Romans of Mid-Republic (Part 2) Flashcards
Who dedicated a small temple to Virgo Victoria after celebrating a triumph for his successful conquests in Spain?
Cato the Elder
Ironically the smallest of the seven hills of Rome, what hill was the focus of Roman religion by the Tarquins, which is perhaps why the early republicans were so resolute to defend it against the Gauls?
Capitoline Hill
Whose power as consul was put into question when he suffered a disaster against the Celtiberians and was sidelined in the peace negotiations for Tiberius Gracchus?
Gaius Hostilius Mancinus
Replacing Albinus as commander, who brought discipline and toughness on his troops, banning luxuries within the Roman camps and alarming Jugurtha?
Caecilius Metellus Numidicus
Who tried to expel both Glaucia and Saturninus from the senate until his own colleague Metellus Caprarius vetoed him?
Caecilius Metellus Numidicus
Faced by a crowd of Tiberius Gracchus’s supporters, what Roman said “I, who have seen Rome’s enemies in their full power in the field, am not going to be cowed by you, stepchildren of Rome”, when he did not condemn the murder of his brother-in-law?
Scipio Aemilianus
In a counter to Cato’s iconic “Carthago delenda est”, who instead finished his speeches with “Carthago servanda est”, an ironic twist since a member of his own family would destroy Carthage?
Scipio Nasica Corculum
Burned down and rebuilt in 83 BC by a Lutatius Catulus, what temple is dedicated to the best and greatest member of the Capitoline Triad?
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Said by Gaius Curio that they must be grounded and humble, it is typically the custom of what office to leave their house open as a refuge for all who need it as their power derives from the people?
With the promise of more profitable land, who lures the Ligurians out from the west coast of Lusitania into a treacherous Roman ambush which brought him great ire from Cato and other Romans?
Sulpicius Galba
Claiming that kings are naturally carnivorous beasts, who refused to meet with Eumenes II when he visited Rome?
Cato the Elder
Refusing to swear any oath administered by Saturninus, who was tried for treason and exiled from Rome?
Caecilius Metellus Numidicus
What former consul did Gaius Gracchus support for the Tribunate in 122 BC, although he won it himself?
Fulvius Flaccus
In 184 BC, the Scipios led a campaign for anyone but what man who eventually did win the censorship alongside Valerius Flaccus?
Cato the Elder
Leaving command in the hands of Rutilius Rufus, who was forced back to Rome after Gaius Marius spread rumors of his negligence against Jugurtha?
Caecilius Metellus Numidicus
Although it was wholly destroyed by a fire in 52 BC, what law court was the first of its kind and built by Cato the Elder?
Basilica Porcia
Who spread rumors that Numidicus was prolonging the war with Jugurtha for personal glory, paving the way for his own consulship and command of Africa in 107 BC?
In an emulation of Furius Camillus, who rebuilt the Temple of Concord after the death of his opponent Gaius Gracchus?
Flamininus’s dissolution of what confederation of Greek states from Macedonian control did not shake Philip V’s control over Greece leading up to the Second Macedonian War?
Achaean League
As evidenced by their name, what Spanish people were influenced by Gallic culture and were ferocious fighters trained in guerilla warfare?
Whose triumph did Sulpicius Galba attempt to block in 168 BC following his victory over the Macedonians at Pydna?
Aemilius Paullus
Stone pillars bearing the names Appius Claudius, Publius Licinius, and what tribune pay tribute to that man’s land reforms even after his death?
Tiberius Gracchus
Scipio Aemilianus went missing and Cato the Younger losing his sword both occured during the Third Macedonian War in what battle of 168 BC?
What Greek historian was brought to Rome by Aemilius Paullus to tutor his sons including Scipio Aemilianus?
What Roman general believed that he was doing a favor for Tiberius Gracchus in destryong the Celtiberians, but in reality repudiated his peace deal and damaged his reputation?
Scipio Aemilianus
With Gaius Gracchus instituting a law against issuing citizens to death without a trial, what consul of 132 BC was retroactively forced into exile?
Following the battle of Cynoscephalae, Philip V was never able to see his plans for revenge come to pass. What son succeeded Philip V and leads Macedonia in the Third Macedonian War?
His death a “massive loss” to Latin Literature according to Cicero, who employed a slave to sound a flute when he grew too empassioned, a stark contrast from his levelheaded brother Tiberius?
