Romanesque Architecture Flashcards
11th and first half of 12th century A.D.

St. Etienne
at Vignory, France
Romanesque Architecture (France: 11th-first half of 12th century A.D.)
- 3 level nave elevation
- alternating column-pier
- overbuilding
- no gallery
- curved ambulatory with small chapels branching off
- compound pier

St. Sernin
in Toulouse, France
Romanesque Architecture (France: 11th - first half of 12th century A.D.)
- transept gives cruciform appearance
- radiating side chapels
- long, barrel vault
- no clerestory zone, no direct outside lighting to nave

Abbey church of St. Pierre
at Moissac, France
Romanesque Architecture (France: 11th-first half of 12th century)

Cloister at Abbey Church of St. Pierre
at Moissac, France
Romanesque Architecture (France: 11th-first half of 12th century A.D.)
- alternating 2, 1 columns
- lots of carving on capitals
- piers at corners
- sculpture and architecture have close relationship
Abbey church at Cluny (Cluny III)
Romanesque Architecture (France: 11th-first half of 12th century A.D.)
- has been mostly destroyed
- massive scale
Abbey church of Notre Dame
at Fontenay, France
Romanesque Architecture (France: 11th-first half of 12th century A.D.)
- Cistercian monestary (much more sparse and minimalist architecture)
11th-12th century A.D.

Speyer Cathedral
Romanesque Architecture (Germany: 11th-12th century A.D.)
- alternating compound piers
- groin vaulting in nave
11th - 12th century A.D.

Sant’ Ambrogio
in Milan, Italy
Romanesque Architecture (Italy: 11th-12th century A.D.)
- looks almost like Early Christian
- enter courtyard first (atrium)
- ribbed groin vaults
Pisa (Baptistery, Cathedral, Campanile)
Pisa, Italy
Romanesque Architecture (Italy: 11th-12th century A.D.)

Baptistery of S. Giovanni
at Florence, Italy
Romanesque Architecture (Italy: 11th-12th century A.D.)
- octagonal shape
- green and white stone

San Miniato al Monte
at Florence, Italy
Romanesque Architecture (Italy: 11th-12th century A.D.)
- similar facade to baptistery of S. Giovanni