Age of Kings Flashcards
In 506 BCE and potentially aided by Herminius, what man famously defends the Pons Sublicius single-handedly from the incoming Etruscans?
Horatius Cocles
The high priest Valerius administered a solemn oath between what two kings, one Roman & one Alban, to settle a conflict without a civil war?
Tullus Hostilius & Mettius Fufettius
Who was forced to go into exile along with the other Tarquins even though he was elected as one of the first 2 consuls of Rome?
The Tabula Veliterna is all that remains of the language of what early Italian tribe who established a colony at Satricum?
Despite sharing much of their language and customs with the Romans, the prisci Latini tried to check the growing power of Rome by raiding the borders of the fledgling state during what king’s reign?
Ancus Marcius’
During what king’s reign did a shower of stones fall from the sky onto the Aelian (?) hill, denouncing the Albans from abandoning their ancestral ways?
Tullus Hostilius’s
What woman in Anceint Rome like Tanaquil had helped to elevate her husband Tarquinius Superbus to the kingship?
What priesthood was established by Numa to mediate in disputes and declare war?
What sort of people would have been lumped into the Capite Censi in the Servius Tulilus’ census?
Those who didn’t own weapons
What assembly of the whole army elected their leaders in the budding Roman Republic?
Comitia Centuriata
Following a skirmish involving stolen cattle, Remus was brought before what man who soon realized that Remus was his grandson?
What Etruscan woman married a man from Corinth named Lucumo before being shunned by the families of Tarquinii and moving to Rome?
Herminius, Valerius, & Octavius Mamilius all fell at what battle in 496 BCE at which it is said that the Gemini helped the Romans win?
Lake Regillus
In an emulation of one of the Wonders of the Ancient World, what temple was constructed by Servius Tullius?
Temple of Diana
When his son sent a messenger asking what to do next, what man swung his stick at the tallest poppies, a message his son Arruns understood?
Tarquinius Superbus
Following the Horatain victory over Alba Longa, what city did Mettius Fufettius provoke into war against Rome?
On what hill of Ancient Rome did Tullus Hostilius not only integrate the refugee Albans, but also live amongst them?
What son-in-law of Titus Tatius was chosen by the Romans to become the second king of Rome?
Numa Pompilius
Along what road did Tullia & Tarquinius Superbus run over the corpse of Servius Tullius?
Via Scelerata / Street of Crime
What priesthood’s restrictions were so burdensome that nobody was willing to take the office for decades until it was reinstated by Augustus?
Flamen Dialis
Who feigned stupidity by tripping and ‘kissing his mother’, ensuring he would seize power in Rome over his cousins Titus & Arruns?
Under what king of Clusium had the Etruscans united when Tarquinius Superbus fled from Rome?
Lars Porsenna
What Roman king does Livy describe in these lines: “He always kept himself protected by armed men, for he had taken the throne by force - neither people nor senate had consented to his usurpation. He accepted that there was no hpe of his being accepted into the hearts of his subjects, so he ruled by fear.”?
Tarquinius Superbus
What two hills were brought into the city by Ancus Marcius?
Aventine & Janiculum
A Vitellian woman bore what man two sons who joined in a conspiracy with the Tarquins against their father, the first consul of Rome?
What shepherd came across two twin boys and a wolf before raising the boys as his own?
The inability to look upon anything dead or bound, special eating and sleeping arrangements, and a pointed hat were among the stipulations to serve as what chief priest of Rome?
Flamen Dialis
What temple, whose doors remained closed for the entirity of Numa’s reign, was built by the peaceful king?
Temple of Janus
The construction of what temple on the Capitoline Hill, at which triumphal processions would end, may have been begun by Tarquinius Priscus?
Jupiter Capitolinus/Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Who used his role as Tribunus Celerum to raise the Roman aristocracy to revolt following the rape of Lucretia against Tarquinius Superbus?
Lucius Iunius Brutus
Seemingly abandoning his previous warlike tendencies, what Roman king discovered a rite of Jupiter in the books of Numa before performing a ritual so horribly that Jupiter himself struck his palace with lightning?
Tullsu Hostilius
After usurping the throne from his brother, what man forced his niece to become a Vestal Virgin to ensure no descendents of Numitor be born?
Whose confession and subsequent suicide spurred Lucius Iunius Brutus and other Romans to exile Tarquinius Superbus?
While sleeping as a young boy, whose head lit aflame, because of which Tanaquil married her daughter to him and groomed him as Tarquin’s successor?
Servius Tullius
Who sent away the two sons of the previous king to hunt before claiming that Roman kingship is not hereditary and proposing himself as the 5th king of Rome
Tarquinius Priscus
What king, whose grandfather had died in the war following the abduction of the Sabine women, differed greatly from his predecessor Numa?
Tullus Hostilius
What couple in Ancient Rome, who had each married the other’s sibling before finding each other, worked together to kill the 6th king of Rome?
Tarquinius Superbus & Tullia
What previously major Voscian city claims both Marius and Cicero as natives?
What Roman claimed to have been visited by the deified Romulus who instructed the Romans to find a new king?
Julius Proculus
Lucius & Arruns were the sons of what Roman king who is said to have constructed Circus Maximus?
Tarquinius Priscus
When his father was unable to take Gabii by force, what son of Tarquinius Superbus pretended to be estranged to gain power in Gabii and corrupt it from the inside?
