Rheum Flashcards
Pt presents with compression fx and Dexa of -2.7
T score < -2.5 is diagnostic
Due to reduction in bone formation
40-45 male smoker with tortuous “corkscrew” lower leg veins. Dx?
Thromboangiitis obliterans (Beurger dz)
Pathophys due to smoking
presents with phlebitis and can have Raynaud phenomenon
Pt with septic arthritis has no organisms on gram stain. Tx?
vanco and ceftriaxone
No organisms on Gram stain doesn’t change your tx
Covers Staph and Gonorrhea
Auricular chondritis, seronegative inflammatory arthritis, ocular inflammation, respiratory tract chondritis, inner ear dysfunction
Relapsing polychondritis
Inflammatory dz of cartilage
Anti-dsDNA b
Steroids are used when pt has: renal involvement, CNS syx, pericarditis, thrombocytopenia, or hemolytic anemia
Other syx can be managed by NSAIDs
Backpain without neurologic findings
Lumbosacral muscle strain
Proximal muscle rash + heliotope rash
Anti Jo 1
Workup - EMG, rules out other causes of muscle weakness
Tx - Prednisone
Autoimmune syx with Anti-U1-ribonucleoprotien (U1-RNP)
Mixed connective-tissue dz (MCTD)
40 y/o male gets back pain that improves with exercise and wakes him up at night
Ankylosing spondylitis
RF -, HLA-B27 +
Schober test on PE to measure mobility of the lumbar spine
Respiratory tract and kidney vasculitis, c-ANCA +. Granulomatous inflammation on bx
Wegner granulomatosis
Tx - Cyclophosphamid and prednisone
Older male presents with b/l worsening of hearing. Also weird hx of fx’s. Concerning for?
Paget dz (osteitis deformans)
Increased bone turnover and abn architecture
Syx - skeletal malformation, deafness, nerve compression, fx’s and high Alk Phos
Poorly controlled T2DM presents with warm erythematous foot that she cannot ambulate well with. Decreased pinprick and vibratory sensation.
Charcot Joint (neuropathic arthropathy)
Older pt has muscular discomfort especially of the shoulder and pelvis. Hard to find a comfortable position. Strength 5/5
Polymyalgia rheumatica
Strong association with temporal arteritis
Limited active and passive range of motion in the shoulder after the arm has been immobilized for several weeks
Adhesive capsulitis
More common in older women, DM’s
Anticentromere Ab
CREST (Calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, Esophargeal Dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia)
Systemic (cutaneous) scleroderma
Why do sarcoid pts have hypercalcemia?
Granulomatous dz -> increased production of calcitriol (1,25-diOH, active vitD)
Tx for ankylosing spondylitis
Anti-TNF alpha
Tx for Paget dz
Tx for pseudogout
Inhibit PMN microtubule formation to impair phagocytosis, migration, and chemotaxis
What is deposited in pseudogout?
calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition dz
Rhomboid, weak positive birefringence under polarized light
What easy lab test is helpful in dx’ing temporal arteritis?
Anti-La, Anti-Ro
Sjogren syndrome
Dry mouth, dry eye
Most common cause of bone metastasis in a female?
Breast cancer
Lung cancer is also osteolytic
Hematuria + Hemoptysis
Anti-GBM antibodies
What pulmonary findings can scleroderma pts develop?
Interstitial lung dz and Pulmonary HTN
Skin finding in sarcoidosis?
Erythema nodosum
Painful subq pretibial nodule
Erythema noduosum + hilar adenopathy + acute arthritis Indicates a good prognosis
COD is systemic scleroderma?
Pulmonary fibrosis
Pulmonary HTN
Which tendon is injured in lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Forceful and repetitive extension of supination of the hand
SLE pt with livedo reticularis. Dx and other key findings
Antiphospholipid Ab syndrome (APLS)
Hypercoagulable state with prolonged aPTT
Tx for fibromyalgia?
In what scenario are OCP’s contraindicated in a SLE pt?
When + for antiphospholipid Abs
Best way to treat OA?
Exercise and weight loss
Gout pt presents with a joint nodule that does not transilluminate
Tophaceous gout
Deposited uric acid crystals surrounded by granulomatous inflammation
Tx: allopurinol prevents worsening, remove surgically
Heme onc dz with lytic bone lesions
Multiple myeloma
Pt presenting with uveitis and b/l hilar lymphadenopathy
Lofgren syndrome (acute form of sarcoidosis)