Climate Change Flashcards
Write a Definition of Climate Change?
- Climate Change is any Significant Change in the Earth Climate Over a Long Peroid.
Write a Definition of Global Warming?
- Global Warming Describes the sharp rise in global temperatures over the last century.
How old do Geologist Think Planet Earth is?
- 4.6 Billion Years ago.
When Was the Last Ice Age?
- 10,000 Years Ago
What is The current Time Period and How old is It?
- The Current Time Period is the Quaternary Time Period.
- The Quetery Time Period is 2.6 Million Years ago.
Write a Definition of Glacial?
- Glacial is a Ice Age.
What does Glaciers Advance Mean?
- Glaciers Advance Means That Glaciers Grow South from the North Pole.
Write a Definition of Retreat?
- Retreat Means that Glaciers Melt and Return toward The Poles.
Write a Definition of Interglacial?
- Interglacial is a Warm Period between Ice Ages.
What Happened to Temperatures 5.5 Million Years Ago?
- The Temperature Were Warmer than Today.
What Happened to Temperatures 2.6 Million Years Ago?
- Temperatures Cooled and Then Enterded 100,000 Year Ice Age Cycle.
What Happened to Temperatures Over 420,000 Years Ago?
- Temperature Fluctuated in 100,000 Year Cycle.
What’s The Acrimony To Remember the 6 Pieces of Evidence for Climate Change?
- S - Sea Ice Melting.
- P - Painting.
- S - Satellite and Water Data.
- I - Ice Cores.
- S - Sediment Cores.
- T - Tree Rings.
Write a Definition of Instrumental Data and give 3 examples of Instrumental data?
- Instrumental Data Is data measured in real time using scientific instruments.
- For Example: Themetors,Satellite based radiometre, and Ice Caps.
Write a Definition of Proxy?
- Proxy Means A Approximate Estimate.
What Are Ice Cores/Sheets Made up and How do They form and what do scientist do?
- Ice Cores/sheets are made up of a layer of ice.
- 1 layer of ice is formed each year.
- Scientist Then Drill into ice sheets to get long cores of ice.
How do Ice Cores show us evidence for climate change?
- Gases from the atmosphere Trap into these layers of ice and scientist can tell what was the temperate.
What happens to the tree rings when tress grow?
- The Trees that grow more and more each year form a new ring.
Tress get thicker in (________) and (________) Conditions.
warm and wet
How do Tree rings Show us Evidence for climate change?
- Scientists take tree cores to count the rings to find the age of the tree.
- The thickness shows how what climate was like.
Pollen from (______________) Get Preserved In (_____________)
- Plants and Sediment
Write a Definition of Marine Sediment Cores?
- Marine Sediment Cores is A Cylinder Of Ocean Sediments Removed from The Ocean Floor.
What can Sediment cores shows Scientist?
- Sediment Cores can Show the date that pollen was preserved in sediments.
- This can show what creatures were alive at that time.
Write a Definition of Milankovitch cycles and Who Discovered Them?
- Milankovitch Cycles are Cyclical Variations in the Earth’s orbit around the sun.
- The Serbian Geophysicist Milutin Milankovitch.
Why is Ice Important to the Earth climate?
- when Sunlight hits the ground its absorbed.
- But ice is white and the color white reflects sunlight.
- But ice only forms in cold Conditions.
Why is the northern hemisphere so important for regulating earths climate?
- There is More Land in the North pole Compared to the South Pole.
- Land Freezes more quickly than water so ice freezes on land more easily.