Noli Me Tangere pt 2 Flashcards
Highlighted chapters:
Readers introduced to Padre Damaso, Padre Sibyla, Lieutenant Guevara, Laruja, Dona Victorina de Espadaña and Don Tiburcio de Espadaña
Chapter 1: A Social Gathering
Highlighted chapters:
Introduces the setting and characters, particularly Crisostomo Ibarra, returning from Europe
Chapter 2: Crisostomo Ibarra
Highlighted chapters:
Ibarra’s return from Europe. With dismissal from Father Damaso, setting the stage for cultural clashes and differe opinions among guests.
Chapter 3: The Dinner
Highlighted Chapters:
In this segment, ___ elightens Ibarra about the circumstances surrounding ____’s death
Chapter 4: Heretic and Filibuster
Lieutenant Guevara
Don Rafael
Highlighted Chapters:
Describes Ibarra’s life and his plans for education and improvements in town
Chapter 7: An Idyl on an Azotea
Highlighted Chapters:
Ibarra found out the unhumane killing of his father. A gravedigger admitted that Padre Damaso told him to dig up the grave and bury the don at the Chinese cemetery, but because it was raining, he threw the body into the river
Chapter 13: Signs of Storm
Highlighted Chapters:
_____ was accused of stealing two gold pieces and was ordered to stay until the money is returned. He complains about the beating.
Chapter 15: The Sacristans
Highlighted Chapters:
Shows Sisa’s plight as a mother searching for her missing sons.
Chapter 21: The Story of a Mother
Highlighted Chapters:
Highlights discussions on education, societal reforms, and Ibarra’s vision for change.
Chapter 25: In the House of Sage
Highlighted Chapters:
Father Damaso delivers a controversial sermon, sparking debates and exposing his character.
Chapter 31: The Sermon
Highlighted Chapters:
Showcases a dinner conversation
Chapter 33: The DInner
Primary themes of the story:
His analysis delves into Rizal’s use of symbolism and character development, highlighting how each character represents societal facets and critiques colonial oppression
Leon Maria Guerrero
Focuses on the novel’s portrayal of Filipino identity, discussing its role in shaping national consciousness
Nick Joaquin
examines the historical context embedded in the narrative, dissecting its relevance to understanding Phiilippine history and the struggle for independence
Ambeth Ocampo
Provides a critical view of the novel, discussing how Rizal’s work exposed the exploitative nature of the Cathloc church and its collusion with colonial powers
Renato Constantino
Focuses on gender roles within “Noli Me Tangere” exploring how the novel portrays the struggle of women in a partriarchal society and their agency in resisting oppression
Caroline Hau
Their interpretation places “Noli Me Tangere” within the broader context of Philippine history, discussing its role as a precursor to the Philippine revolution and its influence on nationalist movements
Teodoro Agoncillo
Examines the philosophical underpinnings of Rizal’s ideas, analyzing his ideologies and their implications on societal change and reform
Rene Escalante
Contemporary Relevance: (5)
Hedonism in Religion
Social Activism and Reform
Names and objects carry symbolic meanings
Paint vivid picture of Philippine society
Using humor and wit to highlight serious social issues
To hint at future events, building suspense and anticipation
Imagery and Descriptive Language
Satire and Irony
To reveal characters’ backstories and historical context
Employs a realistic portrayal of societal issues
Reflects the linquistic diversity of the Philippines
Uses letters and correspondence to convey information
Use of Flashbacks
Social Realism
Language and Code-switching
Epistolary Style