application of ethical theories Flashcards
blood sports, intensive farming, intensive farming + organs for transplants
What did Aquinas believe about animals?
Used Aristotle’s hierarchy of souls
If animals can use plants for food, we can use animals
What did Aquinas say God gave us?
Dominion over animals
What did Aquinas say about killing another ox?
Killing another persons ox is property theft so its wrong
What did Judith Barad say about Aquinas’ view on animals?
Disagreed - if animal is used for food, then thats reasonable; but for shoes, hang bags, clothes etc is wrong
What would Aquinas believe about using animals for cloning?
Its not immoral bc animals are human property + experiments may develop cures for human diseases
What does the Catholic Church say about using animals for cloning?
It’s acceptable
What PP would using animals in cloning preserve?
Preserve human life
What did Aquinas say about the pain inflicted on animals during cloning procedures?
If the pain was necessary for the experiment, its okay
If pain was unnecessary then this is morally wrong bc the human may develop the tendency to do the same to humans
What did NML think about blood sports?
Humans can use animals for entertainment
Pain inflicted on animal is acceptable + if the animal dies bc of blood sports its acceptable
What do some writings from Aquinas make us think about blood sports?
He says humans owe kindness to animals; but blood sports aren’t kind so he prob would be against them
What does the safeguard in NML say that allows humans to use animal organs for transplant within reason?
Ban on any attempt to modify the human germline which would be a modification of God’s creation
What does the Catholic Church say about animals for organ transplant?
Carried out w due concern for animal pain + suffering
What is used to argue for intensive farming in situation ethics?
Millions of undernourished ppl in the world
Most loving thing = increase intensive farming bc it puts ppl first
How do some situation ethicists say the meat industry contributes to human starvation?
Cattle consume around 15 times more grain than can be produced in meat so it would be more loving to abandon intensive farming for a productive method
What was Fletcher involved in?
Cloning research
What did Fletcher advocate for? Why?
Use of animals for scientific procedures bc the means to end is human welfare + it’s pragmatic
What does situations ethics say about blood sports?
Doesn’t put human enjoyment before well-being of animals
What does situation ethics say blood sports may lead to?
Blood sports may damage the persons character + lead to other forms of violence
What would Aristotle think about intensive farming?
He’d have no issue bc animals exist for human use BUT, we don’t know what he’d think today
What example can we use for intensive farming of animals in terms of virtue ethics?
Farming of chickens
Overcrowding, fed drugs, legs break, male chicks are left to suffocate in bins bc they can’t lay eggs
What would a modern virtue ethics say about intensive farming?
Compassion must apply to all animals: human or non human + factory farming isn’t compassionate
What can we use to argue why Aristotle may disagree w factory farming?
What can he point to in factory farms that would make a person more virtuous
What would Aristotle think about animal use in cloning?
He used animals in scientific research so he’d regard it as compatible w virtuousness
What would Aristotle say regarding animals in cloning in terms of intelligence?
The highest thing in us is reason; intellect is used to do science
Using animals in science extends intellect so is virtuous
What virtue is addressed with animal cloning? Why?
Compassion; animals in cloning helps control diseases: HIV/AIDS, cancer, parkinsons etc
What might some modern virtue ethicists say about animals in cloning?
Not virtuous bc the animals pain isnt considered; a person of good character would use anaesthetics
What does Rosalind Hursthouse say about cloning?
The benefits are out of proportion to the suffering they cause animals
What makes it difficult to think about blood sports in virtue ethics?
Hunting in Ancient Athenian society was a common past time + source of food
What are modern laws in the UK about fox hunting?
Banned in England, Scotland + Wales
What virtue can we talk about with blood sports in virtue ethics?
Virtue of temperance - pleasure at the expense of other living beings isn’t developing good character
What did Rosalind Hursthouse say about blood sports?
Show’s vice of callousness
What might Aristotle say about animals as source of organs for transplants?
- Approves of scientific research
- Development of knowledge
- Compassion to humans who survive transplants
- Callousness to animals by seeing their lives as disposable