River landscapes Flashcards
What are the stages of freeze-thaw?
Water fills a crack or joint in rock, water freezes and crack is widened. Repeated freeze-thaw action increases size of crack until block of rock breaks off, loose blocks of rock are called scree.
How does acid rain affect rivers?
Rainwater is slightly acidic. Acid reacts with minerals in rocks and dissolves them. E.g. granite contains feldspar, which is converted into soft clay minerals as result of chemical reaction with water
How do plants and animals affect rivers?
Plants grow into cracks and split rocks apart, animals burrow in cracks in rock.
How does sliding work?
Rock weathered or eroded material or earth moves down a slope. Gravity pulls weakened material quickly downward.
How does slumping work?
River erodes bottom of valley slope, making it steeper. Material above slides downwards, particularly if it is saturated with rainwater.
How does hydraulic action work?
Force of water on bed and banks of river removes material.
How does attrition work?
Load that is carried by river bumps together and wears down into smaller, smoother pieces.
How does solution work?
Some rock minerals dissolve in river water.
How does abrasion work?
material carried by river rubs against bed and banks and wears them away.
What is transportation?
Way which river carries eroded material or load.
What is traction?
Large boulders are rolled along river bed.
What is suspension?
Finer sand and silt particles are carried along in flow, giving river a brown appearance.
What is saltation?
Smaller pebbles are bounced along river be, picked up then dropped as river flow changes.
What is solution?
Some minerals e.g. chalk, are dissolved in water and carried along in flow, although they cannot be seen.
What are landforms?
In upper course, river erodes vertically. Gradient is steep and channel is narrow.
What are interlocking spurs?
River at its source is small and has limited energy. It flows naturally from side to side, around ridges in valley sides, called spurs. Spurs become interlocking with those on other side of valley.
What are waterfalls?
Common feature in upper course where is an increase in vertical erosion. Form where is layer of hard, resistant rock overlying softer, less resistant rock.
What are gorges?
Over long time, process of undercutting and collapse is repeated, and waterfall retreats, forming steep-sided gorge.
How do v-shaped valleys form?
Rain falls(solution) onto land, rain is slightly acidic, eroding land. River is flowing quickly due to downward flow of water due to gravity. Solution from rainfall combined with lateral and vertical erosion leads to formation of v-shaped valley. Only happens in upper course-youthful stage. When v-shaped valley interlock, become inter-locking spurs.
How do waterfalls form?
River erodes softer rock underneath harder rock. Creates undercut. Hard rock overhangs soft rock which collapses. Plunge pool develops at bottom of waterfall. Finally, steep forge-like valleys occur causing waterfall to retreat back upstream. Most occur in upper course/youthful stage.
What is a floodplain?
Wide,flat area of land either side of a river and experiences floods when river tops its banks.
How do floodplains form?
In lower course, river is nearing sea and carries huge amount of sediment(alluvium). When river floods, excess water spills over surrounding area. During flooding, velocity of river is reduced, loses energy, and deposits sediment, forming floodplain. Floodplain is shaped by lateral erosion of meanders as they gradually migrate downstream and by deposition of material on inner bends.
How do levées/floodplains form?
In lower course/old stage. Because river caries and drops material. Rate of deposition depends on speed of river and size of sediment/material. When river floods, bursts its banks but eventually river water dries up, leaves layers of sediment and alluvium. Material is first dropped along banks creating levées. Fewer material carried/dropped further away from banks building up land called floodplains.
How do levées form?
Deposition process, which takes place during flooding, continues until eventually embankments, made of larger, heavier sediment, are created beside river. When flooding occurs heaviest material deposited first due to decrease in river’s energy. Material creates natural embankments-levées. Smaller and finer sediment, or alluvium, is deposited further from river because it requires less energy to carry it.
How do meanders form?
In middle course, width depth and velocity of river all increase. River erodes laterally and starts to form large bends. Bend get bigger and wider, eventually develop into horseshoe shape. On outside bend faster flow, eroding bank to create river cliff. Water in inner bend flows slower deposits eroded material to create slip-off-slope.
How do ox-bow lakes form?
