role of conscience in telling lies + adultery Flashcards
What would Aquinas say conscience would do in lying?
conscience would inform person that lying is irrational bc it conflicts w synderesis rule + P.P
What exception circumstance might be offered in Aquinas’ view of conscience?
Mad axe murderer
Can tell an evasive truth
How would Fromm view telling lies?
Authoritarian conscience: tells truth out of fear os society’s disapproval
What does Freud say about lying?
Superego sometimes remains quiet bc some parents had no issue w lying
What would Aquinas say about adultery?
Marrying a widow, not knowing her husband is still alive isn’t blameworthy
But adultery conflicts w synderesis
What example might we use for Fletcher on the issue of adultery?
Mrs Bergmier
What might Durkheim say about adultery?
In society, authority of God has declined so adultery rises
Society still disapproves of adultery
What would Freud say about adultery?
Freud believed laws against adultery were used to keep society in check
Freud believes this prohibits our instinctive desire for gratification