Rotter Flashcards
interactionist view
personality is a set of potentials for responding to meaningful environment –> cannot talk about the person independent of the person’s env bc personality is a set of potentials that prepare ppl to respond to the env in certain ways
–> the meaning of our env is determined by past learning experiences –> what happened in the past influences how you will respond in the present
social learning theory
Personality is an interaction of both the individual and the environment; thus, personality is learned/developed over time through experiences in life and is somewhat stable.
-excludes non-psychological concepts –> personality is not just internal characteristics we carry around with us
-personality is a set of potentials for reacting to social situations
-people are always continuously changing with new experiences
-behavior is not just overt motor action –> behavior = words, thoughts, emotions, verbalizations, & facial expressions
behavior potential
The likelihood that a particular behavior is going to occur in a given situation in relation to a particular reinforcer/outcome
–> BP = f (E & RV)
–>low BP = unlike to engage in behavior
–>high BP = likely to engage in behavior
–>a function of expectancy and RV
–>we have several BPs in any situation (ie.., many possible actions and outcomes/reinforcers)
–>we act in accordance with the strongest BP bc we are always seeking to maximize reinforcement
expectancy (E)
The subjective idea about the probability that the behavior will lead to a particular reinforcer in a given situation, as determined by our previous experiences
–>subjective bc we do not always have an accurate pic about how likely an outcome is
–>determined by previous experiences (failure = lowers E, success = raises E)
E’ (E prime)
most specific expectancy, based on prior experience in that exact situation
generalized expectancy (GE)
Expectancy based on experiences in similar situations - 2 dimensions:
–>physical characteristics* of situation/setting
–>perceived similarity** of situation/psychological meaning
reinforcement value (RV)
Degree of preference for an outcome to occur if probabilities of outcomes occurring are equal
–>there are many potential reinforcers in any situation, but ppl differ in their values placed on them –> RV of the same behavior differs depending on the individual’s experience in the past
–>reinforcements are not isolated, always tied to future reinforcers, as we derive some value from later outcomes (e.g., A in class tied to going to PhD program)
psychological situation
Individual differences in how situations are perceived, including the type of and preference for reinforcers available and the appropriate behaviors for obtaining reinforcement.
-ppl have different ideas about what reinforcers they want and how they will get those reinforceres
-not a measurable variable, is a part of all of Rotter’s variables
cross-situational groups of potentials related to obtaining same or similar sets of reinforcers
NP = f (FM & NV)
need potential (NP)
the sum of many BPs; the likelihood of exhibiting a class of behaviors to get a set of goals
freedom of movement
the average of many expectancies (Es); the likelihood learned behaviors will result in a class of reinforcers; FM = how likely is it that ppl can meet that need?
need value
sum of many RVs; desirability of a group of reinforcers - how important is it to the person?
irreal behavior
illogical or unrealistic behavior that distorts reality; achieve goals through fantasy and defense –> using fantasy as a defense to get what you want –> done when you feel like you cannot obtain goals thru real action –> symptoms of pathology
minimal goal
least reinforcement that is still satisfaction/positive (slightly more positive than neutral); least acceptable satisfaction
psychopathology (Rotter)
-root cause = high NV & low FM –> avoidance or irreal behaviors to reduce tension –> vicious cycle
-too high MGs or goals in conflict
-external locus of control
-irrationally low E = incorrect GEs –> base perceptions of yourself on past experiences that may not be relevant anymore
response expectancy (Kirsch)
anticipation of automatic, subjective response to a situational cue
–> belief itself determines whether you have that response (i.e., belief directly causes expected response)
–> belief about lack of control leads to less control
–> merely trying to suppress RE –> more likely to have a dreaded response
–>, e.g., placebo effect = RE –> belief that the med will work makes you have that response