Renal Flashcards
Why can pts with COPD or asthma exacerbations develop hypokalemia?
Increase Beta-adrenergic activiey
Causes K+ to go intracellular
AKI syx (rising Cr) d/t BPH, needs a?
Renal U/s
Asses for hydronephrosis
How do you prevent future stones in a pt that just passed a uric acid stone?
Alkalinize the urine w/ po potassium citrate
s/p tonic clonic seizure, pt has a AG metabolic acidosis. Why?
Postictal Lactic acidosis
recheck labs in 2 hours for resolution
management of simple renal cysts?
Reassure, no further work up
Which medications can cause urinary retnention?
Anticholinergics (ie amitryptiline)
Prevent detrusor m. contraction
Tx - d/c med and cath
Do you screen for bladder cancer?
Nope. Never. Only test if syx appear
Tx for acute kidney rejection?
IV steroids
Presents as oliguria, HTN, increased Cr/BUN
Metabolic alkalosis + low urine Cl
Prior diuretic use
Responds to saline
Metabolic alkalosis
High urine Cl
Responds to saline - current diuretic use
No response to saline - Bartter and Gitelman syndromes
Metabolic alkalosis
High urine Cl
Excess mineralcorticoid activity Primary hyperaldosteronism Cushing dz Ectopic ACTH Saline unresponsive
AKI after giving acyclovir?
Renal tubular obstruction d/t crystals
acyclovir has low urine solubility and crystalizes out
IVF can help prevent crystal formation
Acid base change in aspirin OD
Mixed respiratory alkalosis and AG metabolic acidosis
AG + NL pH
Why do anion gap acidosis’s happen?
Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria -> anaerobic metabolism w/ low bicarb
Winter’s formular
PaCO2 = [1.5 * HCO3] + 8 =/-2
If PCO2 is lower than expected -> coexisting primary respiratory alkalosis
Earliest renal abn in T2DM
Gloverular hyperfiltration, mechanism of glomerular injury in T2DM
The first change that can be quantified = thickening of the GBM
Adult with dark urine after URI
IgA nephropathy
Most common GN in adults
usually w/in 5 days of infection vs PSGN 10-21 days
Psych hx
New onset hyponatremia
Urine osmolality < 100
Primary polydipsia
Nephrotic syndrome in Hodgkin lymphoma
Minimal change dz
Nephrotic syx in cancer pt (esp solid tumors)
Membranous nephropathy
which medications can cause interstitial nephritis?
Penicillins Bactrim Cephalosporins NSAIDs presents w/ fever, maculopapular rash, renal failure. UA - WBC casts, oc eso
Which medication is helpful in passing a kidney stone?
alpha-1 receptor blockers act on the distal ureter, lowers muscle tone, reduce reflex ureteral spasm s/t stone impaction.Reduces need for analgesics
Most common COD in HD pts?
50% of all deaths
Also most common COD in renal transplant patients