Narrow neck of meander is gradually eroded. Water now takes quickest route-times of flood river cuts through meander. Deposition takes place, sealing off old meander. Meander neck has been cut through completely. Ox-bow lake left behind when meander completely cut off.
What are Northings on an OS map?
Vertical lines with numbers that run northwards up the side of the map.
What are eastings on an OS map?
Horizontal lines with numbers that run eastwards across the top or bottom of the map.
What are contours?
These are lines drawn on maps that join places of the same height. They are usually an orange or brown colour. Some contour lines have their height above or below sea level written on them. It is possible to use them to see the shape of the land – if contour lines are close together the slope is steep, if they are far apart the slope is gentle.
What are spot heights?
Shows exact heights by a black dot with a number next to it. The number is the height above sea level in metres.
What percentage of the River Dee is rural?
What communications are there on the River Dee?
Run alongside river. E.g. Chester to Holyhead railway, as well as A483 and A55 primary roads.
What is there in the Dee’s upper course?
beautiful landscape/popular for recreation and tourism. Forestry, sheep farming and pasture.
What is there in the Dee’s middle course?
Large areas of habitat, rare plant/wildlife species important source for 3,000,000 in Wales and North West England.
What is there in the Dee’s lower course?
Dairy farms, arable farming famous for commercial and recreational fishing.
What is irrigation?
Method in which controlled amount of water is supplied to plants at regular intervals for agriculture. Used to assist in growing of agricultural crops, maintenance of landscapes, and revegetation of disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall.
What is a reservoir?
Large natural or artificial lake used as source of water supply.
What is over-abstraction?
Process of taking water from ground source, either temporarily or permanently. Most water is used for irrigation or treatment to produce drinking water.
What is channelisation?
Method of river engineering that widens or deepens rivers to increase capacity for flow volume at specific sections of river. As result, during flood watercourses can move efficiently and facilitate more water, results in less damage to banks.
What is a river profile?
Shows height and distance downstream from river’s source to its mouth. It’s a curved shape, steeper near the source and flatter near the mouth.
What are the characteristics in the upper course?
Steep, small discharge, shallow, narrow steep sided channel, quite fast, steep sides, waterfalls, interlocking spurs, angular boulders.
What are the characteristics in the middle course?
Less steep, large discharge, deeper, flat steep sided channel, fast, flat with steep sides, meanders, floodplain, more rounded rocks.
What are the characteristics in the lower course?
Shallow gradient, large discharge, deep, flat floor, gently sloping sides, very fast, flat with gently sloping sides, meanders, floodplain, levees, ox-bow lake, smooth, rounded pebbles.
What is the erosion rate?
Will be higher with greater discharge, so rivers in wet climates will erode more material than those in dry climates, widening and deepening river valleys and increasing the amount or eroded sediment.
What is the transport rate?
Will be greater where energy of water is greater, so rivers in wet climates will transport more material than those in dry climates.
What is the amount of discharge?
Affected by climate. Wetter climates mean greater discharge. Hotter temperatures mean greater evaporation so less discharge. Greater discharge higher velocity of river.
What is weathering?
Of rocks be greater in some climates, e.g. freeze-thaw weathering increases where temperatures range from just above to just below freezing.
How can increase frequency of storms change weather?
More periods of heavy, intense rainfall meaning more water flowing into rivers, which then overflow.
How can increasing periods of hot, dry weather change weather?
bakes upper soil so when does rain-water runs off surface, can’t soak in, reaching rivers and rapidly increasing discharge.
How does soil becoming impermeable during cold conditions change weather?
Snow melt cannot infiltrate and flows rapidly into rivers, increasing flood risks.
How does urbanisation change a river’s landscape?
- Towns growing causes fewer permeable surfaces. Water flows into river, increasing discharge.
- Increasing demand for housing has led to new houses being built on floodplains. Changes natural landscape.
- River can be channelised or made to flow underground to make room for urban developments. If this happens, erosion and deposition cannot take place.
How does agriculture affect a river’s landscape?
- Field drains can improve farmland, but quickly move water into streams and rivers, and can destroy natural wetland landscapes.
