review third test Flashcards
1, 2a, 2x muscle fiberes
slow twitch high oxidative, small, weak
2a: jack of all trades master of non. last long time, high oxygen, decent strength. is worse than 1 and 2x
2x muscle fibers low oxidative, ery good strength, fast twitch
lactic acid can cause what
lowering of ph
endurance training
can’t change type 1 fiber to type 2. you can change 2x to 2a.
golgi tends and muscle spindles are apart of what
muscles send stress signal. these are both are for proprioception
golgi tendon organs:for tension
cardiac cells
are autoryhthmic
intercalated discs: gives them a tight joint
gap junctions:allow them to funciton as one big unit
allow electroconductivy to go
difference b/w cardiac and smooth
the use of calcium channels. heart have calcium induced clacium releaseed.
they have volrtage gated calcium channels are not directly connected to calcium channels.
dense bodies
dense bodies. for smooth muscle hfieowa
smooth muscle uses what
calmodloin. cardiac DOESNT’.
remember order of activaiton
first is sano activates the heart
cardi system order
blood velles:arteres, arterioles. capillaries, venules, veins.
what can increase the venus return?
the limphatic system can help increase venus return. it puts fluid back into circulation.
what doe limphatic sytem do
transport fats, immune system, puts fluid back into system
compositon of blood
45 formed elments. very smalll buff elements which is diff types of white bloo d cells.
in the hypothalmus cause release of adh
if leukocytes en dsin phils it is
agranules vs granules
mono cytes become what
macrophages. they engulf.
red blood cells come from what
red bone marrow. due to erytorpoesis which is released by kidneys.
you have antibodies for hwat you are (with regards to blood bype)
with what you’r enot
clotting which comes first. platetet or fibirin clot
platete clot.
vasopasm come before what
platetlets. a vasopasm is what?
know the valves .atriventricular AV valve. semilunar
lub dub is what
edv - esv
end diastolic volume 0 end systolic volume = stroke volume.
ejection fraction
39 MIN
helps heart squeeze harder
frank starting system 40 min
40 min
exiciatiaton calcium
refractory periods
atria - ventricles
depolar - repolar
42: electrocardiogram ecg or ekg
strucute of blood vessels 44
large arteries also can stretch which makes then elastic. they can pform as a pressure reservoir .
next size down is thicker in middle releative to thier size. they are muscle or disbributor arteries
arteriole: have lot sof smooth muscle can re direct blood but not as resisitant. they can tighten up or vasodilate
capillaries: two types
40% of blood in large vein