Pulm Flashcards
Methacoline challenge will decr what by how much
FEV1 by more than 20%
Appropriate placement of ET tube
21 cm women
23 cm men
Emergent chest tube for pneumothorax should be placed where
Midclavicular line
2nd to 3rd intercostal space
Ards hypoxemia defined by what ratio
200-300 mild
100-200 mod
Ards ventilation goals
Low tidal vol - 8ml/kg ideal body weight to achieve plateau pressure 55 is o2 88%
You allow for permissive hypercapnea due to alveolar hypoventilation
Cxr with atelectasis in intubated pt- next step is to
Incr peep
Which causes siadh? Small cell or squamous cell cancer?
Small cell
If find incidental nodule in cxr on a smoker who pw possible pna what is next step?
Ct chest not a repeat cxr
Suspicious lung mass located peripherally should get what intervention done?
Video assisted thorascopic surgery to remove
If centrally located then do bronchoscopy
Diagnose sarcoidosis with biopsy of what?
Most accesible lesions or organs including lacrimal glands, salivary glands like parotid gland, NOT erythema nodosum, or palpable superficial lymph nodes (but palpable nonsuperficial lymph node ok)
Do not have to do thorascopic biopsies of perihilar lymph nodes
Contraindication of bipap
Altered, asp risk
Massive PE can cause what kind of valve prob
Tricuspid regurg
Sarcoidosis pt with painful red eye and photophobia has
Anterior uveitis
Asthma pt w frequent asthma flare, thick brown sputum, fevers w high serum eosinophils. Next step is? Tx?
Abpa - allergic bronchopulm aspergillosis. First test is skin test for reactivity to aspergillus ag (BEFORE ige blood test!!!). If it is positive ag then go on to serum ige levels.
Puerto rican 34 yo w painful nodhles on legs which disappear and now w r facial droop but forehead DOES not wrinkle, and palpable liver should get what screening test next?
Cxr for sarcoidosis- affects peripheral nerves
Dont need cth!!
When to use mg in asthma exac
When pef 1 hr if intensive saba and steroids
Mg2 is a bronchodilator
Guy in mva w stable vitals but tachy and shallow rapid resp, anterior chest bruises, and peripheral cyanosis has
Flail chest - due to more than one rib fx and showing inaqequate oxygenation w cyanosis
Tx is supportive
Vs cardiac contusion more serious and will have unstable vitals
What is best indicator for pt prognosis in copd?
Lack response to bronchodilator
Fev1 and age
Asthma pt w frequent exac and pna on ct chest w central bronchiectasis and fleetig infiltrate has what
With occ hemoptypsis and brown sputum
Allergic bronchopulm aspergillosis - exaggerated ige and igg immune respone to aspergillus
Screening low dose chest ct positive w >4 mm nodulr has what liklihood of being cancer
Pt c/o coughing in 30s and coughs with forced expiration has
Asthma!! Even at 30
Not even post nasal drip or gerd
Pt exposed to CO should get tested how?
Co oximetry
Not methhemoglobin levels which are not affected!!! Carboxyhgb levels are!!
After lymph node biopsy should u experience subq crepitus??
no!! Sign of pleural puncture!!! Admit and observe