RP osteoporosis Flashcards
what are some key risk factors for osteoporosis?
postmenopausal women
men over 50
long term oral corticosteroids (glucocorticoids)
low BMI
history of fractures
what lifestyle chages can reduce risk of osteoporosis?
increase exercise
smoking cessation
maintain ideal BMI
reduce alcohol intake
sufficient intake of vit D and calcium
when do you review bisphosphonates?
5 years
3 years for zoledronic
what female pts need bisphosphonates for osteoporosis prophylaxis when starting glucocorticoids?
- 70yrs+
- previous fragility fracture
- large doses (7.5mg pred or above)
do all males pts over 70 need bisphosphonates for osteoporosis prophylaxis?
no, only if previous fragility fractue or large dose
what are the 3 MHRA warning s for bisphosphonates?
- atypical femoral fractures: report any thigh hip or groin pain
- osteonecrosis of the jaw
- osteonecrosis of external auditory canal
how long do you need to leave before eating something after taking risedronate?
2 hours
what are the natural and synthetic oestrogens?
natiral = estradoil
synthetic = ethinylestradoil
what activity does tibolone have?
oestrogenic, progestoegenic and weakly androgenic
when do you give osetrogens with progesterone?
in women who still have a uterus
what symptoms can oestrogens allevitate?
vaginal atrophy (topical)
vasomotor instability (systemic)
also reduce postmenopausal osteoporosis
what an alternative drug to manage menopause sympomts - note not 1st line due to lots of SE
what are the cancer risks of HRT?
increased risk of breast cancer, endometrial cance,r ovarian cancer
is breast cancer risk higher with oestrogen only or oestrogen and progesterone?
higher with combined
how long does the risk of breast cancer last once someone has stopped taking HRT?
10 years