Gaius Gracchus
Identify both the speaker and the addressee of the following quote translated from Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita: “Will we forbid women the use of purple? And although you, a man, are allowed to use pruple for the blanket on your bed, will you not allow your wife to have a purple cloak? Even your horse will be more beautifully arrayed than your wife is clothed.”
Lucius Valerius Flaccus to Cato the Elder
In 150 BC, Carthage invades what man’s territory unsuccessfully just before his death and lands bequeathed to his sons?
Said by Plutarch to be the most affectionate father in Rome, who nevertheless put his own two sons up for adoption including the man who would destroy Carthage once and for all?
Aemilius Paullus
Before marrying Sulla after her first husband’s death, Caecilia Metella married what money grubbing consul who celebrated a triumph after campaigning against the Ligurians as consul in 115 BC?
Aemilius Scaurus
What Roman general rescued Sulpicius Galba from the rallying Lusitanians?
Who accused Lucius Quinctius Flamininus of relations with a catamite and removed him from the senate?
Cato the Elder
When Flamininus demanded the Bithynian king Prusias surrender him to Rome, who instead decided to commit suicide in 183 BC?
After successfully executing his brother Demetrius on a charge for treason, who succeeded his father Philip V as leader of the Macedonian forces?
What man, put in charge of impeding the Antiochus III from invading Italy, defeated the Seleucids at Thermopylae in 191 BC?
With embassies in Africa and Asia, “the whole world was ruled, almost by” what man’s nod who most famously used his power against Appuleius Saturninus?
Aemilius Scaurus
When Antiochus IV asked for time to decide his course of action in Egypt, who drew a circle around the Seleucid king and told him to leave once he had decided?
Popillius Laenas
After fighting in Spain, Scipio Aemilianus next goes to Africa to aid what old friend of Scipio Africanus in his feud with Carthage?
In 189 BC, Cato ran for censor against what man, his old commander at the battle of Thermopylae, although neither were elected?
What town in the Liris valley rebelled against Rome until it was quelled by Lucius Opimius?
A temple in the Forum Boarium was erected for what man’s military campaigns in Spain and Sardinia?
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus
Perhaps because of his namesake common-sense wisdom, what man was brought to Rome by Flaccus from Tarentum?
Cato the Elder
By simply saying there were no witnesses, who was able to defend himself against Quintus Varius on charges of inciting revolts in Italy, only for the accuser to be indicted on the same charges?
Aemilius Scaurus
What consul of 115 BC, whose ego was bruised by the sedentary praetor Publius Decius, forbade flagrant displays of wealth, amended the voting rights of feedmen, and constructed a highway connecting the Viae Postumia and Aurelia?
Aemilius Scaurus
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus constructed a basilica bearing his name at the site of the house of what earlier Roman general?
Scipio Africanus
Despite never reaching the the office of quaestor, who won the consulship of 198 BC before setting out for Greece with his brother Lucius to fight Philip in the Second Macedonian War?
Titus Quinctius Flamininus
On a hill resembling a dog’s head, where did Flamininus defeat Philip V in 197 BC?
Scipio Aemilianus added a new unofficial agnomen to his name after besieging what Celtiberian stronghold?
Bringing fresh figs after just a 3 day journey from Carthage, who demanded that Carthage’s size and wealth must not be tolerated and must be destroyed?
Cato the Elder
Military tribune under Claudius Marcellus, governor of Tarentum, and the leader of a Roman colony in Narnia are among the accomplishments of what rather young consul of 198 BC?
Titus Quinctius Flamininus
Whose literary and philosophical studies in his exile continued in his return to Rome brought about by the tribune Calidus when he befriended the poet Archias?
Caecilius Metellus Numidicus
In his role as praetor in 180 BC, who so suprised the Spaniards with an equitable peace deal that lasted 25 years rather than the avarice they were used to?
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus
When Gaius Gracchus issued a law banning people from holding a subsequent office after they were removed from office, who convinced him to repeal it?
Too popular for the aedileship, what man became consul in 147 BC to continue the Third Punic War in Africa?
Scipio Aemilianus
Unlike Sulpicius Galba years earlier, who actually fulfilled his promise to settle Lusitanians on more profitable land even after causing the death of their leader Viriathus?
Gnaeus Servilius Caepio
Rather than fight in Macedon due to his presence at Pydna, what man instead fights in Spain under Licinius Lucllus where he earned the corona muralis?
Scipio Aemilianus
At what battle of 168 BC did Aemilius Paullus defeat Perseus in the Third Macedonian War?
Who was told to leave the makeshift circle in sand drawn by Popillius Laenas once he made his decision in Egypt?
