avoid carryover and damage to the Main Turbine 2) Narrow Range
What is the basis for the Level 8 Reactor Feed Pump Turbine and Motor Feed Pump trip? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Avoid overfeeding the vessel 2) Narrow Range
What is the basis for the Level 8 closure of the HPCS Injection Valve, E22-F004? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Avoid overfeeding the vessel 2) Narrow Range
What is the basis for the Level 8 closure of the RCIC Steam Isolation Valve, E51-F045? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Avoid overfeeding the vessel 2) Narrow Range/Wide Range
What is the basis for the Level 7 annunciator? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Alert the operator of a problem 2) Narrow Range
What is the basis for the Level 5 normal operating band? What instrument range is utilized?
1) The normal operating band prevents carryover/carryunder 2) The normal band provides adequate NPSH for the Reactor Recirc Pumps 3) Narrow Range
What is the basis for the Level 4 annunciator? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Alerts the operator of a problem 2) Narrow Range
What is the basis for the Level 4 Reactor Recirc Flow Control Valve Runback concurrent with a RFPT trip? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Reduce reactor power to allow the running RFPT to handle the feed demand 2) Narrow Range
What is the basis for the Level 3 Reactor Scram? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Avoid carryunder 2) Narrow Range
What is the basis for the Level 3 Reactor Recirc Pump Downshift? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Low NPSH for the Reactor Recirc Pumps 2) Narrow Range
What is the basis for the Level 3 RHR Shutdown Cooling Isolation? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Isolates possible source of leakage 2) Narrow Range
What is the basis for the Level 3 ADS confirmatory signal? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Allows Level 1 signal to actuate ADS 2) Narrow Range
What is the basis for the Level 3 Setpoint Setdown activation? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Setpoint Setdown activates at Level 3 to lower the level setpoint to prevent overfeeding the vessel reestablishing level 2) Narrow Range
What is the basis for the Level 2 HPCS and RCIC initiation? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Recover vessel inventory prior to Level 1 2) Wide Range
What is the basis for the Level 2 Division 3 Diesel Generator start? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Division 3 Diesel is started in preparation for loading the bus 2) Wide Range
What is the basis for the Level 2 NS4 BOP isolation? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Anticipates a possible LOCA 2) Wide Range
What is the basis for the Level 2 trip of Reactor Recirc pumps? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Inserts negative reactivity for an ATWS 2) Wide Range
What is the basis for the Level 2 isolation of RWCU? What instrument range is utilized?
1) Isolates a possible source of leakage 2) Wide Range