Chapter 4 keywords Flashcards
Endoskeleton/ internal skeleton
A skeleton that is found on the inside of an animals body
Exoskeleton/ external skeleton
A skeleton that covers the animal
to moult
When an animal sheds its old exoskeleton and grows a new bigger one
Hydrostatic skeleton
A skeleton made of water
Skeletal system
The organ system that consists of all the bones in the human body
the bones in your spine (backbones)
Spinal cord
An important part of the nervous system that runs through the middle of the spine
A soft, flexible material in the skeleton
Intervertebral discs
cartilage discs between the different vertebrae
The position on which u hold your body when you are standing, sitting or laying down
Double S-shape
The special shape of the spine which looks like the two times letter S, one on the top of the other
Compact bone
hard of bone tissue found on the outer part of the bone
spongy bone
softer bone tissue found inside the bone
tough outer layer of a bone where new bone cells are made to renew the bone and make it wider
material inside the bone which produces blood cells
bone component for strength
bone component for flexibility
a bone disease in older people where one slowly loses bone tissue which make the bones break easier
cells in the periosteum which break down old or damaged bone
Cells in the periosteum which make new bone
Growth plate
A special layer of cartilage cells inside the head of each long bone which help grow a bone to make it longer
The plate where bones connect
Cartilaginous joint
Slightly movable joint held together by cartilage
Fibrous joint
Immovable joint held together by strong fibrous tissue
Thick membranes that cover the openings between the skull bones of a baby
a special type of fibrous joint only found in the skull, which forms a connection between the skull and bones
Synovial joint
Freely movable joint held together by ligaments
Strong band of connective tissue that attaches a bone to another bone in a synovial joint
Synovial membrane
A tissue inside a synovial joint which makes synovial fluid
Synovial fluid
slippery fluid inside a synovial joint which acts as grease for the joint; it reduces friction and keeps the joint moving smoothly
Hinge joint
type of synovial joint that can move just like a hinge on a door
type of synovial joint that can move in almost every possible direction
Pivot joint
Type of synovial joint that allows the bones to roll around each other
Voluntary muscle/ skeletal muscle
Type of muscle that you can control at will; it is attached to your skeleton
A tough band of tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone
Involuntary muscle/ smooth muscle
type of muscle that you cannot control at will; it covers the walls of internal organs
Cardiac muscle
A special type of involuntary muscle that is only found in your heart
Fast-twitch fibres
fast- contracting muscle fibers which tire very quickly but are not very strong
Slow-twitch fibres
slow-contracting muscle fibers which do not tire very quickly, but are not very strong
Antagonistic muscle pairs
A skeletal muscle pair that works together to make movement possible
Sports-related injuries
injuries to your joints, muscles or bones which u can get while participating in sports
A joint injury in which a ligament in the joint overstretches and sometimes tears caused by bending a joint beyond its normal limits
Dislocated bone
A joint injury where lots of ligaments are overstretched or torn and the bone moves out of its place
Soccer knee
A serious injury in which cartilage inside the knee joint between the femur and the tibia (meniscus) tears
Muscle cramp
A sudden and involuntary contraction of one or more of your muscles
Pulled muscle
Injury in which you overstretch or tear muscle tissue
Injury in which one or more bones are broken
Warming-up exercise
An exercise that warms up and brings oxygen to your ligaments, tendons and muscles before you start the real exercise
Cooling-down exercise
An exercise that lets your heart rate slow down gradually and helps to remove waste products from your muscles
Stretching exercise
An exercise that helps to improve your flexibility and posture