- Forests can be felled to make way for farmland. Trees intercept rainfall, helping to reduce surface run-off. Removing trees means water reaches rivers more quickly.
- Abstracting water for irrigation reduces flow and velocity of river so deposition occurs rather than erosion.
- Ploughing up fields and down a slope can increase amount of sediment in rivers and increase deposition.
How can industry affect a river’s landscape?
Industry is a big user of water, so reduce amount of water in rivers, leading to less erosion. Industrial processes can pollute rivers if chemicals or waste are spilled or dumped into them. This can destroy plants and animals and change natural landscape.
How can rainfall intensity cause flooding?
A lot of rainfall over short period of time prevents soil infiltration. Excess water will flow towards river as surface run-off(overland water) or groundwater. Water will reach river channel more quickly and force level of river to rise above bank level. Flooding can occur.
How can geology cause flooding?
Rocks like granite are impermeable, so water so unable to percolate from thin soil above. Excess water will flow as surface run-off(overland flow) or groundwater. Water will reach river channel more quickly and force level of river to rise above bank level. Flooding can occur.
How can snow melt cause flooding?
At spring time warmer temperatures will melt snow creating more water. Excess water will flow towards river as surface run-off(overland flow) or groundwater. Water will reach river channel more quickly and force level of river to rise above bank level. Flooding can occur.
How can drainage basins cause flooding?
Steep-sided valleys or a lot of tributaries means water enters river system quicker. Excess water will flow towards river as surface run-off(overland flow) or groundwater. Water will reach river channel more quickly and force level of river to rise above bank level. Flooding can then occur.
How can floods effect the physical world?
Include landslides, soil erosion, loss of natural habitats, contamination of water supplies.
How can floods effect the human world?
Death, disease, damage to property, insurance claims, loss of livelihoods, loss of crops and farm animals, disruption to transport.
How can dams and reservoirs affect floods?
Barriers constructed to hold back water in artificial lakes.
Positives: Store large volumes of water until needed, long-lasting; can be used to generate hydro-electric power (HEP).
Negatives: Expensive to build, sediment can build up in reservoirs.
Landscape impact: natural river valley landscape is flooded.
How does channelisation affect floods?
Deepening or widening river channel.
Positives: Allows water to flow more quickly away from areas of flood risk.
Negatives: Visually unattractive, more water is taken downstream, increasing flood risk to other settlements.
Landscape impact: Replaces natural meanders and floodplain with artificial channel.
How can floodplain zoning affect floods?
Prevents development in areas most prone to flooding next to rivers.
Positives: Reduces number of homes at risk of flooding, allows infiltration so surface run-off takes place and flooding is reduced.
Negatives: Restricts growth of settlements.
Landscape impact: Preserves natural floodplain.
How do washlands affect floods?
Areas next to rivers that are deliberately flooded to avoid flooding residential or important agricultural areas.
Positives: Create an area for floodwater to go, allow natural river processes e.g. deposition.
Negatives: Might limit use of land.
Landscape impact: Preserves natural floodplain landscapes in mid and lower river courses.
How is the river Dee’s landscape forced?
Source of Dee is Ddualt, upland area in Snowdonia. High annual precipitation. Dee flows south-easterly, eroding heavily glaciated upland landscape formed of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Near Chester river meanders across floodplain, eroding softer sedimentary rocks and depositing sediment. Section is artificially straightened, giving man-made landscape. Further deposition occurs to form Wirral esturaine landscape.
What are human factors causing the Dee to change?
1732-1736 channelisation of 8km improved navigation, increasing discharge and velocity and creating an artificial landscape. Under River Dee Regulation scheme a series of reservoirs was built e.g. Llyn Celyn. Earth embankments built along middle course to protect agricultural land and properties, preventing further developments of floodplain landscape.
What are the physical factors causing the Dee to change?
Floodplain landscape between Holt and Worthenbury with meanders, alluvium and river terrace deposits formed by active erosion and deposition, causing river to change its cause over time. If sea levels rise by 1 m by year 2100, coastal landscapes will replace salt- and freshwater marsh landscapes. In Dee Estuary, rises in seal level will destroy estuary landscape.