Endocarditis Flashcards
Most common bacteria cause of endocarditis?
Destroy valve?
Infects what?
Strap viridians = ⬇️ subacute endocarditis
SMALLLLLLLLLL vegetations don’t destroy valve
Infect previously damaged valves (c.rheumatic fever + mitral valve prolapse)
What is endocarditis
Inflammation of endocardium that lines cardiac valve surfaces
Explain pathophysiology of strap viridians
Turbulent bloodflow damage valve – >
Previously damaged valve EG C.rheumatic fever
exposed collagen + tissue factor ->
Platelet + fibrin attached to areas of damage =
Develop thrombotic vegetations containing–>
@Transient bacteraemia eg DENTAL procedure, vegetations trap bacteria in vegetation
What is the most common cause of endocarditis in IV drug users
Staff aureus high viulence LAARRGGEEE vegetation
infects normal valves – TRICUSPID!!!!
Destroys valve
What does the staff epidermidis infect?
What does strep Bovis affect?
Epidermis – in fact prosthetic valve
Bovis - endocarditis @ colorectal cancer
What other organisms cause endocarditis with NEGATIVE blood culture
BArtonella, Coxiella, Haemophilus
Cardiobacterium, Actinobacillus, Kingella, Eikenella
Nonbacterial causes of endocarditis?
ParMa MaSH..
Paraneoplastic syndrome
MAlignancy, SLE, Hyper-coagulable state
What are the clinical features of endocarditis
Fever due to bacteraemia
Roth spots - round white spots @retina
Osler Nodes - pain lesions @finger + toes ouch Osler
Murmur - vegetation @ valve disrupt flow
Janeway lesions – painless erythematous lesion @ palms + soles
Anaemia of chronic disease - ⬇️MCV
Nailbed haemorrhage – splinter
Embolise – vegetation shoot off into circulation – > septic emboli – > Janeway lesion, Osler Node, Nailbed haemorrhage
Complications of endocarditis
glomerulonephritis, chordae rupture,
Suppurative pericarditis, emboli