Roots, stems, leaves & the basics 🍃 Flashcards
the part of a plant which attaches it to the soil, typically underground, which takes up water and nutrients
fibrous root system
a root system with a lot of small roots
taproot system
a root system with one primary (main) root and with secondary roots
the process of the movement of water from a location with a high concentration of water to a location with a low concentration of water through a selectively permeable membrane
root hair
hair-like extensions of a root to increase its surface area
dead cells which facilitate (make possible) the transport of water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves
living cells that facilitate transport from the leaves to the stem and the roots
outer layer of a root
parenchyma cells
cells in the roots that store food
central part of a plant that keeps it upright and connects roots and leaves/flowers/fruits
woody plants
plants and trees that have a lot of wood in their stems
plants with almost no wood in their stems; they need water to stay upright
petiole/leaf stalk
the (leaf) stalk that attaches the leaf (blade) to the stem
the place where the petiole is attached to the stem
axillary bud
a bud found between the stem and leaf where new leaves grow out
part of the stem between two nodes
terminal bud
a bud at the end of the stem where the stem grows
leaf scar
place where the petiole was attached to the stem
vascular bundle
xylem and phloem vessels organised together (in a bundle)
the stem of a tree (woody plant)
outer layer of a trunk
the outer layer of a trunk (cork) and the layer of phloem together
a layer of dividing cells between the phloem and the xylem of a trunk
young xylem
older xylem, no longer in function of transportation
springwood or early wood
the layer of the trunk produced in the beginning of the season
summerwood or late wood
the layer of the trunk produced later in the season
annual ring
one layer of springwood and summerwood together
green substance in chloroplasts needed for photosynthesis
little opening in the (lower) surface of a leaf
the flat expanded part of a leaf
the vascular bundles (organised vessels of xylem and phloem) running through a blade of a leaf
waxy layer
a thin waterproof layer of a leaf
evaporation (loss) of water through the stomata
guard cells
the two cells forming the pore called stoma
limiting factors
something that prevents the photosynthesis from going faster (like temperature)
a factor in the right amount/level (like the perfect temperature to grow)
life cycle
the series of changes that a living organism undergoes from the start of its life until it dies
annual plant
a plant with a life cycle of 1 year
biennial plant
a plant with a life cycle of 2 years
perennial plant
a plant with a life cycle of more than 2 years