Roman Art: The Second Century A.D. Flashcards
Roman Art: The Second Century A.D.
Second Century A.D.
A.D. 98-117

Timgad, Algeria
Roman Art: Second Century A.D.
- Orthagonal plan, based on Castrum - roman fort
- Cardo: Vertical center street
- Decumanus: Horizontal center street

Forum of Trajan
Roman Art: 2nd Century A.D.
- lots of architectural innovation/refining
- increased focus on interior
- monumental entrance emulating victory arches

Markets of Trajan
at Rome - built by Apollodorus of Damascus
Roman Art: 2nd Century A.D.
- Built onto hill
- exterior use of brick

Column of Trajan
from Forum of Trajan, Rome
Roman Art: 2nd Century A.D.
- also Trajan’s tomb (was weird to bury dead in city)
- Victory column, describes war between Romans and Dacians, but might not be chronological
- relief style
- Constructed of series of marble drums
- used to have bird statue, now has st. peter

Arch of Trajan
at Benevento, Italy
- Alimenta relief - similar to Ara Pacis relief
- not a victory arch, commemorates domestic plan
- says built in AD 114, but depicts Hadrian (118)
A.D. 117-138
Portrait of Hadrian
from Rome
Roman Art: 2nd Century A.D.

The Pantheon
at Rome
Roman Art: 2nd Century
- Large interior, emphasis on interior
- converted to a church at one point, returned to original design
Hadrian’s Villa
at Tivoli
Roman Art: 2nd Century A.D.
- inspired by Canopus and Serapeum in Egypt
- long pool with fountain, lots of statues, caryatids from Acropolis, pumpkin dome
- Hadrian most likely designed part himself
- lintels and arcuate lintels

Al-Khazneh “The Treasury”
at Petra, Jordan
Roman Art: 2nd Century A.D.
- unevenly space columns
- Tholos on second story
- breaking down of Classical rules

Model of an Insula
at Port City of Ostia
Roman Art: The 2nd Century A.D.
- non-elite living
- almost modern-like apartments
- modest sized apartments, lavish decoration (indication of middle class?)

Floor mosaic from Baths of Neptune
at Port City of Ostia
Roman Art: The 2nd Century A.D.

Relief of vegetable vendor
from Tombs of Working Men and Women at Port City of Ostia
Roman Art: The 2nd Century A.D.
- conceptual image
The Antonines
A.D. 138-192
Column Base of Antoninus Pius
at Rome
Roman Art: The 2nd Century A.D.
- 2 sides look to past, 2 look to future
- Apotheosis of Antoninus (process of becoming a god)
- Roma (personification of Rome)
- 1 side is in classical style (even though 600 years laters) and other side depicts cavalry roundup (not classical style)

Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius
Roman Art: 2nd Century A.D.

Asiatic sarcophagus with portrait of a woman
from Melfi, Italy
Roman Art: 2nd Century A.D.

Portrait of a priest of Serapis
from the Faiyum, Egypt
Roman Art: 2nd Century A.D.