Congestive heart Failure Flashcards
Types of congestive heart failure?
Pathways of LHF
LHF > RHF + BHF > high output HF
⬇️contractility -> LV can’t pump blood into aorta – >
LA dilate + ⬆️ EDV + EDP – >
⬆️ hydrostatic pressure @PV > oncotic pressure ->
Transudate enter interstitium + alveoli = pul. oedema
PV distension + transudation
What is congestive heart failure
Heart fails to
PUMP properly and EJECT blood
delivered by venous system
Reasons for systolic heart failure
Dr him
Dilated cardiomyopathy Restrictive cardiomyopathy Hypertension Ischaemia MI -->
⬇️ EF/contractility
Reasons for diastolic dysfunction
HT – better than sign concentric LVH
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
AV stenosis
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy it
– >Impaired relaxation + compliance/filling
Explain clinical features of left heart failure
Blow Job Harry Potter
️⬇️contractility -> LV can’t pump blood into aorta – >
LV dilate+⬆️EDV+EDP–>(MV stretch regurg murmur)
⬆️ hydrostatic pressure @PV > oncotic pressure ->
Transudate enter interstitium + alveoli = pul. oedema
–> FLUUUUUIIIDDDD @ alveoli causes:
- Bibasilar inspiratory crackles/RALES - expanding alveoli full of fluid
- J receptors VAGAL stimulated = rapid shallow breath
- Haemosiderin Laden macrophage - RUSTY SPUTUM
- Peribronchiolar edema= narrow airway - exp. wheeze
Explain haemosiderin laden macrophages
Increased hydrostatic pressure – >
Pulmonary caps rupture – > RBC enter alveoli –>
RBC phagocytosed by alveolar macrophages – >
XS Fe @macrophage binds to ferritin = Degrade – > haemosiderin rusty coloured sputum
PRUSSIAN BLUE - heart failure cells
What do you see on chest radiograph for LHF
Perihilar congestion batwing
Air bronchograms - where visible @brokers/small airways cos fluid surrounds airways
Kerley lines - septal oedema
Fluffy alveolar infiltrates
Congestion @ upper lobes
Explain paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea + orthopnoea
Supine – >
fluid from INTERSTITIAL space move into VASCULAR component–>
Increased Venus return to
right heart -> Lung -> left heart ->
Left heart can’t handle XS load – >exacerbate pulmonary vascular congestion = PND-sob/orthopnoea
Relief when standing/pillow under head =
⬆️ gravity – >⬇️ Venus return to right heart
Reasons for right heart failure?
1.Tricuspid/pulmonary valve RRRRegurg
2.L – >R SSSShunt –> ⬆️RV preload =
⬆️ work to pump blood out of RV
MI = myocarditis + RV infarction –> ⬇️contraction
CHronic lung disease, Embolus saddle, STenosis
Pul HTN, LLLLHHHHFFF!!!!!!!!! , PV stenosis
–> ⬆️RV afterload –> ⬆️resistance to flow OUT
Re Strictive cardiomyopathy + concentric RVH
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Concentric RVH – > RV = non-compliant = can’t fill
What is the most common cause of RHF?
For RHF what makes it worse more COPD or primary pulmonary HTN?
Left heart failure
COPD >primary PH
Explain the pathophysiology of right heart failure
⬆️ RV preload, ⬇️ RV contraction,
⬆️ afterload, ⬇️ RV compliance –>
RV can’t pump blood into lung –>
blood pools under pressure @ venous system –>
Central venous VOLUME + pressure increase
Explain the clinical features of right heart failure
Volume + venous system = HIGH –>:
Compression of congested liver – >
JVP DDDDDISTENTION = hepatojugular reflex
High pressure blood back up into
hepatic vein – > SINUSOIDS –> portal vein –> AAAAASCITES
stretch tricuspid ring = functional TTTricuspid regurg
S333333333+44444 sounds!!!
High-pressure blood back up into central venules = expand – > hepatocyte necrosis zone 3 ALT AST⬆️ –> HEPATOMEGALY NUTMEG
PERIPHERAL Pitting OOedema cos of high hydrostatic PPPessure
Which heart failure as a higher chance of causing cyanosis of mucus membranes?
Explain how this happens
Blood back up into venous system @RHF – >
⬆️ time for peripheral tissues to extract O2 –>
⬇️O2 sats = CYANOSIS
What are the risk factors for high output heart failure
HyperThyroidism - ⬆️SV
Anemia - blood Viscosity ⬇️
Surgical shunt - AV Fistula
Knife wound - AV Fistula
Endotoxic shock - DILation of arterioles
Paget - AV Fistula
Thiamine⬇️ = ATP - DILation of arterioles
Explain pathophysiology of high output heart failure
Stroke Volume
AV fistula – >skip microcirculation
Viscosity dear Chris
Dilation of arterioles here – >
Increased Venus return
Explain to chemical biological blood markers that we can use to detect left heart failure
Blood back up into left atrium = dilate = release ANP dilate afferent/constrict efferent – >️GFR⬆️ ->
Na excretion=diuresis
LHF – > ventricle overloaded – > secret BNP