Pulm Flashcards
SOB + non productive cough + wheezing
Caused by reversible inflammation
Triggers can be cold, exercise
Intubated pt with Hypoxia, dullness to percussion, complete opacification of one lung
Airway obstruction causing complete atelectasis
Vent -> decreased mucociliary motility -> mucus plug formation
Tx - bronchoscopy
How do you bx a pt that has a centrally located lung mass suspcious for cancer?
Peripheral masses - thoracoscopic or needle bx
Decreased diffusion capacity of the lung for CO
Tx for primary PHTN
Prostacyclins, endothelin receptor antagonists or PDE-5 inhibitors
Goal is to vasodilate
Warfarin for all d/t increased risk of DVT/PE
IF they respond to vasodilation - CCB for long term management
Pt gets bronchospasms with NSAID use. Why?
Causes a shunting effect and increases production of leukotrienes (potent bronchoconstricotrs)
Silicosis increases the risk of?
30x increase
All pts should receive a PPD
Best prognostic indicator in COPD?
Determines degree of obstruction and monitors progression of dz
FEV1/FVC < 70%
Chronic bronchitis
FEV1/FVC <70%
FEV1/FVC 70-80%
low DLCO
Interstitial lung dz
Management of acute exacerbation of COPD
Bronchodilators, glucocorticoids, abx
If failed -> Non invasive positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV) - PEEP via facemask
If failed -> intubate
What two criteria determine ventilation for a intubated pt?
rr x TV
Hyperventilation -> respalkalosis (PO2>100)
Good to start by decreasing the rr
How do you estimate tidal volume for a vent?
6mL/kg of ideal body weight
Which test is most sensitive for new onset orthostatic hypotension?
Decreased urine sodium (FENa <1%)
Usually caused by underlying hypovolemia
Hypovolemia -> low renal perfusion -> activates RAAS (aldosterone) -> avid uptake of salt and water into the circulation
How is orthostatic defined
Drop >20mmHg in SBP
Drop >10mmHg in DBP
sudden onset dyspnea, tachy, tachypnea
Pulm embolism
Pleuritic pain, hemoptysis
look for recent travel hx
Most positive impact on survivial in a COPD pt?
Long term home oxygen
Proven to prolong survivial
Night time cough -> think?
Add a PPI
What is a goal FiO2 while on a vent?
<60%, goal is to wean a pt below this to avoid Oxygen toxicity
How does mechanical ventilation improve oxygenation?
Increased FiO2
PEEP (decreases dead space)
3 most common causes of chronic cough
Upper-aireway cough syndrome (postnasal drip)
Tx for upper-airway cough syndrome (post nasal drip)
Chlorpheniramine (1st gen antihistamine, H1 receptor blocker)
Decreases nasal secretions
RF’s - allergies, vasomotos rhinitis, sinusitis
Initial management of PE pt with renal failure
Unfractionated heparin
PNA pt has sudden hypoxia and CXR b/l alveolar infiltrates
Causes impaired gas exchange (V/Q mismatch), lung compliance (stiff lungs d/t loss of surfactant and increased recoil), pulm HTN (d/t hypoxic vasoconstriction
Why does PNA cause hypoxia?
V/Q mismatch, intrapulmonary shunting
Difficult to correct hypoxia in the absence of alveolar ventilation
Thoracentesis reveals pleural fluid with glucose < 60 and LDH >60
Exudative effusion with low glucose d/t the high metabolic activity of WBCs and bacteria
COPD pt has sudden dyspnea and severe R sided chest pain
Tactile fremitus and decreased breath sounds on R
trace ankle edema
Secondary spontaneous PTX s/t rupture of alveolar blebs
SOB + dullness to percussion, incerased intensity of breath sounds, increased tactile fremitis
Lung consolidation
Usually s/t lobar PNA