Last Republicans (Part 1) Flashcards
Who was convinced to publish his proscriptions by Metellus while acting as dictator from 81-79 BC?
In order to condemn incompetent military generals, who proposed the Lex Appuleia de Maiestate as tribune of 103 BC?
What Latin term is given to the adjournment of business for reigious reasons, one of which delayed Marius’s control over the army against Mithridates until he threatened the consuls at swordpoint?
At what battle in 82 BC did Sulla solidify his power in Rome?
Colline Gate
The name’s the same: one was a Roman general murdered by his officer Fimbria, the other was co-censor with Cato the Elder in 184 BC.
Valerius Flaccus
A divinely prophetic white fawn might be the reason for what leader’s unpredictable yet successful guerilla attacks in the early 1st century BC?
When Marius brought about his father’s exile, whose display of devotion in pleading for his return earned him the nickname “Pius”?
Metellus Pius
Spurred on by failed campaigns against the Germans, what law was proposed by Saturninus in 103 BC to condemn incompetent generals?
Lex Appuleia de Maiestate
At what former Samnite capital did the Italian tribes set their own capital during the Social War?
What consul of 91 BC allied himself with Servilius Caepio in attempts to shut down any of Livius Drusus’s proposals as tribune of the same year?
Marcus Philippus
The motives behind Livius Drusus’s proposed legislation are still debated, though it may have been to help his good friends among the Italian tribes such as what leader of the Marsi?
Quintus Poppaedius Silo
When Sulla marched against Rome with his army, all his officers deserted exept for what man?
Licinius Lucullus
By adding a sanctio, what man imposed heavy penalties against anyone who didn’t swear support for his law, leading to the eventual exile of his longtime rival Metellus Numidicus?
While the Roman people gave credit to Jugurtha’s capture to Marius, the aristocracy credited what man and future rival of Marius with the capture of Jugurtha in the field?
At the battle of Colline Gate in 82 BC, what Italian tribe largely made up the army defending Rome against Sulla?
At what battle in 101 BC did Marius defeat the Cimbri?
While both consuls of 87 BC pledged their allegiance to Sulla, which consul grew into more of a popularis leading to his exile by Octavius and his working with Marius?
Once Caecilia Metella is widowed by Aemilius Scaurus, what man does she marry potentially on account of his brilliant blue eyes?
When Marius sacked Ostia, what general finally joined the side of Octavius before dying almost immediatley after?
Pompeius Strabo
Who allied himself with a fellow tribune, Gaius Norbanus, to attack generals like Servilius Caepio who failed a campaign against the Germans?
With what man did Sulla serve as consul in 88 BC thanks to the support of the Metellan clain?
Quintus Pompeius
With the death of his wealthy mistress Nicopolis, who was able to jumpstart his political career due to some trademarked “luck”?
With Romulus the first and Camillus the second, what man is considered the third founder of Rome after victories in 102 and 102 BC over the Teutones and Cimbri?
Rain only poured down as soon as the embers stopped burning from the cremation of what Roman dictator, a final monument to his good fortune?
His complexion mocked by the Athenians as “mulberries sprinkled with flowers”, whose brilliant blue eyes and golden hair were let down by his typically blotchy skin, but still found himselfas quaestor in Africa against Jugurtha?
When Sulla returned to Rome from Cappadocia, what man charged him for prosecution but failed to show up to the trial?
What two men tried to offer Equitius as tribune until Sempronia didn’t recognize him, quelling any debate over his relation to Tiberius Gracchus?
Saturninus and Glaucia
Ignoring the consitutional right for him to be in the city during his candidacy, who was elected consul in 104 to deal with two threatening Germanic tribes, the Cimbri and the Teutones?
Because Livius Drusus had put different types of legislation on the same bill, what man, not only consul of 91 BC but also an accomplished lawyer, struck down much of Drusus’s legislation?
Marcus Philippus
Of Metellus Pius, Appius Claudius, Licinius Crassus, and Pompey, which one died at Colline Gate?
Appius Claudus
As praetor in 89 BC, against what tribe led by Quintus Poppaedius Silo did Metellus Pius campaign?
Who was content to embrace the luck he had in his campaigns rather than claim it was his skill going so far as to add “Felix” to his name?
While propraetor in charge of Cappadocia, Sulla was given the task to restore what young king to the throne of a nearby kingdom?
Although much of the senate was eying the new land in Transalpine Gaul for themselves, what tribune of 100 BC proposed a bill granting that land to Marius’s veterans?
When a flatterer asked Scipio Aemilianus where Rome could find another general like him, Scipio told him to look no further than what soldier who would eventually become consul 7 times?
Envious that a mere ex-praetor serves above him, who assissanated Sertorius at a dinner in 73 BC only to be quickly defeated by Pompey and executed himself?
