Rizal and other Propagandists Flashcards
Most prominent propagandists who advocated for reforms in the Spanish colonia government. (3)
Jose Rizal
Marcelo H. Del Pilar
Graciano Lopez Jaena
Why did Jose Rizal disavow the assimilation policy?
What did he emphasize?
He realized that the spanish government was unwilling to grant Filipinos equal rights.
Preserve Filipino Culture and Equal Rights with the Empire - more assertive and independent path for self-determination
When was the Philippine Revolution?
_____ an organization led by ___ a Creole who endeavored to bring Filipinos studying in Spain together.
They launched a bi-weekly newspaper known as “___”
Aside from exiled liberal activists and students, they were composed of the FIlipino elite “____”
Circulo Hispano-Filipino
Revista del Circulo Hispano-Filipino
Aims of the Propaganda (4)
Legalization of Spanish and Filipino Equality
Creation of a Public School System Independent of Catholic Friars
Guarantee of Basic Freedoms
Equal Opportunity to enter Government Service
_____ Close and supportive relationship with Rizal. Prominent propagandist and editor of La Solidaridad. Published Rizal’s articles and writings in the paper to help disseminate his ideas.
Marcelo H. Del Pilar
____ Shared a commitment to the reform movement and collaborated on several occassions. Supportive of Rizal’s work and actively promoted the cause for reform. A gifted orator and writer.
Graciano López Jaena
____ A renowned Filipino painter and associated with the Propaganda movement. He sought to engage with Spanish and international commmunities. His art and connections abroad helped draw attention to the Philippine cause.
Juan Luna
_____ a lawyer and writer, had a more moderate approach. He negotiated and coopeated with Spanish authorities but Rizal had a more confrontational stance.
Pedro Paterno
What made Rizal disavow the Assimilation Policy?
- Experiences in Europe and Various Political ideologies.
- Pivoted to preservation of Filipino culture, language, and identtiy.
- This can be seen in Moli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
Effect on the propaganda movement:
- Contributed to a more asserive tone.
Inspired others to reconsider their goals and subsequent strategies.
The Katipunan sought for complete independence.
His eventual Martyrdomwould push more people to take a more direct approach.
_____ emphasized the significance of Rizal’s role in the context of the propaganda moveement. Contributed to discourse on reforms and national consciousness. Mostly on the COLLABORATIVE nature of how these intellectuals supported each other.
Book ____
Benedict Anderson
Under THree Flags
_____ Known for his historical writings and insights into Philippine history, themes related to disavowal of assimilation
Emphasizes the resistance of filipinos to complete assimilation. Filipinos upholding their distinct cultural identity despite attempts of colonial powers.
Book ____
Ambeth Ocampo
Rizal Without the Overcoat
_____ a Filipino Historian and critic of colonial legacy, offered critical perspectives around the resistance against colonial cultural imposition. Argued that Philippine history was shaped by centuries of colonial rule.
Book: ____
Renato Constantino
The Making of a Filipino: A Story of Philippine Colonial Politics
____ delves into cultural and socio-historial aspects
Emphasizing grassroot dimensions and popular consciousness of the nationalist movement. The importance of Rizal’s works as what stirred sentiments among ordinaty Filipinos,
Reynaldo C. Ileto
____ Literary critic and scholar. Explores how Filipino writers and intellectuals have grappled with complexities of cultural identity.
How Filipino Writers have asserted distinct cultural heritage.
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