Last Republicans (Part 3) Flashcards
Whose plans for Caesar’s recall from Gaul and subsequent prosecution were thwarted by the triumvirates’ meeting at Luca in 55 BC?
Domitius Ahenobarbus
After he was charged by Clodius for putting citizens to death without trial, Cicero was forced to flee into exile to where?
What tribune did the newly formed First Triumvirate co-opt, granting them the combined power of consul and tribune?
Who bankrolled Caesar both in his curatorship of the Via Appia and his campaign for aedile in 65 BC?
What praetor jokingly asked the jury if they wanted a guard to keep their money safe when they acquitted Clodius Pulcher on charges of blasphemy against Cicero?
Lutatius Catulus
Whose disregard for a soothsayer and refusal to hire a bodyguard led to his assassination on the Ides of March, 44 BC?
Julius Caesar
Since nobody in Rome knew of his great work in grain redistribution from Sicily to Rome, who decided to stay in Rome after his quaestorship of 75 BC?
What Roman poet, who fought alongside Brutus, fled from Philippi in 42 BC?
As praetor in 66 BC, Cicero eagerly supported what law giving Pompey command against Mithridates?
Lex Manilia
During the Social War, Cicero served under what man, whose son Pompey would influence Cicero’s political career?
Pompeius Strabo
Who became a Marius supporter through his aunt who married Marius herself?
Julius Caesar
At what battle did the combined forces of Octavian and Mark Antony defeat Brutus and Cassius leading to the losers’ suicides?
For what man did Cicero serve as a sort of ‘king-maker’, mostly due to his massive hatred for Mark Antony as evidenced by his scathing Philippics?
When Caesar chased Pompey into Egypt, he left after installing Cleopatra as queen and giving her a son by what name?
Caesarion / Ptolemy Caesar
What Gallic tribe did Catiline attempt to rouse up against Cicero who promptly alerted the authorities of the potential uprising?
With the death of Metellus Pius in 63 BC, what relatively young upstart decided to run for Pontifex Maximus despite holding an office no higher than Aedile?
Julius Caesar
What city was forced to pay exorbitant interest rates by Brutus despite the Lex Gabinia forbidding it?
Because the new one had burned following the death of Clodius, what building was part of Caesar’s plans for a new forum?
During his funerary speech addressed to his aunt Julia, Julius Caesar claimed that she (and therefore, he) descended from what goddess?
Believing that he would be satisfied with any office at all due to his lack of money and connections, Cinna made what man Flamen Dialis after marrying his daughter Cornelia to him?
Julius Caesar
Following an extended stint in Bithynia, who returned to Asia only to be captured by pirates and ransomed for 50 talents, for which the pirates were crucified?
Julius Caesar
Where was Catiline killed in battle by the forces of Quintus Metellus Celer and Gaius Antonius Hybrida?
Either because of Pompeia’s alleged affair with Clodius Pulcher or because she lacked important political connections, who divorced his second wife Pompeia, a marriage perhaps doomed to fail because of his strong Marian connection?
Julius Caesar
After Catiline profitted off of the people of Africa as propraetor in 67 BC, what man offered to defend him against the extortion charges perhaps in an attempt to run as co-consuls in the future?
Where was Julius Caesar planning a campaign before his assassination in 44 BC?
What pair was granted maius imperium in the East after Antony roused the Roman people against Caesar’s assassins?
Brutus & Cassius
With what tribune, who served alongside Cato the Younger, did Caesar ally himself during his praetorship of 62 BC?
Metellus Nepos
When the Allobroges alerted Cicero and other Roman officials about Catiline’s intentions, Cicero had already known thanks to what woman, Catiline’s mistress?
Who was unable to stop his co-consul from giving land to Pompey’s veterans and giving himself a settlement in the east in 59 BC?
Whom did Cicero marry shortly after prosecuting and exile Verres in 70 BC?
Even though he refused the title of king, who still dressed like one in his role as “perpetual dictator for the restoration of the commonwealth” in 44 BC?
Julius Caesar
What co-consul of Cicero teamed up with Quintus Metellus Celer to defeat Catiline at Pistoia?
Gaius Antonius Hybrida
Because of his sizable debt, Julius Caesar joined the side of what radical turned revolutionary who promised debt cancellation in a conspiracy to overthrow the Roman government in 63 BC?
Although the senate could meet in any sacred building, what building in the Roman Forum was the senate house?
What honorific was bestowed upon Cicero for his successful bouts against Catiline?
Pater Patriae
Believing Brutus’s men to be enemies, who committed suicide after his flank was routed by Antony at the battle of Philippi?
Following a campaign against what king of Pontus did Caesar utter “veni, vidi, vici”?
Pharnaces II
After a rather expensive campaign for praetor in 68, who divorced his wife to marry Aurelia Orestilla?
After calling for mercy for conspirators of Catiline, Caesar’s departure to Spain was blocked until what man paid his debts?
Even though exorbitant interest rates were forbidden by the Lex Gabinia, who forced high payments on the citzens of Salamis while accompanying Cato the Younger to Cyprus?
What man did Verres retain to defend him against Cicero’s charges of extortion to no avail?
What freedman of Cicero organized and published Cicero’s letters posthumously?
What man did Cicero charge with extortion against the people of Sicily in 70 BC?
Because his father had been executed by Pompey after he fled to Gaul for supporting Lepidus’s coup, who was raised by his mother Servilia and adopted father Quintus Servilius Caepio?
While Brutus was happy to assassinate only Caesar, Cassius thought that what man, whom Cicero calls the successor of Caesar, should die, too?
Mark Antony
As governor of Cilicia in 51 BC, who hurried to Rome to celebrate a triumph before being swept up into Caesar’s civil war against Pompey?
Through a massive amount of bribery, Julius Caesar was able to defeat what man for the office of Pontifex Maximus in 63 BC?
Lutatius Catulus
Hoping to emulate his grandfather who liberated Rome from a monarchy, who planned the assassination of Caesar alongside Cassius Longinus?
Who made Julius Caesar Flamen Dialis after he married his daughter Cornelia?
Who was removed from his office of Praetor in 62 BC after calling for Pompey’s return, only to be shortly reinstated for not making a scene?
Julius Caesar
After she was unfurled from a carpet, who allied herself with Julius Caesar and had a son named Caesarion?
What office did Julius Caesar hold in 63 BC, the same year that his wife Cornelia and aunt Julia passed away?
Who refused to join Octavian and Lepidus in a triumvirate until Octavian denounces and proscribes Cicero?
Mark Antony
The Via Egnatia runs through what Greek city which saw the suicide of both Brutus and Cassius?
Upon his return to Rome, who annulled Cinna’s acts, depriving Caesar of his position as Flamen Dialis and trying to divorce him from Cornelia?
What future biographer wrote that Caesar “deserved assassination”?
What two men led the conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar?
Brutus & Cassius
After he defeats Pompey at Pharsalus, Caesar spares what man perhpas because of his relationship with his mother Servilia?
After successfully prosecuting a Sullan henchman for falsely accusing Roscius of patricide, who fled to Greece and studied philosophy and frequently met with Rutilius Rufus?
Julius Caesar’s assassination came to fruition at the foot of what man’s statue, an ironic twist given their civil war years prior?
Believing that his army could “storm the heavens”, who marched across the Rubicon into Rome in 49 BC?
Julius Caesar
In what Bithynian king’s court had Caesar stayed so long that Cicero and other Romans accused him of prolonging a romantic relationship?
What two men, distantly related through a woman named Gratidia, were both born in Arpinum?
Marius & Cicero
In 81 BC, whom did Cicero defend against a charge for patricide led on by a corrupt henchman of Sulla?
Sextus Roscius
Who earned the enmity of Octavian after cutting off the grain supply from Rome, leading to defeats at the hands of Agrippa at Mylae and Naulochus near Sicily?
Sextus Pompey
What treaty did Sextus Pompey refuse to break, only for Octavian to accuse Sextus of breaking it anyways leading to a couple naval battles near Sicily?
Pact of Misenum
What almost certainly propagandic work did Augustus write about his own achievements?
Res Gestae
Growing fond of Mark Antony’s penchant for extreme living, who sent Antony back to Rome to run for quaestor in 54 BC after he served under him in Asia?
Julius Caesar
In his attempt to march against Rome, Caesar’s true casus belli was to restore the power of the tribune after what man’s veto was blocked by the senate in 49 BC?
Mark Antony
Rather than append the typical -anus suffix to his name, who instead wanted to be called “Julius Caesar, son of Julius Caesar”?
Because the other two had alleged that he was allying himself with Sextus Pompey, what triumvir became an afterthought in the renewal of the Second Triumvirate?
Although he tried to rally against the budding emperor and was exiled, what man was able to keep the title of Pontifex Maximus and returned to Rome after a short absence?
While Octavian was in the Dalmatian city of Apollonia “to continue his studies”, with whom did he form a lifelong friendship which would aid Octavian militarily?
What god did Sextus Pompey claim was his father, fitting for his naval prowess against Octavian following Fulvia’s failed rebellion?
Poseidon (Neptune?)
At what Umbrian city did Octavian besiege the rebels led by Lucius Antonius and Fulvia?
As a result of the Pact of Misenum who was not only allowed occupation of Sicily but was also promoted to the college of Augurs?
Sextus Pompey
Because they received their office from the now dead Caesar, what nickname did cynical Romans give to the officers put in place by Mark Antony following the Ides of March 44 BC?
Praetor in 49 BC when civil war broke out, who was entrusted by Caesar first as a governor in Spain, then as his second in command before Caesar’s assassination?
With Mark Antony an enemy of the state while stationed in Gaul, the senate sent what two consuls who defeat the refugee at Mutina at the cost of their lives in 43 BC?
Hirtius & Pansa
While her husband was staying with Cleopatra in Egypt, what wife of Mark Antony remained in Rome working for him laboriously, only adding to the growing distaste for Antony?
Although Mark Antony’s preferred burial location had only been speculation up to that point, how did Octavian eventually confirm that Antony wanted wanted to be buried in Alexandria?
Procured his will from the Vestal Virgins
After Antony showed the Roman people Caesar’s tattered and bloodstained clothes, what two men did he force out of the city?
Brutus & Cassius
While he was in Syria, whose brother Lucius and wife Fulvia declared war on Octavian, only for the conflict to be over and wife dead by the time he returned to Rome?
Mark Antony
What region did Octavian claim Mark Antony was planning to make the center of the Roman power after he sent Octavia back to Rome and began openly consorting with Cleopatra?
Because Octavian was not at all renowned for his prowess in battle, what other triumvir earns most of the credit for the victory at Philippi?
Mark Antony
Having no interest in staying in Italy to govern in Caesar’s absence, who went to Greece with welcome reinforcements to fight in the battle of Pharsalus in 48 BC?
Mark Antony
Fadia, Antonia, Cytheris, Fulvia, & Cleopatra were all among the wives of what Roman whose polygamy was denounced by Cicero?
Mark Antony
After conquering most of Sicily, whose soldiers abandoned him in favor of Octavian?
Soon after Mark Antony was sent to live with him following the death of his father, what man was executed by Cicero, leading to a lifelong rivarly between the two?
Cornelius Lentulus
When he was just 12 years old, who delivered a funeral oration for his grandmother Julia that caught the eye of Julius Caesar leading to his eventual adoption of the young boy?
Although both were believed to have died at or following the battle of Mutina against Mark Antony, whose deaths may have been orchestrated by Octavian to create a vacancy for the consulship?
Hirtius & Pansa
Following Fulvia’s failed rebellion against Octavian, what mother and son, who later become important figures both in the empire and in the life of the future Augustus, flee to Sextus Pompey?
Livia & Tiberius
From what site did Mark Antony decide to flee with Cleopatra from the forces of Agrippa and abandon his army in 31 BC?
At what Gallic site in 43 BC did Hirtius and Pansa defeat Mark Antony at the cost of their lives?
Although he was born into the Plebeian branch of his family, who tried to claim Hercules as an ncestor from a man named Anton?
Mark Antony
With an asp bite to her breast, who committed suicide in order not to be a trophy for Octavian to parade around Rome following the battle of Actium in 31 BC?
Where did Caesar defeat Gnaeus Pompey in Spain in 45 BC?
Although not used formerly until Vespasian in 69 AD, what term did Octavian use as a praenomen to denote himself as emperor of Rome?
With what man did Octavian and Mark Antony accuse Lepidus of conspiring, turning their triumvirate into more of a duumvirate?
Sextus Pompey
What wife of Octavian did he divorce either because “she nagged too much” or because of her connections with Sextus Pompey?
With Marcus Lurius and Arruntius leading the land forces, what admiral of Octavian led the naval forces at the battle of Actium in 31 BC?
Plutarch jokes that Cleopatra was indebted to what terrifying woman, Mark Antony’s fourth wife and former wife of Clodius Pulcher?
Sextus Pompey did not help his brother at Munda against Caesar because he was commander of the garrison at what other Spanish city?
With Agrippa winning a naval battle and Lepidus invading Sicily by land, who was forced to flee east to Asia until he was put to death in 36 BC?
Sextus Pompey
With what son of Pompey, who had fashioned a sort of pirate fleet, did the Second Triumvirate make peace and bestow command over Sicily?
Sextus Pompey
Not wanting to risk his army’s loyalty, who instead joined the side of a weakend Mark Antony and facilitated the alliance with Octavian?
Which wife of Pompey the Great was the mother of Sextus Pompey?
Tertia Mucia