The Monte Testaccio in modern Rome is a huge mound of what type of pottery vases in which most trade goods were packed?
After she gave birth to Faustus and Fausta by Sulla, what woman dies of the plague and is buried alongside the via Appia just outside Rome?
Caecilia Metella
On his way back to Rome, Sulla convinced whose men to defect to his side leading to his suicide?
Whose candidacy to the tribunate was blocked by Sulla in 88 BC, after which the would-be one-eyed tribune supported Cinna against the Sullans?
Claiming that he had nothing left to give away but earth and air, who had to debase the currency to pay for generous programs of grain and land distribution and enfranchisement for Italic peoples?
Livius Drusus
What man’s assassination in 91 BC precipitated the Social War?
Livius Drusus
The treaty of Dardanus allowed what man to keep not only his life but also his kingdom of Pontus?
Mithridates VI
Of Metellus Pius, Appius Claudius, Licinius Crassus, and Pompey, which one completely routed the enemy on the right wing of the battle, ultimately winning the battle for Sulla?
When they were told to return to the consul’s command by Metellus Pius, whose soldiers instead went to the army of Marius and Cinna?
Gnaeus Octavius’s
With Marius and Sulpicius Rufus desperate to shift control over the Mithridatic campaign to Marius and resorting to mob violence, Sulla was forced to flee and hid where?
Marius’s house
As a child, who caught an eagle’s nest with 7 eagle chicks, an omen he claims portends him to serve as consul 7 times?
Stabbed in the groin with a shoemaker’s knife, whose death propelled Rome into the Social War?
Livius Drusus’s
The Roman people were upset at what man for choosing to run for praetor rather than aedile, believing that his African connections in the Jugurthine war would have brought magnificent animals to the public games?
Manius Aquilius was the first Roman to fight against what man whose Asiatc Vespers totaled 80,000 Italian deaths until Marius and Sulla claim their stake?
Mithridates VI
When Marius and Sulpicius Rufus resorted to mob violence to take control against Mithridates from Sulla, the son of what man, the co-consul of Sulla, was killed?
Quintus Pompeius
Instituted by Archelaus, who was tyrant of Athens during the brutal siege of Sulla during the first Mithridatic War?
Who was hopeful to earn a victory over Sertorius only to suffer a disastrous rout only somewhat rectified by the arrival of Metellus Pius?
What Sabine born equestrian from Nursia wore his bravery permanently since he lost an eye during the Social War?
In 85 BC, Sulla and Mithridates agree to what peace treaty?
Treaty of Dardanus
What growing power, growing from the eastern parts of Alexander the Great’s old empire, was Sulla the first to witness while serving as propraetor in Cappadocia?
While Glaucia and Saturninus claimed that he was a son of Tiberius Gracchus, whose identity was put into question by Numidicus and Sempronia to bar a campaign for tribune?
What tribune was stoned by a mob of young nobles and their supporters after he surrendered due to thirst and was promised safety from Gaius Marius?
When screams could be heard from the Circus Maximus while he was addressing the senate, who merely said that he was having some malefactors dealt with following the battle of Colline Gate in 82 BC?
Sulla was able to bring about the capture of Jugurtha by convincing what man, Jugurtha’s father-in-law, to betray him?
Which two members of the First Triumvirate allied themselves with Sulla when he came to Brundisium in 83 BC?
Crassus & Pompey
When Sulla was chosen to lead the Roman forces against Mithridates, Marius convinced what tribune to pass a law shifting control to Marius?
Sulpicius Rufus
What name is given to the commander’s tent in a Roman army camp?
Who avoided the death penalty after molesting ambassadors of Mithridates VI until the mob helped him?
What officer murdered Valerius Flaccus and took command of a Roman army against Mithridates VI?
Already enjoying support from the Metellans, what man marries into the Julian gens by way of Julia, the aunt of Julius Caesar?
Who sacked the port Piraeus and then most of the city proper of Athens, claiming that he had only spared any part of Athens because of its formal glory?
Described by Carbo as either a lion or a more terrifying fox, massacred any Italian who resisted him despite his promise to uphold their privileges as he continued to march on Rome for the second time?
After the brutal clubbing of Gaius Memmius, who issued a Senatus Consultum Ultimum against Glaucia and Saturninus, forcing them to flee to the Capitol?
Aemilius Scaurus
What consul of 87 BC grew disgusted with Cinna’s emergence as a popularis and exiled him from Rome?
Gnaeus Octavius
Although he was vetoed by his colleague Metellus Caprarius, who attempted to remove Servilius Glaucia and Saturninus from the senatorial rolls during his tenure as censor?
Whose ashes were thrown into the River Anio by Sulla after his death at the start of his consulship in 86 BC?
