Ethics Flashcards
What is hospice? What is allowed in hospice?
Hospice is palliative care made up of IDT available 24/7 that provides care for end of life pts who forego life prolonging therapy.
New diagnosed HIV should be encouraged to tell partner… Should u encourage pt to tell or say u r supposed to tell?
Pt should tell fiance. U are required only to tell dept of health.
Doctor is responsible for identifying surrogate when no advance directives
Dont get ethics committee involved
What to do when a multiple family cant agree on decision for loved one?
Ethics committee
Performing emergent procedures in unconcious pt is which priciple of medicine?
Autonomy is informed consent
Integrity is to be honest
Justice is fairness of who gets scarce resources
Pt with advance directive dnr/dni intubated but kids dont want removal… What to do next?
Remove it..
Dont need ethics involved
Is it ok to go to pt wedding?
Yes. Just no sexual relationship
If nurse gets needlestick and pt refuses hiv test then
Dont test pt and give postexposure proph
Not allowed the offer pt hiv test and not inform on results bc of ethics
Parents of child born dwarf (high fatality) do no want child transferred to nearby tertiary center for icu. What do u do?
Respect their wishes.
Critically ill pts may have life sustaining measures withheld if the potential for joy is overwhelmed by pain and suffering
You find out a colleague is engaging in sexual behavior with a pt. what do u do?
Report to state medical board
A pt cannot give consent bc of physician-pt disparate relationship
Not appropriate for you to directly contact the colleague etc
Jehovas witness in mva, losing blood, hypotensive… Can you give blood?
No!! Give ivf and vasopressors
But for a jehovahs witness child u can bc a parents cannot refuse lifesustaining tx for child who has not reached age to consent to religion
You get a gold watch from a pt. you decline but ur reason is which? You cant accept any gifts from pts or you cant accept expensive gifts
You cant accept expensive gifts
MR woman comes for prenatal care but mom doesnt want her preg. What should u ask?
Who is guardian???
If no guardian, then the pt is own guardian and need to determine capacity and ask more que.
Woman finds out she has lynch syndrome
But worried employer and insurer will find out
What do u tell her?
She should not worry- there is lawlreventing employer from getting genetic info and even if they have genetic info they are prohibited from discriminating
Never pick the judgemental answer!
Pt asks u about a new herbal med. What do u say?
Herbal meds are not strictly regulated. I need further evidence before recommending the product
not avoid taking supplements that u read about online as these claims are largely unsubstantiated.- some herbs do work
Lady mad she waited hours to see doc. Response?
Sorry for the delay i was caught up by emergency
NOT i see u r upset. Lets focus in how i can help you
A divorced mom has child w chromosome abn and genetics is requesting testing from mom and dad but mom hates dad and complaining
Help mom deal and then educate about benefits of getting the dads chromosome studies
Not the and to document and proceed no further
Severe copd lady doesnt want intubation and wants to die at home but daughter disagrees and wants pt adm
Arrange for home hospice