Antiochus IV
When he abandoned his books on financial records in his role as Quaestor under Mancinus, who returned to Spain in a warm welcome from the Celtiberians?
Tiberius Gracchus
A cultured philhellene, what Roman occupied Thebes with his words and charm en route to freeing Greece from Philippian control?
Titus Quinctius Flamininus
Who told her sons that she did not want to be remembered as the daughter of Scipio, but as the mother of Tiberius and Gaius?
Diophorus of Mytilene and Blossius of Cumae were among the tutors of what Roman who earned the corona muralis in 146 BC at Carthage?
Tiberius Gracchus
The Tablet of Bembo outlines the legislation of what Roman tribune who garnered the support of the Equites against the senate?
Gaius Gracchus
Having escaped the massacre of his comrades by Sulpicius Galba, what Lustianian shepherd grew to become a formidable war leader as the “first national hero of Portugal”?
Corporations benefitted by tax farming and the judgment of conduct of provincial governors were under the power of what Roman class of knights?
With what king had Aemilius Scaurus been an advocate of peace before backtracking when Opimius and other Romans were witchhunting Numidian advocates?
With Rome’s population nearing 250,000 citizens, who established the frumentatio, allowing the sale of grain at an equitable price?
Gaius Gracchus
In what Cicero calls a ‘seditious act’, who gave his co-tribune Marcus Octavius an ultimatum in an attempt to pass his popular land reform bill?
Tiberius Gracchus
Despite the impeccable writing of the Scaevola brothers, what tribune opposed the land reforms of Tiberius Gracchus until he was forcibly removed from office?
Marcus Octavius
Who attended the Isthmian Games and proclaimed Greece a free country just one year after defeating Philip V at Cynoscephalae?
Titus Quinctius Flamininus
Although believed to have died in his sleep, Scipio Aemilianus might have been killed by what woman, his wife and sister of Tiberius Gracchus?
In 140, who replaced his adopted brother as commander against the forces in Spain led by Viriathus?
Gnaeus Servilius Caepio
What man, who seemingly had an eye for helping the marginalized plebeians by restoring the festival of their games, defended the misogynistic Lex Oppia as consul of 195 BC?
Cato the Elder
Who celebrated a forbidden triumph with his Vestal Virgin daughter in his chariot with him for his successful campaign against the Gauls as consul in 143 BC?
Appius Claudius Pulcher
The Lex Rubria called for a new colony called Junonia at what site which had been destroyed by Scipio Aemilianus a couple decades earlier?
That women must use horses a mile from the city, wear dull & drab clothing, and own less than a pound of gold were all stipulations by what law of 215 BC and supported by Cato 20 years later?
Lex Oppia
With the death of his co-censor Livius Drusus in 109 BC, what man reluctantly resigned the censorship only after the threat of arrest from the Tribunes?
Aemilius Scaurus
Despite their differences in opinion about Greek culture and prior family feuds, Cato the Elder served as a mentor for what man who served as a censor himself in 142 BC?
Scipio Aemilianus
Who compared the list of Antiochus’s troops to a dinner with all pork just before the onset of the Seleucid War in 192 BC?
Titus Quinctius Flamininus
What man, the son of a consul who died during the Second Punic War, marched his own campaign against the Ligurians as consul in 182 BC and the Macedonians in 168 BC?
Aemilius Paullus
Who denied ceding all claims in Europe for undisturbed possession of Asia from Flamininus instead opting to fight the Romans in the Seleucid War?
Antiochus III
Claiming that enfranchisement for more citizens means less power to the people who already have it and that any colony in Carthage is doomed to fail, what tribune opposed all of Gaius Grachus’s proposals?
Livius Drusus
When two snakes found their way into his children’s room, who ordered for the male snake to be killed, saving his wife and kids at his own expense?
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus
The development of the Capitol as the focal point of Rome and the reparation of the Aemilian bridge wre among the greatest accomplishments of what man’s tenure as censor?
Scipio Aemilianus
Whose body was thrown into the Tiber like a common criminal’s in an act of mob violence set off by the Pontifex Maximus Scipio Nasica?
Tiberius Gracchus
What quaestor of Scipio Africanus did not share his love for Greek culture and was sent home picking up Ennius along the way?
Cato the Elder
Who treacherously retook the town of Vaga, forcing his opposing general Numidicus to put the commander of Vaga to death?
When the Pontifex Maximus Scipio Nasica pulled his toga over his head, whose fate was sealed along with hundreds of his supporters in an act of mob violence?
