put the following bacteria in order form supragingival to subgingival
strep. sanguinis and strep. oralis
Strep. mutans
Strep. sanguinis and Strep. oralis
what gram +ve bacteria are linked to periodontal abscess?
Gram +ve
Streptococci - anginosus group
what gram -ve bacteria are linked to periodontal abscess?
Gram -ve
GNABs : Porphyromonas, prevotella
Fusobacteria nucleatum
what gram +ve bacteria are linked to endodontic infection?
Gram +ve
Streptococcus group
Enterococcus faecalis
what gram -ve bacteria are linked to endodontic infection?
Gram -ve
Fusobacterium nucleatum
Tannerella forsythia
what bacteria are linked to peri-implantitis?
are they gram +ve or -ve?
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus epidermidis
gram +ve
what bacteria are linked to chronic perio lesions?
are they gram +ve or -ve?
Gram -ve
Treponema denticola (oral spirochaete)
what bacteria is characterised by grannular pus? are they gram +ve or -ve
gram +ve
what bacteria is linked to gingivitis? is it gram +ve or -ve?
Tannerella forsythia (-)
what bacteria is linked to chronic periodontitis? are they gram +ve or -ve
Spirochaetes (-)
campylobacter (-)
Porphyromonas gingivalis (-)
Fusobacterium nucleatum (-)
what bacteria is linked to rapidly progressing periodontitis? are they gram -ve or +ve?
Prevotella intermedia (-)
Porphyromonas gingivalis (-)
Fusobacterium nucleatum (-)
most important
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (-)
what bacteria are in the red complex? are they gram -ve or +ve?
Porphyromonas gingivalis (black pigmented) (-)
Tannerella forsythia (black pigmented) (-)
Treponema denticola (-)
what is the red complex associated with?
Active pockets of periodontitis
what bacteria are in the orange complex? are they gram +ve or -ve
Fusobacteria (-)
Prevotella nigriscins (black pigmented) (-)
Prevotella intermedia (black pigmented) (-)
what is the orange complex associated with?
increase plaque in periodontitis
what bacteria is associated with recurrent periodontal disease? chronic
Campylobacter rectus
what bacteria is linked to ulcerative gingivitis? is it gram +ve or -ve
Gram -ve
Treponema vincetii
what bacteria is the biggest contributor to caries? is it gram +ve or -ve
Strep. mutans
gram +Ve
name the bacteria linked to caries other than strep mutans. are they gram +ve or -ve?
Strep. Sanguinis
Lactobacilli - dentine caries
Actinomyces - root surface caries
Rothia denticariosa
all gram +ve
what bacteria can prevent caries?
Veillonella - uses lactic acid -> prevents lowering pH
what bacteria are associated with ludwig’s angina? are they gram +ve or -ve?
B-haemolytic oral streptococci
both gram +ve
what bacteria is linked to the skin infections: Impetigo, cellulitis, acute necrotising fasciitis? gram +ve or -ve?
Gram +ve Strep. Pyogenes
what bacteria is linked to the skin infections: cutaneous, soft tissue and pulmonary disease and acute bacterial parotitis? gram +ve or -ve
Gram +ve Staph. Aureus
what bacteria is linked to the autoimmune diseases Rheumatic fever (heart) and glomerulonephritis (kidneys)? gram +ve or -ve?
Gram +ve Strep. Pyogenes
what bacteria are linked to upper respiratory tract infections? gram +ve or -ve?
Bordetella pertussis (-), cornybacterium diptheria (+), haemophilus influenza (-)
what bacteria is linked to whooping cough?
Gram -ve Bordetella Pertusis
what bacteria is linked to diptheria? gram +ve or -ve?
Gram +ve Cornybacterium Diptheria
what bacteria is linked to Influenza/septicaemia/meningitis?
gram +ve or -ve?
Gram -ve Haemophilus influenza
what bacteria is linked lower respiratory tract infections? gram +ve or -ve?
Haemophilus influenza -ve
Streptococcus pneumonia +ve
Legionella pneumophilia -ve
Myobacterium tuberculosis
where is staph.aureus located?
In nose, perineum and oral environment
is staph.aureus gram +ve or -ve?
gram +ve
what unique thing can Staph.aureus do?
coagulate blood plasma
what does staph.aureus linked to?
Skin infections: cutaneous, soft tissue and pulmonary disease and Acute bacterial parotitis
is staph.epidermis gram +ve or -ve?
gram +ve
where is staph.epidermis located?
on everyones skin
what is staph.epidermis linked to?
associated with foreign devices
whos at risk from staph.epidermis?
there are 3 groups of streptococci, what are they?
what streptococci are A-haemolytic?
most oral streptococci
what streptococci are B-haemolytic?
where is strep.pyogenes located?
at the back of the throat
how is strep.pyogenes identified?
by presence of M protein
what is strep.pyogenes linked to?
skin infections
upper respiratory tract infections
autoimmune disease
what streptococci are Y-heamolytic?
enterococcus faecalis
what is enterococcus faecalis linked to?
healthy individuals
it is a commensal
But linked to endodontic infections
what is strep.mutans linked to?
what are the virulence factors for strep.mutans?
extracellular polysaccharide
why is is useful that strep.mutans take up a wide range of carbohydrates?
as xylotol is taken up but once metabolised is toxic and kills the bacteria
how do strep.mutans attach to the teeth?
protein antigens (attachment to pellicle - > potential vaccine)
glucotransferase (produce glucans)
glucan binding proteins (aggregation)
what are red complex bacteria associated with?
active pockets of periodontitis
what bacteria are in the red complex?
prophyromonas gingivalis
tanerella forsythia
treponema denticola
other than periodontitis what else is porphyromonas gingivalis linked to systemically?
alzheimer’s disease
are red complex bacteria B-haemolytic?
what are orange complex bacteria associated with?
increased plaque in periodontitis
what bacteria are orange complex?
prevotella nigrescins
prevotella intermedia
what is fusobacterium associated with systemically?
colorectal cancer
name the black pigmented bacteria and their complex
porphyromonas gingivalis (red)
tanerella forsythia (red)
prevotella (orange)