Course 4: Physical Exam Flashcards
What are the 8 systems covered in a PE?
- Eyes: PERRL= Pupils are equal round and responsive to light
- ENT: Moist mucosa membranes
- Neck: Supple, No Lymphadenopathy (no swollen lymph nodes
- Cardiovascular: Regular rate & rhythm and heart sounds normal. Well perfused (Blood is flowing appropriately)
- Respiratory: No issues breathing, CTAB (clear to auscultation bilaterally)
- Extremities: No edema
- Skin: Dry, no rash
- Gastrointestinal: non-distended (not enlarged, normal size)
Define perfusion
flow of blood through the body’s blood vessels. (Pulse)
What is the normal GCS for people?
a Nml GCS adds up to 15
If there is unilateral edema what might be the DDx?
If there is bilateral edema what might be the DDx?
Define anicteric
normal sclera
Define icteric
yellowing of the eye
Define CVA tenderness in a PE
Costovertebral Angle
Why would a physician conduct a CVA tenderness PE?
To check the Flank area of the body where the kidneys are located. The Physician might suspect the Pt. to have a kidney stone or pyelo
What is a normal general/constitutional PE?
- No Acute Distress (NAD)
- Well nourished, Well developed
- Alert
What is an abnormal General/Constitutional PE?
•Mild/moderate/severe distress (due to pain)
•Unresponsive: no rxn to a stimulus
—Somnolent: drowsy, sleepy and postictal (confused, drowsy nausea, non with sz)
–Obtunded: slowed respond to the environment
———-Both obtunded and somnolent Pt. will give some response to stimuli
What is the normal PE of the Head?
-Atraumatic and Normocephalic (AT/NC)
What is the abnormal PE of the head?
Any signs of trauma, Sinus tenderness (Sinusitis)
Angioedema (Allegric reaction)
What is the normal PE of the Eyes?
PERRL: Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive to light
EOMI: Extraocular movement intact
Sclerae Anicteric
Normal conjunctiva (mucous membrane that lines the eye)
What is the abnormal PE of the eyes?
Anisocoria (Unequal pupils) EOM entrapment Scleral icterus (liver failure) Pale conjunctiva Conjunctival injection (redness)
Define Anisocoria
Unequal pupil
What does EOM entrapment mean?
The Extraocular movement is not intact
What does scleral icterus indicates?
liver failure
What is conjunctiva injection?
Redness of the conjunctiva
What tool is used for an internal PE of the eye?