RM L1: Operational definitions + controlling variables - Flashcards
What is a labratory experiment?
Lesson 1
Takes place in a situation / environment that is artificial to participants in the study
What are the 6 strengths of labratory experiment?
Lesson 1
- High levels of standardisation so they can be replicated to test validity
- High levels of control so researchers can be more confident the IV is affecting the DV
- High internal validity
- Easy to gain informed consent
- Deception dealt with a debrief
- Ppt know they are in a study so they can withdraw
What are the 4 weaknesses of lab experiments?
Lesson 1
- As in artificial setting they lack ecological validity
- Ppts take part in tasks that are nothing like real life they lack mundane realisim
- Ppts usually know they are in an experiment and may act with demand charecteristics
- Low external validity
What is a field experiment?
Experiments that take place in a participant’s own natural environment rather than an artificial setting
The researcher attempts to control other variables that could affect the DV
What are the 3 strengths of field experiments?
Lesson 1
- As it is a field experiment it takes place in a realistic setting means high ecological validity
- Ppts do not know they are in a study so there will be few / no demand charecterisitics
- High external validity
What are the 6 weaknesses of field experiments?
Lesson 1
- Situational variables can be difficult to control
- Sometimes may be unaware if IV is affecting DV or an uncontrolled variable
- Ppts do not know they are taking part in study and no informed consent and we are using deception on them
- Hard to replicate
- Debriefing is hard
- Right to withdraw is invalid
What is the independent variable?
Lesson 1
Variable that we change
Split into 2 groups
Group 1 - Control - not tested on what’s being changed used as comparison
Group 2 - Experimental - tested on what is being changed
What is the dependent variable?
Lesson 1
Variable that we measure
Want to see if IV is affecting the DV
Participant variables (IQ, prejudice, traits) may affect the DV
What is operationalisation?
Lesson 1
- Process of turning concepts into measurable observations
- outlining a procedure that reflects the behaviour that is being observed
- Describing/giving detail about the concept as it is different for people
How do you measure aggression?
One person says yelling another says pushing someone