Refusing to support a law settling colonists in Greece, Asia, Africa, and other parts of Italy, who was exiled by his longtime rival Saturninus?
Metellus Numidicus
Mallius Maximus and Servilius Caepio led a failed Roman army at what battle in 105 atainst the Cimbri and Teutones?
80,000 Roman soldiers fell at what battle of 105 BC against the Cimbri and Teutones?
Who earned the enmity of the knights by protecting the local people of Asia Minor against the lofty demands of the publicani while serving as legate of Mucius Scaevola?
Livius Drusus
What two men, who both served under Scipio Aemilianus at Numantia, became rivals in Numidia by 109 BC?
Marius & Jugurtha
Perhaps sponsored by a noble named Herennius, Marius fought under than general at Numantia in 133 BC?
Marius overlooked the fact that his men would be looking to their general for rewards and land (and therefore stayed with Sulla) since they were picked from what class of citizens in Rome?
capite censi
Metellus Pius, Appius Claudius, Licinius Crassus, and Pompey all met with what rebel when he arrived in Brundisium in 83 BC following his campaign against Mithridates VI?
Because the soldiers had little faith in Gnaeus Octavius, what man did they then ask to take supreme command against the Marians, only to be met with a stanch refusal?
Metellus Pius
Because a slight price increase in grain happened during his tenure as quaestor of the cura annonae, who was ousted and replaced by Aemilus Scaurus in the late 100s BC?
Along with the quaestor Saufeius and his ally Glaucia, what three time tribune fled to the Capitol after Scaurus’s Senatus Consultum Ultimum?
Prophesied to die at the height of his power and happiness, who retired to become a private citizen, had twins, and finished his memoirs before his death in 78 BC?
Supposedly feigning a stomachache not to anger the Saturnians nor the senatorial class, who began to see Saturninus as a liability in his campaign for one of his many consulships?
What general cut off the water supply from the Capitol to wait out Saufeius, Glaucia, and Saturninus, only to promise them safety before they were stoned by a mob?
What man did Sulla appoint Pontifex Maximus and then serve as consul with in 80 BC perhaps because of his instrumental role in helping seize power years earlier?
Metellus Pius
Who opposed Saturninus’s bid for the tribunate until he was chased to an inn and stabbed by Saturninan faithfuls?
While Marcus Antonius was a lock for one of the consulships of 99 BC, who ran against Glaucia until he was clubbed to death?
Gaius Memmius
What Marsic leader and friend of Livius Drusus was killed by Metellus Pius?
Quintus Poppaedius Silo
Not wanting to act too dictatorially yet, Sulla wasn’t able to stop what politically opponent from winning the consulship in 87 BC?
Because his lieutenant Perperna believed that he could do better, who was assassinated at a dinner in 73 BC after years of successful guerilla warfare against the Romans in Spain?
At what battle in 102 BC did Marius defeat the Teutones?
Aquae Sextiae
Increasing the number of senators to 600 as proposed by Livius Drusus, raising the number of praetors to 8, and raising the number of quaestors to 20 and including them in the senate were among the political reforms of what dictator of Rome?
Who took advantage of a slight rise in the price of grain to oust and replace Saturninus as quaestor in 105 BC?
Aemilius Scaurus
What father-in-law of Jugurtha betrayed him by giving him to the Roman people?
Where would the via Principalis and the via Praetoria be delineated out with spears?
military camp
After proposing legislation hurting the nobility, what tribune of 119 was summoned by the consul where he threatened to arrest both the consul and his patron Metellus?
When Marcus Philippus and Servilius Caepio teamed up against him, who proposed enfranchisement of the non-Roman Italian allies?
Livius Drusus
A soothsayer in Untica prophesied that what man was ceratin to succeed no matter his ambitions, fitting for a man who served as consul 7 times?
With Marius and Cinna massacring supporters of Sulla, who fled the city to Asia to be with her husband Sulla?
Caecilia Metella
As consul in 80 BC, what tribune was Metellus Pius able to repay for his role in organizing the return of his father Metellus Numidicus?
Licinius Lucllus was the only officer not to desert what man when he marches on Rome in 88 BC?
Who defeated Mithridatic forces at Chaeronea and Orchomenus in 86 BC?
Much of Asia Minor and part of Greece was taken by what eastern king against whom Sulla was supposed to campaign until Sulpicius Rufus replaced him with Marius?
Mithridates VI
Despite his age, who insisted on training with the young soldiers in the Campus Martius with the hope of commanding the Roman army against Mithridates in 88 BC, only to be devastated when Sulla was chosen instead?
Because a praetor in office can’t be a candidate for consul, Marius blocked what man’s bid for the office in 99 BC until Saturninus’s mob forced his way in?
Recruited from the capite censi, whose veterans would have had no land to return to following their African campaign had it not been for the land reforms of Saturninus?