River Landscapes in The Uk Flashcards
Write a Definition For a Mouth of a River?
- A Body Of Water For Example a sea,lake
Describe The Gradient,Valley Channel Shape, And Cross Profile Which Are All Found In The Upper Course?
- The Gradient is Steep
-V-Shaped Valley - Have Steep Sides
-Channel shape - Is Narrow And Shallow - Cross Profile - Vertical Erosion
Describe The Gradient,Valley Channel Shape, And Cross Profile Which Are All Found In The Middle Course?
- The Gradient Is Medium
- The Valley Sides are Gentle and Sloping
-The Channel Is Wider and Deeper - Cross Profile- Lateral Erosion
Describe The Gradient,Valley Channel Shape, And Cross Profile Which Are All Found In The Lower Course?
- The Gradient is Gentle
- The Valley is very Wide Almost Flat
- The Channel is Very Wide and Deep
- Cross Profile - Lateral Erosion
Write a Definition of Vertical Erosion And Explain Where it Would Be Found?
- Vertical erosion is the downward erosion of a riverbed, deepening the river channel And Its is Mainly Found In The Formation of V-Shaped Valley.
- Its Found In The Upper Course
Write a Definition of Lateral Erosion And Explain Where it Would Be Found?
- Lateral erosion is the erosion of a river’s banks, causing the river channel to widen And It’s Mainly Found In Formation of A Meander.
- It’s Found In The Middle and Lower Course.
Name The 4 types Of Transportation Found In rivers and Explain Them?
- Traction - Large Boulders Being Pushed Along The River Bed
- Saltation - Pebble being Bounced Along The River Bed
- Suspension- Small Particles Like Clay are Carried Along The Water
- Solution - Soluble Materials dissolved in the water and carried
Write a Definition Of Deposition?
- Deposition is When the River Drops Eroded Material
Name Some Reasons when The River Slow Down and Deposit Materials?
- When The River Loses Velocity and Energy
- The Volume Of Water Falls
- The Amount Of Eroded Material Increases
- The Water is Shallower on the Inside of a Bend
- When The River Reaches Its Mouth
Describe The 4 Process Of How Waterfall And Gorges Are Formed In The Upper Course?
-1) The river flows over a layer of hard, resistant rock overlaying softer, less resistant rock.
- 2) The softer rock beneath the hard rock is eroded more quickly due to processes like hydraulic action And Abrasion This Means the soft rock erodes faster than the hard rock.
- 3) At the base of the waterfall, the water’s energy is concentrated, creating a plunge pool through the combination of hydraulic action and abrasion.
-4)- The erosion at the base of the waterfall undercuts the hard rock above, leaving it unsupported.
- Eventually, the overhanging hard rock collapses due to gravity, and the waterfall retreats upstream, repeating the process.
What are interlocking spurs, and how are they formed?
- They Are Found In The Upper Couse of a River and Most of The Erosion is Vertically Downwards.
- The Rivers Don’t Erode Sideways So They Have To Erode Into The Path Or The Side.
- The Hillsides That Interlock With Each Other Are Called Interlocking Spurs
Describe The Processes Of How A Meanders Is By Deposition And Erosion?
- The Current Is Going To Be Faster on The outside of The Bend Because The Channel Is Deeper and There is Less Friction Slowing The Water Down.
- So More Erosion Will Take Place on The outside of the Bend Forming River Cliffs.
- But The Current is Slower On The Inside of The Bend Because Its More Shallower and There is More Friction Stopping The Water.
- So The Eroded Material is Deposited On The inside of The Bend Forming Slip-off-Slopes.
Describe The 3 Process of How Oxbow Lakes Are Formed By Meander?
1)Erosion Causes The Outside Bends To Get Closer And Closer Until There is A Small Bit of Land Called The Neck.
2)The River Breaks Through The Land During a Flood and It Flows Through The Shortest Course.
3)Deposition cuts The Meander off Forming a Oxbow Lake e.g River Calder
Describe 2 Ways On How A Floodplain Is Formed in The Lower Courses of The River?
1)When a River Floods The Water Slows Down and Loses Energy and Drops Sediment that it is Carrying This Then Builds a Flood Plain.
2) When Meanders Migrates Across The Floodplain This Is Because Of Lateral Erosion and Deposition That Builds Up Creating Slip-Off-Slopes
Write a Definition Of a Meander And Describe Where They are Found?
