Review Questions Flashcards
What does HIPAA stand for?
Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act,
What does PHI stand for ?
protected health information and it refers to ANY
type of information that can be directly or indirectly tied to a
particular patient or visit:
T/F : It’s okay to email yourself a patient’s chart for HPI practice as
long as you delete it within 48 hours.
Fill in the blanks for ED Flow:
Walk –in →_______→ Bed → Physician Assessment →Lab/Rad/Meds → Results → MDM → Diagnosis → Consults →_________
1) Triage
2) Disposition: 1. Discharge 2. Admit 3. Transfer 4. AMA 5. Death
What are the 4 types of histories?
Medical Hx, Surgical Hx, Family Hx, Social Hx
The HPI and ROS are what type of information (subjective or objective)?
The Physical Exam is what type of information (subjective or objective)?
While evaluating a patient complaining of chest pain, your physician tells you
that the heart sounds are normal. Would you document it in the HPI, ROS, or
- Would you be contradicting yourself if you wrote “The patient has abdominal pain” in the HPI, but
then later in the physical exam documented “The abdomen is nontender.” Why or why not?
because the patient stating they have abdominal pain is a subjective complaint. A non-tender abdomen is an objective finding.
What does disposition (dispo) mean?
The patient’s destination after they leave the Emergency
What is the abbreviation for a heart attack?
MI- Myocardial Infarction
What is the abbreviation for high blood pressure?
HTN- Hypertension
What is the medical term for acid reflux?
GERD- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
What is the medical term for stroke?
CVA- Cerebrovascular Accident
What is the term for gallbladder removal?
What does NKDA stand for?
No Known Drug Allergies
What is the medical term for redness?
What is the medical term for bruising?
If the doctor says the exam was “benign”, what does that mean?
Normal- Nothing of
What is CAD?
Coronary Artery Disease.
What other past surgical and medical histories would suggest that a patient has CAD?
MI, Angina, CABG, Stent,
Does a PMHx of CVA mean the patient has CAD?
Does a surgical history of angioplasty mean the patient has CAD?
Explain the difference between CAD and an MI.
CAD is a broad term for heart disease. MI is
included in CAD. It’s an active heart attack.
If someone has a PMHx of A-Fib or CHF, do they also have CAD?
What are the “cardiac risk factors?”
HTN, DM, HLD, CAD, Smoking, FHx CAD < 55 y/o
How is CAD diagnosed?
By a cardiologist during a cardiac catheterization. Not done in the
Name two ways that an MI can be diagnosed?
STEMI- EKG, Non-STEMI- Troponin
What are some associated symptoms of an MI other than CP?
N/V, SOB, Diaphoresis
What are some associated symptoms for CHF?
SOB (Orthopnea, PND, DOE), pedal edema
What 2 studies would diagnose CHF?
CXR or elevated BNP
What is A-Fib?
Electrical abnormality of the heart causing the top of the heart to quiver
What might someone feel with A-Fib?
Palpitations, fast, pounding, irregular heartbeat
How is A-Fib diagnosed?
What could be the CC of someone with a PE?
Pleuritic CP or SOB
What are risk factors for a PE?
Known DVT, PMHx of DVT or PE, FHx of DVT or PE, recent
surgery, CA, Afib, immobility, pregnancy, BCP, smoking
What study would diagnose a PE?
CTA Chest/VQ Scan. D-Dimer can only rule it out
What part of the heart does CAD affect; Arteries, Veins, or Nerves?
Can a CT Chest without IV contrast diagnose a PE? Why or why not?
No. Contrast in the
vessels(IV) helps clearly see a blockage.
What is a PTX?
Pneumothorax, “collapsed lung”
What is the most common cause of a PTX?
How is a PTX diagnosed?
What social history will most COPD patients also have?
What is the difference between an inhaler and a nebulizer for asthma?
An inhaler is portable
and gives a one time dose and provides a rapid release of medication. A nebulizer is a home
machine that delivers continuous treatment over a period of time.
What is asthma?
Constricting of the airway due to inflammation and muscular contraction of the
bronchioles. Also called Reactive Airway Disease
What physical exam finding is closely associated with asthma?
What is PNA?
Pneumonia. Usually a bacterial infection (infiltrates) and inflammation inside the
What might a person with PNA complain of?
Productive cough and fever
How is PNA diagnosed?
Name all 7 areas of the abdomen.
Epigastric, RUQ, LUQ, RLQ, LLQ, Suprapubic, Periumbilical
Right/ Left flank
What is the layman’s name for GERD?
“Heartburn” or Acid Reflux
What might someone with GERD complain of?
Epigastric pain “burning”
For older patients with GERD symptoms, what life-threatening disease may also need to be ruled
What does bile do? Where is it stored?
Bile emulsifies the fats in foods. It is stored in the
gallbladder and made in the liver
What is the difference between Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis?
Cholelithiasis is gallstones.
Cholecystitis is acute gallbladder inflammation/infection.
What might be the chief complaint of a person with gallstones?
RUQ abdominal pain
What physical exam finding is closely associated with Cholecystitis?
Murphy’s Signs
How are gallstones diagnosed?
Abdominal Ultrasound of the RUQ
Name associated symptoms of appendicitis.
Fever, N/V, decreased appetite (anorexia) Note:
RLQ pain- gradual, constant, worse w/ movements is the CC (not associated sx)
How is appendicitis diagnosed?
CT A/P with PO contrast
What might a person with a SBO complain of?
Abd pain/bloating, vomiting, abdominal
distention, no BM’s, constipation
What would someone with pancreatitis c/o?
LUQ or epigastric abdominal pain, N/V, fever
How is pancreatitis diagnosed?
Elevated Lipase (or Amylase which is less specific)
Name four possible CC’s for a GI bleed pt.
Hematemesis, coffee ground emesis, hematochezia,
How is a GI bleed diagnosed in the ED?
Guaiac positive or heme + stool, gastroccult
What are we worried about for someone with a GI bleed?
Too much blood loss, Anemia
What is the pre-existing condition you must have before you can get diverticulitis?
What will be the CC for someone with diverticulitis?
LLQ abdominal pain
What studies would diagnose diverticulitis?
CT A/P with PO contrast
How is an SBO diagnosed?
CT A/P w/ PO contrast or AAS (acute abd series) X-ray
What is a UTI?
Urinary tract infection
What is pyelo?
Pyelonephritis, Kidney infection (different and worse than a UTI), usually spread
from an UTI
What will be the CC of someone with a UTI?
Painful urination (dysuria), frequency, burning, hesitancy, malodorous urine
Where would a patient feel pain if they had pyelo?
Flank pain, fever and dysuria
How is a UTI diagnosed?
Urine dip or urinalysis (UA) showing white blood cells, bacteria and
What might a person with kidney stones c/o?
Flank pain, sudden onset, radiating to groin
How are kidney stones diagnosed?
CT A/P or RBC in UA
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
Tubal pregnancy, when a fertilized egg develops outside the
uterus (usually in the fallopian tube). High risk for rupture and death.
How is an ectopic pregnancy diagnosed?
US of the pelvis
What is ovarian torsion?
Twisting of the ovarian artery, which reduces the blood flow to the
ovary. Could result in infarct of the ovary.