RM1- Types of Experiments, Variables, Hypotheses and Experimental Designs Flashcards
a state of measure of prediction
independent variable
what you change as the researcher
dependent variable
what you measure
extraneous variables
other variables that may affect our results
participant sample
the people you use in the study
numerical data
nomothetic approach
use quantitative data analysis and preferably large samples of participants to explain behaviour
laboratory experiment
conducted in a controlled environment
the researcher directly manipulates the iV
field experiment
conducted in a real world setting
the researcher directly manipulates the IV
quasi experiment
the reswarcher has no control over the IV
it is a characteristic of the individual
can put a task in place to measure the DV
has some control over EVs
natural experiment
the researcher has no control over the IV- naturally occuring
e.g. studying effects of real life events
DV is naturally occuring
little control over EVs
what is internal validity?
is the research accurately measuring what is claims to?
what is external validity?
can the research findings be accurately generalised beyond the study itself?
3 types of external validity
what is ecological validity
-setting/ environment
-are participants eliciting natural behaviors?
-natural or artificial setting?
a lab experiment would lack this validity
what is temporal validity
-eras/ times
-attitudes can change overtime- homosexuality was once defined as a mental illness
what is population validity
can they guess the aims of the research and display demand characteristics- change their behaviour
cultural background
demand characteristics
behaving in a way we think is expected /what they want to find
cause and effect
being confident that one variable has led to a change in another- IV caused effect on DV
how consistent the results are likely to be
standardised procedures
exactly the same procedure for every person
lab experiments and reliability
-use standardised procedures
-take place in highly controlled settings
-extraneous variables are limited
-study can be easily replicated
lab experiments and ecological validity
-take place in highly controlled settings
-artificial setting to the participant
-behaviour is unnatural
lab experiments and internal validity
-strict level of control over extraneous variables
-isolation of the effect of IV on DV
-we can establish cause and effect relationships
-confident that a change in the DV is due to a change in the IV
lab experiments and internal validity
-demand characteristics are likely in unnatural settings
-may use environment or researcher for clues to how to act
-not realistic behaviour
field experiments and reliability
-use standardised procedures but take place in a natural environment
-less control over extraneous variables
-study is more unpredictable- can’t always be replicated
field experiments and ecological validity
-take place in natural environments
-behaviour is more natural and realistic
field experiments and internal validity
-demand characteristics are less likely
-more accurate
-behave more naturally
field experiments and internal validity
-can’t control EV- decrease validity
-cannot establish cause and effect