Rheum Flashcards
Raynauds phenomenom that does not respond to nifedipine and with joint pains should get what kind of workup?
Ana, rF, c3/4
IG deficiency has what?
Ie. IGG def causes recurrent sinopulm inf and GI infections
Remember incr risk of malign
Symmetric polyarthritis involving MCP and PIP joints with morning stuffness for more than 6 wks more than 1 hr
Diagnose clinically RF. can check rf factor and anti CCP
Tx w NSAIDS. If severe and xray shows erosive joint dz then give sulfasalazine, methotrex
Also if aspirate see NO crystals
Could also be parvovirus BUT only lasts weeks
Polyarthritis with morning stiffness lasting LESS than 30 min with other constitutional prk lens like dm2, weak, decr libido, hepatomeg. Xray shows subchondral cysts, sclerosis, osteopenia. Aspiration shows pos bifringent crystals line CPPD (calcium) which is PSEUDOGOUT,
OA spares which joints in hands?
Reactive arthritis affects which joints?
DIP. Assoc with urethritis or conjunctivitis
Hemochromatosis labs include:
Iron, transferrin, ferritin levels
transferrin >50% with high ferritin and iron
Dx with liver biopsy
RA tx
To slow progression of joiny dz, control synovitis
Tx w dmards like methotrexate and steroids first. If doesnt work then switch to
Anticytokine drug like infliximab and etanercept but must check ppd before
Classical presentation of sarcodosis is
B/l hilar adenopathy in 90% pts with or wo lung involvement
Hypercalcemia only happens in 20% of pts
Best test for lupus and for lupus activity after the ANA is done?
Anti ds dna can follow course of disease and assoc w development of lupus nephritis
Lupus tx- esp if have arthalgias and cutaneous symptoms
Steroids tor short term relief
Hydroxychloroquine long term to prevent kidney and cns involvement
If severe organ damage then methotrexate
20s yr old guy w back pain and morning stiffness impr with exercise, decr chest expansion has what?
What is test to diagnose
Ankylosing spondylitis
Plain xray of sacroiliac joint to eval for sacroiliitis
Assoc with uveitis
To monitor disease activity in ankylosing spondylitis- what to do?
Xray after 3 month
Can also check EST
Life expectancy of ankylosing spondylitis incr, decr, or same?
Does smoking have effect?
Smoking worsens bc of restrictive lung dz
Mono or oligoarthritis not due to trauma in 20s yr old usually due to
What is unique finding about the tendons?
Gonococcal arthritis- esp if sex active
Usually see wbc>50k but may be less
Dx w many cultures- joint, urethral/cervical/rectal/oral since joint cx may be neg in 50%
Have tenosynovitis- inflammed tendons or may even get a vesiculo-pustular rash
Lupus pt in 30s who has cardiac arrest and dies. What is most likely cause of cardiac arrest?
Coronary vasculitis
Cardiac tamponade
Cad!! 50x incr. lupus accelerates atherosclerosis
Sarcoidosis w bl hilar lad and erythema nodosum- need tx?
Nope!! Spontaneously remits and good prognosis!! Tx it hyperca etc w steroids!!
37 yo aa woman w raynauds, gerd, now w severe htn, ha, aki, blurred vision has
Scleroderma crisis- esp when have gerd and raynaud
Not fibromusc dysplasia which is cause of renal artery stenosis
Tx of scleroderma htn crisis
Ace inh like captopril to reverse some angiotensin induced vasoconstriction as well as nitropruss
Tx of hyperca in sarcoidosis