Rhematic Fever Strep Pyogenes Flashcards
Explain pathophysiology of streptococcus pyogenes
Strep pyogenes –> antibody mediated disease – >
Develop Ab against strep pyogenes M prot ->
M protein similar to heart tissue antigen ->
Molecular mimicry HSR to AB damage to heart valve
When does the first attack happen for rheumatic fever?
Explain how it progresses?
Risk factors for rheumatic fever
5–15 years
Strep pyogenes pharyngitis – >
20 days/1–5 wks –>
Rheumatic fever
Crowding + young age
What are the major Jones criteria for rheumatic fever
Joints – polyarthritis
-MMMMyocarditis –most CCofD @acute-phase
Aschoff bodies (granuloma+giant cells)
Anitschkow histiocytes
mitral >aortic – valve vegetations regurg
-PPPericarditis – friction rub + chest pain
Nodules = subcutaneous
Erythema marginatum
Sydenham chorea = rapid involuntary movements
What are the minor Jones criteria
Fever PAPA
Fever Previous rheumatic fever heart disease Arthralgia PPPRRRolonged PPPPR interval – 1st° heart block Acute-Phase reactants – ⬆️ESR
Explain how repeat exposure to strep pyogenes can damage the heart valve
Chronic rheumatic fever – >scarring from acute rheumatic attacks – >
Stenosis = mitral = thick chordae/cusps Stenosis = aortic = Fusion of commissures FISH-mouth appearance