Tiberius Gracchus
First marrying an aristocratic woman from the gens Licinia, who then married the daughter of his freed slave Salonius?
Cato the Elder
Claiming that he would rather people ask why there were no statues of him than why there is one of him, what staunchly conservative Roman often belittled ‘unworthy’ generals as part of a long feud with the Scipios?
Cato the Elder
What man, who had once lost the aedileship for making fun of a farmer’s calloused hands, fought against Tiberius Gracchus’s land reforms to try to keep the public land for himself?
Scipio Nasica
Although his commanding officer Glabrio’s account was much different, who claims that his bravery as military tribune at Thermopylae left Glabrio in amazement?
Cato the Elder
The enfranchisement of Italian citizens and a new colony on the site of Carthage headline what man’s second tribunate of 122 BC?
Gaius Gracchus
Even though he was not looking for reelection and supporting Fulvius Flaccus, who was elected tribune for a second time in 122 BC?
Gaius Gracchus
Living in Velia for three years before moving back to Rome shortly before his death, what man’s lineage ended with him after two sons died young and two more were given away by adoption?
Aemilius Paullus
Even though he used guerilla tactics to successfully surround and defeat Fabius Servilianus, what Lusitanian commander opted for peace?
Even though he acted swiftly to prevent further violence, what man received a Senatus Consultum Ultimum before fleeing to the Temple of Diana with Fulvius Flaccus?
Gaius Gracchus
With Rome’s stock of farmers depleted due to aristocratic greed and the need for cheap soldiers, who proposed granting land from the ager publicus to these dispossessed Romans?
Tiberius Gracchus
Who delivered a passionate defense of Vettius, a man facing a death sentence due to his support of his older brother?
Gaius Gracchus
Made Princeps Senatus by the censor Metellus, who used his newfound power to seize control of the cura annonae from Saturninus before issuing a Senatus Consultum Ultimum against him?
Aemilius Scaurus
Against what foreign king were Scipio Africanus and Flamininus lobbying for control over the Roman army at the turn of the 2nd century BC?
Philip V
Refusing to negotiate with the son of Fulvius Flaccus, who led the charge against Gaius Gracchus, chasing him past the Pons Sublicius until Gracchus took his own life in a sacred grove?
Despite winning an early engagement against the Lusitanians, who followed up too quickly and was forced to retreat until Lucullus saved him?
Sulpicius Galba
By paying off the nobility and pleading for innocence on account of his young sons, who was acquitted for his crimes against the Ligurians?
Sulpicius Galba
When Hostilius Mancinus had been captured by the Spaniards, who demanded that his peace deal was dishonorable and marched against Spain culminating in a siege of Numantia?
Scipio Aemilianus
When the Celtiberians obliterated the army of Hostilius Mancinus, they only agreed to negotiate with what man whose father had gave them an equitable peace deal years prior?
Tiberius Gracchus
Allying himself with the Greek general Philopoemen, who crushed the Spartan king Nabis the same year he declared freedom for Greece at the Isthmus of Corinth?
Titus Quinctius Flamininus
To what Roman general did Viriathus send two envoys to negotiate peace, only for them to return and kill the Lusitanian led on by the promise of a great reward?
Gnaeus Servilius Caepio
Possibly because his brother was removed from the Senate by Cato the Elder for kissing his wife in front of his daughter, what Roman issued a two-talent fine on Cato the Elder in his only known loss?
Flamininus declares Greece a free country at the Isthmian games potentially to delay war with what Seleucid king until 192 BC?
Antiochus III
An ambassador for what king personally walked to the home of Tiberius Gracchus to inform him that his king had bequeathed his kingdom of Pergamum?
Atallus III
Trying to help whom he calls the “masters fo the world, who do not possess a clod of earth that they can call their own”, who, out of revenge on the senate for upending Spanish peace or more likely genuine goodwill, proposes land reform in 133 BC?
Tiberius Gracchus
Following the battle at the River Muthul, who turned to guerrilla warfare rather than an outright military defense against Caecilius Metellus Numidicus
The battle of Cynoscephalae proved the superiority of the agile Roman legion over what more cumbersome Macedonian formation?
Held in honor of Poseidon and open to all Greeks, what games saw the renewal of Greek freedom from Philip V in a public declaration by Flamininus in 196 BC?
Sardi venales became an idiom for “two a penny” as a result of what consul’s penchant for capturing Sardinian slaves in 177 BC?
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus