Romans of Mid-Republic (Part 1) Flashcards
Where in Apulia off the bank of the river Ofanto did 85,000 Romans led by Terentius Varro and Aemilius Paullus meet Hannibal and the Carthaginians in 216 BC?
What rank in a Roman century was full of young men armed with spears and inexperienced zeal at the front?
The Umbrian town of Carsulae, of which Tacitus and Pliny the Younger both write, is a stop along what road which runs through Umbria to Ariminum?
Via Flaminia
Near what lake did Gaius Flaminius walk into a Hannibal-led ambush on June 21st, 217 BC?
Lake Trasimene
What fickle yet fierce Spanish soldiers promised their allegiance to the ‘Thunderbolts of War’, but were bribed by Carthage to abandon the Scipios in Spain?
Who tried to claim victory over the Carthaginians since he had led the fleet at Aegates Islands while Catulus was incapicitated by a thigh wound?
Valerius Falto
In his first consulship in 267 BC, who defeated the Sabellian tribe and captured the port of Brundisium?
At what battle was Publius Cornelius Scipio wounded and rescued by his son, the future Africanus?
Ticinus River
Perhaps bestowed upon them by Remus or a corruption of ‘wolf-trapper’, what Roman gens can boast such members as the first Roman author of history and a warty dictator?
What Latin word can refer to both a legionary military formation and a fraction that means 5/12?
In 195 BC, to what Syrian king did Hannibal flee until he was forced to flee again after his defeat against the Rhodians 5 years later?
At war with the Gauls possibly because of his land reforms, who left his letters of recall unopened and returned to Rome in triumph?
Gaius Flaminius
While his co-consul Albinus was forbidden to leave the city as a priest of Mars, who still advocated for the Romans to again bring the First Punic War to sea in 242 BC?
When his co-consul Manlius Vulso Longus was recalled to Rome with the fleet, who continued into Africa winning battles at Aspis and Tunis?
What colony, which was abandoned due to malaria in the area, was the site of Scipio Africanus’s retirement and exile?
What Roman’s CV includes a number of positions including an augurship as a child, consul 5 times, a censorship, and 2 dictatorships, but is most famous for his delaying tactics against Hannibal?
Quintus Fabius Maximus (Cunctator/Verrucosus)
While most of the First Punic War was fought at sea, who utilized elephants and cavalry to defeat and capture Regulus at Bagradas Valley?
Who tried to force the Romans to appoint Claudius Glicia as dictator of Rome following an embarrasing defeat at Drepanum?
Claudius Pulcher
With Sardinia being annexed in 227 BC, what soon-to-be consul of 223 BC was elected praetor of Sicily?
Gaius Flaminius
At what battle of 206 BC did Scipio defeat Mago in Spain?
Who earned an unfortunate nickname due to his hasty capture of Lipari and panic stricken defeat by the Carthaginians soon after?
Scipio Asina
Despite the threat of being returned to Carthage to be tortured to death, who rallied the Romans to reject Carthaginian peace and win the First Punic War?
Because an ill-omened mouse squeaked during the nomination, who never earned the position of magister militum in 221?
Gaius Flaminius
Hindered by a thigh wound, who allowed Valerius Falto to command the ships at Aegates Islands?
What Carthaginian commander did Scipio allow to flee the battle of Baecula in 208 BC?
Hasdrubal Barca
Because the trial was delayed by a sudden thunderstorm, who was never officially charged with perduellio since he took his own life before the trial could continue?
Claudius Pulcher
Replacing Claudius Nero, who was given proconsular imperium in a shock move since he had only reached the office of curule aedile?
Scipio Africanus
Whose placid and unexcitable nature as a child seemingly stuck with him in his role as dictator of Rome as he refused to meet Hannibal directly in battle, earning him the moniker “Cunctator”?
Quintus Fabius Maximus (Cunctator/Verrucosus)
While at Messana working out the logistics of commanding a fleet of such size, who decided to capture Lipara in 260 BC?
Scipio Asina
Following the defeat at Cannae, what descendent of Lucius Iunius Brutus was elected dictator with Sempronius Gracchus as magister militum?
Iunius Pera
While scouting a hill near Venusia, who was ambushed and killed by Hannibal’s Numidian cavalry in 208 BC?
What Numidian prince allied himself with Carthage during the Second Punic War and helped defeat the Scipio brothers in Spain?
Whose troops became trapped between a lake and hills by Spanish, Celtic, and African troops led by Hannibal on a misty summer morning in 217 BC?
Gaius Flaminius’s
While Publius Cornelius Scipio was wounded, who took both consular armies into battle at Trebia River and suffered a heavy defeat against Hannibal?
Tiberius Sempronius Longus
Who tied torches to the horns of oxen and sent them in an opposite direction to trick Fabius Maximus and escape a surrounding Roman army?
If a Roman battle became desperate, what third rank of the century would join the fight with a fleet of spearmen?
At what site off the coast of Sicily, now a bustling port called Trapani, did Adherbal embarass a Roman fleet led by Claudius Pulcher in 249 BC?
Who compares a girl’s mercurial temper tantrums to the ever changing storms of the Adriatic, an indication of many Romans’ beliefs on travel by sea?
Who was exiled to Liternum on obscure bribery charges following his report of victory over Antiochus at Magnesia?
Scipio Africanus
Who had reached the Rhone in search of Hannibal only to realize Hannibal had already crossed and made his way to Italy?
Publius Cornelius Scipio
Envious of Rome’s emergence as a dominant power in the western Mediterranean, what city declared war against Rome in 264 BC?
Whose masterful defense of Syracuse led to his death at the hands of a vengeful soldier much to the dismay of Marcellus?
While both Scipiones were fighting against Antiochus, who led a charge against them for obscure bribery leading to Africanus’s exile to Liternum?
Cato the Elder
Realizing that the main hindrance to his state’s expansion was Rome’s allies, who attacked Saguntum in 219 BC and took the city after an 8 month siege?
Who only learned of his brother’s death and therefore inability to join their armies as Hasdrubal’s head landed into his camp?
Who claimed that the Carthaginians were “ghosts, shadows of men. Beaten, weakened, and broken among the Alps by hunger, cold, dirt, and neglect” just before suffering a defeat by Carthage at Ticinus River and Trebia River?
Publius Cornelius Scipio
What enemy state frequently utilized torture on their own unsuccessful generals in addition to prisoners-of-war like Regulus?
In an act that would not be duplicated until Julius Caesar, who was made both chief Augur and Pontifex Maximus during the Second Punic War?
Quintus Fabius Maximus (Cunctator/Verrucosus)
At what battle did Catulus decide to trust his fleet despite the heavy sea and defeat Hanno?
Aegates Islands
What handsome son of a blind man became consul in 249 BC and led the Roman forces at Drepanum?
Claudius Pulcher
To what king of Macedon did Scipio Africanus tell his plan to gather information from the locals of Carthago Nova?
About what figure of the First Punic War does Valerius Maximus say the following: “I don’t know wheter [he] was a greater affront to religion or his country, seeing that he neglected the time-honored practices of the former, and lost a fine fleet for the latter.”?
Claudius Pulcher
Who replaced Albinus as Catulus’s partner in the naval campaign against Carthage late in the First Punic War?
Valerius Falto
In his role as sufete following years as a geneal, who had to reorganize the state finances of Carthage to pay for the indemnities of war following the battle of Zama?
Forced to flee to Syria then to Bithynia, who uttered “Let us free Rome of her dread of one old man” before committing suicide perhaps in the same year as the death as Scipio Africanus?
The Scipiones were not officially condemned on their bribery charges partly on account of what man, the son-in-law of Publius Scipio?
Sempronius Gracchus
Because his flagship was at the back of the fleet, whose naval incompetence was proven by self-afflicted collisions, snapped oars, and a defeat at Drepanum in 249 BC?
Claudius Pulcher
Nicknamed the ‘Thunderbolts of War’, what two brothers found success in a Spanish campaign during the Second Punic War, but both met their end in 211 BC?
Gnaeus & Publius Cornelius Scipio
What consular colleague of Marcellus joined him in his war against the Gauls culminating in a victory at Clastidium in 222 BC?
Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus
“Little sheep” or “warty” were among the nicknames of what future dictator of Rome?
Quintus Fabius Maximus (Cunctator/Verrucosus)
For defeating the Insubrian chieftain Virodamarus in single combat, who earned the spolia opima, the last of four men to do so?
To whom did the Carthaginians promise Sophonisba as a wife in return for his allegiance against Rome which ultimately moved Massinissa over to the Roman side?
Described by Polybius as “the greatest Roman naval disaster”, what happened to 184 Roman ships which had rescued Regulus’ fleeing soldiers?
Destroyed by a storm
Who knew to simply walk through a lagoon in front of Carthago Nova at low tide by simply talking to local fishermen before capturing the city in 210 BC?
Scipio Africanus
Who was elected dictator following Flaminius’s defeat at Lake Trasimene in 217 BC?
Quintus Fabius Maximus (Cunctator/Verrucosus)
Making up for his earlier mistep as Lipari, who led an effective Roman siege at Panorumus in 254 BC?
