Romanesque Sculpture and Painting Flashcards
Romanesque Sculpture and Painting
11th and first half of 12th century

Christ in Majesty
at St. Sernin, Toulouse
Romanesque Sculpture and Painting (11th-first half of 12 century A.D.)
- Made by Bernardus Gelduinus
- in mandorla
- Eagle = St. John, Lion = St. Mark, Man = St. Matthew, Ox = St. Luke
- Other worldly presentation
- compartmentalized drapery

Parts of a Romanesque Portal
Romanesque Sculpture and Painting (11th-first half of 12th century A.D.)

Christ in Majesty (Tympanum of South portal)
at Abbey church of St. Pierre in Moissac, France
Romanesque Sculpture and Painting (11th-first half of 12th century A.D.)
- from book of revelation
- 24 elders
- 4 animals: Ox, Lion, Man, Eagle

Trumeau at Abbey Church of St. Pierre
at Moissac, France
Romanesque Sculpture and Painting (11th-first half of 12th century A.D.)
- animal interlace on front
- trumeau picks of scalloped jambs
- old testament prophet
- no classical proportions, constrained by architecture

Last Judgement on Tympanum of Cathedral of Autun
in Autun, France
Romanesque Sculpture and Painting (11th- first half of 12th century A.D.)
- made by Gislebertus
- christ coming to judge
- portrays 4 obsessions of romanesque christians (Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell)

King David
on West Facade of Fidenza Cathedral, Italy
Romanesque Sculpture and Painting (11th-first half of 12th century A.D.)
- closer physically to roman tradition
- body more natural/proportional
- drapery more natural
- vistigial contrapposto (not actually contrappostto)
- made by Benedetto Antelami

Baptismal Font from Notre-Dame-des-Fonts
at Liege, Belgium
Romanesque Sculpture and Painting (11th-first half of 12th century A.D.)
- made by Renier of Huy
- classical-like

Christ in majesty
apse fresco from Santa María de Mur in Lérida, Spain
Romanesque Sculpture and Painting (11th-first half of 12th century A.D.)
- familiar christian elements

Vision of Hildegard of Bingen
in Scivias Manuscript
Romanesque Sculpture and Painting (11th-first half of 12th century A.D.)
- visited by tongues of fire
- manuscript dealing with manuscript production

Initial “R” from Moralia in Job Manuscript
Romanesque Sculpture and Painting (11th-first half of 12th century A.D.)
- communication from Gregory to a priest
- knight fighting dragon
- drapery compartmentalized

Bayeux Tapestry from Bayeux Cathedral
Romanesque Sculpture and Painting (11th-first half of 12th century)
- embroidery
- 1066: Battle of Hastings won by William the Conqueror
- Portrays Norman Invasion
- overlay of Latin and Anglosaxon occurs here