Course 4.5 Flashcards
What are the 3 Peritoneal signs?
- Voluntary guarding
- Rebound tenderness
- Rigidity (Involuntary guarding)
- —They indicate signs of a surgical abdomen
What is a normal abdomen PE ?
Soft and non-tender (S,NT)
What is an abnormal abdomen PE?
rebound tenderness
Mild/mod/severe tenderness to palpation (TTP)
What does TTP stand for and which PE does it belong to ?
Tenderness to palpation
Abdomen PE
What are some key details to consider during a normal abdominal PE?
Normal bowel sounds, No organomegaly, No mass
What are some key abnormal details to consider for an abdominal PE?
Absent/Hypoactive/Hyperative/Bowel Sounds
Organomegaly (Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly) (HSM)
Murphy’s sign
McBurney point tenderness
Psoas sign, Obturator sign , rovsing sign
Define Hempatomegaly
Enlarged liver
Define splenomegaly
Enlarged splen
Define distended
bloated, swollen inside
What does a murphy’s sign indicate?
Cholelithiasis or Cholecystitis
What’s the difference between Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis?
Cholelithiasis = Formation of gallstones Cholecystitis = inflammation of the gallbladder
What does McBurney’s point tenderness indicate?
What are the 3 McBurney’s point of tenderness signs?
Psoas sign
Obturator sign
Rovsing’s sign
A positive Psoas sign, Obturator’s sign and Rosing’s sign all indicate that the patient has……?
What are some PE that requires a chaperone present?
Rectal, female and male genital exam
What is a normal rectal PE?
Normal rectal tone, Heme Negative
What does Heme negative mean?
No blood found in stool
What is a abnormal rectal PE ?
Blood: Heme positive
Abnormal stool color: Black/Melanotic, Red, Yellow, White, Bright red
Veins :Hemorrhoids (internal, external, thrombosed)
In or out of place: Rectal prolapse
Decreased rectal tone (spinal cord injury)
What does a decreased rectal tone indicate ?
spinal cord injury
Define Hemorrhoids
Swollen veins
What is a normal female genital PE?
Normal external genitalia Normal bimanual exam normal speculum exam cervical os is closed no blood or discharge
What is an abnormal female genial PE?
External: Sores, lesions, rashes
Internally: Cervical motion, tenderness (CMT).
Uterine tenderness, Adnexal tenderness (ovaries)
Internally: cervical os is open, blood in the vaginal vault, malodorous/thick white discharge
What does CMT stand for?
Cervical motion tenderness
What is a normal male genital PE
Normal genital exam
What is an abnormal male genital PE?
Testicular tenderness epididymal tenderness Testicular Edema Testicular mass Urethral discharge inguinal hernia indwelling Catheter
What is a normal Musculoskeletal/Extremities PE?
Non-tender Full ROM (FROM) Distal CSMT (circulation sensory, motor, tendon) intact no edema no calf tenderness