Egyptian: Predynastic & Old Kingdom Flashcards

Tomb painting from Hierakonpolis
Egypt: Pre-Dynastic (3,500-3,200 BC)

Palette of King Narmer
Egypt: Old Kingdom (3,000-2190 BC)

Hesire, from Saqqara
Wood Relief
Egypt: Old Kingdom (3,000-2190 BC)

Mastaba tombs
Egypt: Old Kingdom (3,000-2190 BC)

Stepped pyramid and funerary precinct of King Djoser
At Saqqara
Egypt: Old Kingdom (3,000-2190 BC)
Designed by Imhotep ca. (2630-2611)

Pyramids of Giza
From left to right:
- Menkaure (ca. 2475 BC)
- Khafre (ca. 2500 BC)
- Khufu (ca. 2550 BC)
Egypt: Old Kingdom (3,000-2190 BC)

The Great Sphinx
Egypt: Old Kingdom (3,000-2190 BC)
Associated with pyramid of Khafre

Egypt: Old Kingdom (3,000-2190 BC)
Made of Diorite, protected by Horace at head
- Absolutely frontal
- Utterly immobile
- Perfectly calm

Menkaure and wife, Khamerernebty
Egypt: Old Kingdom (3,000-2190 BC)

Bust of Prince Ankhhaf
Egypt: Old Kingdom (3,000-2190 BC)

Prince Rahotep and wife, Nofret
Egypt: Old Kingdom (3,000-2190 BC)

Seated Scribe from Saqqara
Egypt: Old Kingdom (3,000-2190 BC)

Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt
Relief in tomb of Ti at Saqqara
Egypt: Old Kingdom (3,000-2190 BC)

Cattle Fording a River
Relief in tomb of Ti at Saqqara
Egypt: Old Kingdom (3,000-2190 BC)