Ronsard- 'Les Amours' Flashcards
Amours 5- poet takes the active role, repetitive use of ‘je’
j’égale, ‘j’adore’
Amours 5- hyperbole in the second quatrain
heureus cent fois
Amours 5- ends with focus on the poet himself rather than Cassandra (passion of Christ reference)
removes his own heart and pins it with nails of fire ‘clous de feu’ onto ‘le froid de la glace’
Amours 12- reference to Prometheus, sees himself as a hero, heroic martyrdom
un Promethée en passions je suis,/et pour aymer perdant toute puissance
Amours 12- Trojan war reference? liking being free but wanting to be captured
J’ayme estre libre, et veulx estre captif
Sonnet 16- what happens at the volta of this poem?
(turning around of the tercets and quatrains) the lover disappears from the tercets and the poet’s pain becomes foreground
Sonnet 16- turns himself into elements of nature, love as a human weakness
Je veulx changer mes pensers en oyseaux,/Mes deux souspirs en zéphyrs nouveaux
Sonnet 16- references her voice but blocks it out deliberately
la voix de ma Sereine
Sonnet 16- wants to turn himself into a statue/trunk? so he can’t respond to the siren’s call
Mes piedz en tronc
Sonnet 16- what does every stanza start with
Je veulx
Sonnet 16- purifying his heart?
Mon coeur en feu
Sonnet 16- flower as his work, importance of his own name, also includes a palindrome, appropriates femininity
Dessus le loyr enfanter un fleu,/Qui de mon nom et de mon mal soit peinte.
Sonnet 20- anaphora at the start of each stanza, confined to the imagination in the conditional tense
Je vouldroy bien
Sonnet 20- Cassandra as passive, he is possessive of her
‘ma belle Cassandre’, she receives ‘pluye d’or’ upon her breast and sleep is ‘glissant’ across her eyes
Sonnet 20- Jupiter metaphor, bull
finement la prendre
Sonnet 20- semantic field of transformation
‘jaunissant’, ‘me transformer’, ‘estre’
Sonnet 20- passive, contrasts with physical presence of Jupiter
aiser ma peine
Sonnet 20- theme of sexual desire
‘sein’, ‘prendre’, ‘ravissant’, ‘plonger’
Sonnet 20- turns from being Jupiter to Narcissus, fountain he can plunge into but also shows his own image
Estre un Narcisse, et elle une fontaine
Sonnet 20- link of flowers to literature
reference to his love as being amongst ‘mille fleurs’
Sonnet 129- eternal youth
printemps nouvelle
Sonnet 129- sense of her painting his art, comparison with April
Il peint les champs de dix mille couleurs,/Tu peins mes vers d’un long esmail de fleurs
major love poetry in 16th century France ‘all respond to Petrarch’s preoccupation with the poet’s inner experience’