Islamic Architecture and Art Flashcards

House of Muhammad
at Medina
Islamic Architecture and Art (ca. A.D. 624)
Early Islamic Art
7th through 9th century A.D.

Dome of the Rock
at Jerusalem
Islamic Architecture and Art (Early Islamic Art: 7th-9th century A.D.)
- commissioned by Caliph ‘Abd al-Malik
- central plan
- no figural decoration

Great Mosque of Damascus
at Damascus, Syria
Islamic Architecture and Art (Early Islamic Art: 7th-9th century A.D.)

Great Mosque at Kairouan
at Kairouan, Tunisia
Islamic Architecture and Art (Early Islamic Art: 7th-9th century A.D.)

Minaret of the Great Mosque
at Samarra, Iraq
Islamic Architecture and Art (Early Islamic Art: 7th-9th century A.D.)

Great Mosque of Córdoba
at Córdoba, Spain
Islamic Architecture and Art (Early Islamic Art: 7th-9th century A.D.)
- hypostyle
- lobed arches
- complex dome geometry

Friday Mosque
at Isfahan, Iran
Islamic Architecture and Art (11th - 17th century A.D.)
- Iwans: apses used for teaching or to get out of sun

Umayyad Palace
at Mshatta, Jordan
Islamic Architecture and Art (Early Islamic Art: 7th-9th century A.D.)
- has figural scenes (animals)
- not religious

Pyxis of al-Mughira
Islamic Architecture and Art (Early Islamic Art: 7th-9th century A.D.)
- animal figure decoration, some human figures

Dish with Proverb
from Nishapur, Iran
Islamic Architecture and Art (10th century A.D.)
Later Islamic
14th through 18th century A.D.

Granada, Spain
Islamic Architecture and Art (Later Islamic: 14th-18th century A.D.)
- Brings idea of paradise to Earth

Muqarnas Dome
at Alhambra in Granada, Spain
Islamic Architecture and Art (Later Islamic: 14th-18th century A.D.)
- looks like honeycomb
- dematerializes architecture
Court of the Lions
at Alhambra in Granada, Spain
Islamic Architecture and Art (Later Islamic: 14th-18th century A.D.)
- uses muqarnas around

Madrasa-Mosque-Mausoleum of Sultan Hasan
at Cairo, Egypt
Islamic Architecture and Art (later Islamic: 14th-18th century A.D.)

Mosque of Selim II
at Edirne, Turkey
Islamic Architecture and Art (Later Islamic: 14th-18th century A.D.)
- Designed by Sinan the great
- simliar to Hagia Sophia, but cleaner and simpler
- lots of clear views