Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art Flashcards

Wall paintings at The Synagogue at Dura-Europos, Syria
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. A.D. 250)

Samuel Anoints David
at Synagogue at Dura-Europos, Syria
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. A.D. 250)
- Roman Style
- figures are stiff, static, and 2 dimensional

Christian Community House at Dura-Europos, Syria
“The Domus Church”
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. A.D. 240)

The Martyrium: Shrine of St. Peter
at Rome
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (late 2nd century)

Arc of the Covenant and two Menorah
from Villa Torlonia Catacomb at Rome
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (3rd Century A.D.)

The Good Shepherd, Jonah, and orants
from Catacomb of Saints Peter and Marcellinus at Rome
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (early 4th century A.D.)
- owes much to greek/roman art
- Orants: Punctuating figures
- Syncretism: selective borrowing or assimilation of images from other traditions giving them new meaning or context

Old St. Peter’s Basilica
at Rome
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (first half of 4th century A.D.)
- used classical basilica as model for churches
- more conducive to type of worship than greek/roman temples
- large interior space

Santa Sabina
at Rome
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (A.D. 422-432)
- Austere exterior, intricate interior
- Spoliation: objects which are looted from other sites and reused

Santa Costanza
at Rome
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. A.D. 350)
- The Central Plan
- Mausoleum of Constantine’s daughter

Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
at Ravenna, Italy
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. A.D. 425)
- square instead of round central plan

Vault Mosaic in Ambulatory of Santa Costanza
at Rome
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. A.D. 350)
- double imagery (Bacchus/Euchrist)

Parting of Lot and Abraham
mosaic at Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. 5th century A.D.)
- hint of perspective
- functioned to educate congregation as well as celebrating/praising god
- churches organized hierarchically: the higher the symbol on the wall, the holier the symbol

Good Shepherd mosaic
from Mausoleum of Galla Placidia at Ravenna, Italy
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. 5th century A.D.)

Miracle of Loaves and Fishes
from Sant’ Apollinare Nuovo at Ravenna, Italy
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. A.D. 504)

Vatican Vergil
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (5th century A.D.)
- example of lost illustrated manuscripts

Rebecca and Eliezer at the well
from Vienna Genesis
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (6th century A.D.)
- birds eye view
- intended to be clear, not accurate

Christ before Pilate
from the Rossano Gospels
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (6th century A.D.)

Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. A.D. 359)
- Christ in center panel with other biblical scenes around
- Christ on throne above personification of sky (persistence of pagan imagery - syncretism)

Santa Maria Antiqua Sarcophagus
Late Antiqutiy/Early Christian Art (ca. A.D. 270)

Christ as Good Shepherd
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. A.D. 300-350)

Christ Seated
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. A.D. 350-375)

Ivory Diptych of the Symmachi
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. A.D. 400)
- shows endurance of traditional cults and classical style

Ivory Diptych of Archangel Michael
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. 6th century A.D.)
- mixture of classical style and flatness/rigidity of christian art

Suicide of Judas and Crucifixion of Christ
Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art (ca. A.D. 420)
- made of ivory
- earliest narrative portrayal of crucifixion
- Christ is neither dead nor in pain