When a River Develops There are Large Bends Called Meanders. They are Found In The Middle and Lower Course of A River.
Levees are ___________ Embankments.
Describe The process Of How Levees Flood?
- When a River Floods The Eroded Material Like Silt Is Deposited Over The Bank.
- Then The Heaviest Material Like Boulders Is Deposited Closest To The River Channel Because its Heavy and The River Slows Down and Loses Energy .
- Over Time The Deposited Material Build Up and This Creates Levees Along The Edge of The Channel
Describe The Process Of How Estuaries Flood?
- When The Water Floods Over The Bank of The River it Causes Sand And Silt Onto the Valley Floor.
-As The Tide Then Reaches its Highest Point the Water Moves slowly and Has Little Energy so it Deposits Silt. - Over Time More and More Mud Builds Up Causing Mud Flats To Appear.
Write Definition of Discharge in Rivers?
- Its The Volume Of Water Flowing Per Second Measured in Cumecs
Write a Definition For Peak Discharge?
- The Highest Discharge in the Period of Time you are Looking at It.
Write a Definition For Lag Time?
- The Delay Between Peak Rainfall And Peak Discharge.
What’s The Diffrence Between Rising And Falling Limb?
- The Rising Limb Has a Increases Discharge and The Falling Limb Has A Decreased Discharge
Name 5 Physical Factors That Affect Flood Risk?
- Geology - Different Rock Type.
- Agriculture- If Plants get too much Water it can wash the Nutrients Away
- Prolonged Rainfall - This can Saturate The Soil And Increases Surface Runoff.
-Change in Land Height- If a River is Steady Sided Valley Water Will Reach The Channel Quicker. - Confluence-Because When They Unite Then
Name 2 Human Factors That Affect Flood Risk?
- Deforestation- This Is Because If Humans Cut Down Trees It Doesn’t Stop Flooding.
- Urbanisation-Building Cites are Made from impermeable material like concrete which increases Surface Run-off
Why is The Nottingham Trent Left Bank Needed?
- Some Areas of Nottingham Left are Only Protected against a flood that has a 1 in 105 chance of occurring in any year.
- Some Stretches Of Defence are in Poor Conditions
What’s The Acronym To Rembert The 6 Areas That Were Involved In The Scheme
- S - Sawley - Raising The Height of Embankment.
- A - Attenborough- New Flood Defence Introduced.
- T - Trent Meadows - Raising The Height of Embankment.
- B - Beeston Rylands - The Height of Embankments.
- C - Colwick - New Defences To Improve Current of Water.
- M - Meadows - New Flood Walls Being Built.
Name 3 Facts About Nottingham Trent Left Bank Scheme?
- Costs £45 Million To Develop Management Strategies
- Construction Has Lasted Up to 3 Years
- a Total of 57,740 Lorry Delivers To Build The Scheme
Name 4 Opportunities Of Nottingham Trent Left Bank Scheme?
- Improves The Life For Bats And Otters.
- Over 15,000 Properties Will Benefit From Increased Protection.
- Provides Additional Footpaths.
- New Walls Have Been Built to Blend In The Surrounding Areas.
Name 3 Social Challenges Found At The Scheme
- Attenborough Cricket Club Will Not Be Used For 10 Months.
- Access To Victoria Embankment and Riverside Will Be Closed For 11 Months.
- Potential Increase In House Prices Due To Reduced Flood Risk.
Name 1 Economic Challenges Found At The Trent Scheme?
- Cost £45 Million Pounds To Develop Management Scheme
Name 3 Environmental Challenges Found at Trent Scheme?
- 196 Trees Have Been Lost and 116 Have Been Partially Lost.
- Increased Noise Pollution During Construction.
- 1.5 Hectares Of Land was Lost in Attenborough.
Write a Definition Of Surface RunOff?
- Its Where Water Flows Above The Ground To The River
Write a Definition Of Interception?
- It’s Where Trees Stop Rain From Reaching The Ground
Write A Definition Of Impermeable Surfaces?
- Its Where Water Cannot Pass Through It
Write a Definition of Saturated Soil?
- Its Where The Water Soaks Into The Soil
Write A Definition Of Infiltration?
- Its Where The Water Soak’s Into The Soil
Write A Definition Of Permeable Surfaces?
- Its Where Water Can Pass Through It
Write a Definition Of a Confluence
- Its Where 2 Rivers Meet Together and It Forms 1 River