First 9, then 6, and finally 3, what series of prophetic books did Tarquinius Superbus purchase for the full price despite only receiving a third of them?
Sibylline Oracles
What king’s “Treaty of Ferentina” ensured that Rome was the head of the Latin League and gave each Latin unit a counterpart Roman unit, both under Roman command?
Tarquinius Superbus
With the Etruscan people having become a remote and mysterious people in early Roman history, what Roman emperor is said to have been the last speaker of the Etruscan language?
What two cousins, one a consul of Rome & the other a son of a Roman king, killed each other at Silva Arsia in 509 BCE?
Brutus & Arruns
Which of the 7 hills of Rome did Servius Tullius make fashionable by moving there himself?
What aqueduct of 144 BCE was likely named after the achievements of what king who was the first to bring water to Rome by aqueduct according to legend?
Aqua Marcia
What Roman king establish lands for peasant farmers called pagi?
Numa Pompilius
Although Tarquinius Priscus originally excused the Capite Censi from military duty, what Roman king utilized them for physical labor in constructing the Cloaca Maxima?
Tarquinius Superbus
Should a settlement reach too great a size, what would the Latin people do during a ‘sacred spring’?
Dedicate and send the first born (human & animal) to found a new city
Who claimed that her husband was only wounded rather than assassinated to more easily transition the kingship to her protege Servius Tullius?
During the destruction of Alba Longa, what type of buildings were spared?
To accommodate the over 80,000 Roman citizens following the first census in Rome, what Roman king brought in the Quirinal, Viminal, & Esquiline hills into Rome?
Servius Tullius
What Roman king sought to diminish the power of the senate by giving himself the right alone to try capital cases in an attempt to rule with awe and fear as a result of his illegitimate ascension?
Tarquinius Superbus
Whom does Livy assert was a captive prince of Corniculum rather than a lifelong slave so that Romans can claim not to have been subjects of a former slave.
Servius Tullius
What ‘black stone’ is believed to mark the grave of Romulus?
Lapis Niger
What man was forced to abandon his wife Hersilia on the mortal plane to become the god Quirinus?
What mountainous tribe of central Italy was pacified by Rome with a series of colonies, including Alba Fucens, before assimiliating by 250 BCE?
Who threatened to kill the wife of one of his friends and one of her slaves should she not submit herself to him, a crime bringing about the exile of his father Tarquinius Superbus?
Sextus Tarquinius
An onion, human hair, and live pilchards were among the alleged materials needed to control thunder & lightning according to what originally reluctant king of Rome?
Numa Pompilius
What son of Demaretus was prophesied to become king of Rome by his wife Tanaquil following a hat incident with an eagle?
Tarquinius Priscus
At what battle of 509 BCE did Lucius Iunius Brutus & Arruns both meet their end?
Silva Arsia
Perhaps envious of the king and nervous about the possible ascension of Lucius & Arruns, the sons of what previous Roman king hired assassins to kill Tarquinius Priscus?
Ancus Marcius
Although recently dated to the 370s BCE, what 25 ft high structure made from Tufa is attributed to the 6th king of Rome?
Servian Wall
What salt water port was first incorporated into Roman civilization by Ancus Marcius?
A statue of what man, posing with his sword unsheathed in his hand, stands on the Capitoline Hill as a remembrance of his role in founding the Roman Republic?
What woman helped negotiate a peace between the Romans and Sabines?
Following the collapse of the Etruscans, Tarquinius Superbus turned to what man, his son-in-law and leader of the Latin League, to help defeat Rome?
Octavius Mamilius
Who, apparently being too simple-minded to object to Tarquinius Superbus’s seizure of his family estate, before exacting revenge not only for himself, but for the Roman state on the final king of Rome?
When he had entered Rome for the first time, what man’s hat was stolen then returned by an eagle, an omen prophesizing his ascent to the Roman throne?
Tarquinius Priscus
Who was sent to Delphi with his cousins Titus & Arruns as comic relief, but alone realized the true meaning of the Oracle’s reply that ‘whoever is the first to kiss his mother will have supreme authority in Rome’?
Whom did Ancus Marcius make guardian over his two sons, paving the way for his ascension to the throne following Ancus’s death?
Tarquinius Priscus
Rather than endure being buried alive, what Vestal Virgin admitted that she was seduced by the god Mars?
Rhea Silvia
What man opened a temple within the walls of Rome and promised a safe haven for all criminals inside to build the population of his new city?
What Roman king was the first not to be elected and was instead put into power by his mentor Tanaquil?
Servius Tullius
What English word derived from Greek refers to the protection given to the temple Romulus built as a safe haven from persecution?
Due to the sudden increase in population, what king of Rome constructed the Curia to accomodate the new Albans into the city?
Tullus Hostilius
Although the Roman grammarian Festus claims that his name means ‘heavy’ in Archaic Latin, what Roman’s name means ‘stupid’, a characteristic he seemingly played up in his rivalry with Tarquinius Superbus?
Although Tarquinius Priscus is said to have started the construction, what later king ultimately finished the construction of the temple to Jupiter Optimus Maximus?
Tarquinius Superbus
What king, whom Ennius simply calls bonus, defeated the prisci Latini at the start of his reign and incorporated the Aventine & Janiculum hills into the city?
Ancus Marcius
Hoping to win the favor of his predecessor’s sons, what king marries Lucius & Arruns to his daughters?
Servius Tullius