Scipio Asina
Which of the Barcides did Scipio defeat at Ilipa in 206 BC?
Who, in his fifth consulship in 209 BC, recaptured Tarentum from Carthage in the very south of Italy?
Quintus Fabius Maximus (Cunctator/Verrucosus)
During his first consulship in 233 BC, who campaigned against the Ligurians and won a triumph?
Quintus Fabius Maximus (Cunctator/Verrucosus)
Although his cavalry played a role in the death of Scipio’s father, who converted into a Roman ally after a meeting with Scipio Africanus?
Even despite Scipio’s lack of participation due to illness, where did his brother defeat Antiochus in 190 BC?
Realizing that their commanders were outclassed by Rome’s, the Carthaginians hired what Spartan mercenary to help them during the First Punic War?
What rank in a Roman century was second and consisted of the leaders of the century?
When somehow only Fabius Maximus’s lands were kept intact by the pillaging of Hannibal and the Carthaginians, what magister militum was promoted to joint commander of the Roman forces and immediately walked into an ambush?
Romans at what city woke up to a Carthaginian blockade led by Boodes soon after they captured they city led by Scipio Asina?
In opposition to Scipio’s campaign for consul, Fabius Maximus alluded to what man’s defeat and capture in Africa during the first Punic War?
At what battle of 208 BC did Scipio destroy Hasdrubal Barca’s army?
A long standing amphitheater and a road terminating in Ariminum are among the building project of what man against whom the senate had a lasting rivalry?
Gaius Flaminius
A wrestling arena in Catana, statues and pictures in a temple in Samothrace, and an inscription on a statue of Athena in Lindos were all dedicated to what “sword of Rome”?
Nearly declared a public enemy by the senate for distributing Gallic land to the plebeians, what radical tribune’s father at one point begged him to stop speaking from the rostra?
Gaius Flaminius
Although his sambuca siege engines were foiled by Archimedes, who eventually took the city of Syracuse by means of deception?
Who shared her father’s love for Greek civilization and helped spread Greek culture into the city before marrying her father’s ally Sempronius Gracchus?
When the sacred chickens refused to eat food, who instead forced them to drink water by throwing them overboard before the battle of Drepanum in 249 BC?
Claudius Pulcher
Marc Antony’s head and hand and the rams of of captured warships adorn what speaker’s platform in Ancient Rome?
Even though he was unable to consult the oracle at Praeneste due to his role as consul, who, nevertheless, led a successful naval campaign against Carthage culminating in a victory at Aegates Islands in 241 BC?
From what ancestor of the Gracchi brothers did Gaius Flaminius take over before meeting his end at Lake Trasimene in 217 BC?
Tiberius Sempronius Longus
Pierced by a heavy spike shaped like a bird’s beak, what ingenius Roman invention allowed them to board enemy ships and win the First Punic War?
Who accused his aedile colleague Scantinius Capitolinus of assaulting his son, only to dedicate the monetary reward dedicated to the gods to prove it was not for financial gain?
What man’s cruel severity was evident in his massacre of a surrendering garrison at Casilinum and murder of 2000 Roman deserters at Leontini?
Massinissa was fully swayed to the Romans following what rival king’s involvement at the battle of Utica?
Perhaps underestimated by his rival Scipio, who managed to lead his whole army across the Alps in two weeks before stringing a number of victories in Italy at the onset of the Second Punic War?
In 215 BC, whose election to the consulship was nullified either due to a thunderstorm or the possibility of having 2 plebeian consuls?
Who remarked about his rivals that Fabius was a schoolmaster who always tried to punish his mistakes and that Marcellus was an adversary who always tried to harm him?
Just one year before serving as consul for the second time, what man threw his support behind the Lex Claudia arguing that senators should not be influenced by their trading interests in determining the political course of Rome.
Gaius Flaminius
Marcus Livius Salinator and Gaius Claudius Nero cut off Hannibal’s reinforcements led by Hasdrubal at what battle of 207 BC?
Metaurus River
During the Second Punic War, Hasdrubal, Mago, & Hasdruabl Barca were sent to Spain to deal with what two brothers?
Gnaeus & Publius Cornelius Scipio
Informing his men that Neptune had promised them assistance, who captured Carthago Nova after he was given proconsular imperium?
Scipio Africanus
At the battle of Cannae in 216 BC, what Roman consul was killed in the largest Roman defeat in her history?
Aemilius Paullus
Even though the Gauls wanted peace, Marcellus and Scipio Calvus captured what Galiic capital and returned to Rome in triumph?
Claudius Pulcher was brought to court with what charge accusing him of treason by incompetence?