Review Part 5- Cold War, Civil Rights Flashcards
The student will analyze foreign and domestic policies during the Cold War, 1945 to 1975.
- Keep communism contained within its existing borders
- George Kennan’s idea
President Harry Truman
- Tried to stop the spread of communism
- Promoted the “Fair Deal” program that included more social security benefits, public health insurance, and an end to racial discrimination
Division of Berlin
- Berlin, Germany
- East was communist
- West was democratic
Berlin Blockade and Airlift
- Stalin stopped highway, railway, and waterway traffic into West Berlin
- Without supplies, West Berlin would fall to the communists
- US and Britain supplied West Berlin through an airlift
- Flew supplies, food, clothing, medicine into West Berlin
- Demonstrated how far the US would go to contain communism
Fall of the Iron Curtain
- Named by Winston Churchill
- West of curtain- noncommunist countries
- East of curtain- communist countries
Marshall Plan
-Foreign policy that offered economic aid to Western European countries after WWII
United Nations
- US, Soviet Union, Britain, France, and China
- All assigned permanent seats on the Security Council of the UN
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Provided the military alliance to counter Soviet expansion
Warsaw Pact
- In response to NATO
- The Soviet Union and its satellite states formed a rival military alliance
- Members pledged to defend one another if attacked
Truman Doctrine
-President Truman’s promise to aid nations struggling against communist movements
American response to the invasion of South Korea
- President Truman announced the US would aid South Korea against North Korea
- United Nations sent military forces to aid South Korea
Berlin Wall
- Visible symbol of the reality of the 2 Germanys between the communist East and democratic West
Bay of Pigs Invasion
-1961 failed invasion of Cuba by a CIA-led force of Cuban exiles
Cuban Missile Crisis
- 1962 conflict between the US and the Soviet Union resulting from the Soviet installation of nuclear missiles in Cuba
- Results- Telephone Hotline installed
- Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed
- US removed missiles from Turkey and promised not to invade Cuba
- Soviet Union removed missiles from Cuba
Peace Corps
-American government organization that sends volunteers to provide technical, educational, and medical services in developing countries
Red Scare
-The fear that communists both outside and inside America were working to destroy American life
Smith Act
-Made it unlawful to teach or advocate the violent overthrow of the US government
House of Un-American Activities Committee
-Investigated possible subversive activities by fascists, Nazis, or communists
Army-McCarthy Hearings
- Joseph McCarthy claimed that the US Army was full of communists
- Senate held televised hearings to sort out the allegations
- Public saw McCarthy’s bullying tactics
- He lost many supporters
Rosenbergs’ Spy Trials
- Julius and Ethel Rosenberg accused of espionage
- Case based on the work of a confessed spy
- Rosenbergs plead innocent and claimed they were attacked for being Jewish and nontraditional beliefs
- Found guilty and executed
- Evidence suggests Julius was involved in espionage but Ethel only a minor role
Nuclear Weapons
-President Eisenhower focused on stockpiling nuclear weapons and building the planes, missiles, and submarines needed to deliver them
Arms Race
-Contest in which nations compete to build more powerful weapons
- Belief that only by going to the brink of war could the US protect itself against communist aggression and prevent war
- US would respond to communist threats to its allies by threatening to use crushing, overwhelming forces, even nuclear weapons
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)
- Policy in which the US and the Soviet Union hoped to deter nuclear war by building up enough weapons to destroy one another
- Hopefully this would prevent either country from actually using a nuclear device against the other
- 1957
- Developed by the Soviet Union
- First satellite to orbit earth
Space Race
-Competition between the US and the Soviet Union to develop the technology to successfully land on the moon
Domino Theory
-The idea that if Vietnam fell to communism, its closest neighbors would follow
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
- Authorized the president to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the US and to prevent further aggression
- Allowed him to commit US troops to South Vietnam to fight against North Vietnam without having to ask congress to declare war
Tet Offensive
- 1968
- Communist assault on a large number of South Vietnamese cities to gain support in those cities
- Thought it had a good chance of ending the war
- US and South Vietnamese forces repelled the offensive
Presidential Election of 1968
- Richard Nixon (Rep.)
- Hubert Humphrey (Dem.)
- Nixon won
- Violence and antiwar protests surrounded this election
University Student Protest
- Students around the country protested against the Vietnam war on campuses
- At times, police and National Guard has to stop the protests
- Kent State- protesters threw bottles and rocks at National Guard/ National Guard opened fire killing 4 students
Television Coverage of Vietnam War
- Brought the war to Americans’ living rooms
- Showed shocking footage
War Powers Act
-Restricted the President’s war making powers by requiring him to consult with congress within 48 hours of committing American forces to a foreign conflict
26th Amendment
-Voting age is lowered from 21 to 18
De Jure Segregation
-Segregation that is imposed by law
De Facto Segregation
-Segregation by unwritten custom or tradition
Thurgood Marshall
- An African American lawyer
- Headed the legal team that challenged the courts legality of segregation
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- Largest and most powerful civil rights organization
- Had black and white members
George McLaurin
- African American student denied admission to OU
- McLaurin went to the supreme court
- Ruled the university had to admit McLaurin provide separate facilities
Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher
- African American student denied admission to OU
- Supreme court ruled the university had to admit her and provide the same educational opportunities
Separate but Equal
- Different facilities (buses, schools, bathrooms) for blacks and whites but the same type of facilities
- Decided at Plessy v. Ferguson court case
Brown v. Board of Education
-Overturned the principle of “separate but equal”
Rosa Parks
- African American woman refused to give up her seat on a public bus for a white passenger
- Her arrest sparked the bus boycott
Montgomery Bus Boycott
- An organized boycott lasting just over a year
- Blacks refused to ride the buses as a way to express their opposition to Parks arrest and bus segregation
Little Rock Central High School
- One of the first schools in AK to desegregate
- 9 African American students enrolled
- AK governor opposed and had the national guard block the entrance to the school
- President Eisenhower sent federal troops to protect the students and uphold the court’s ruling the entire school year
Clara Luper/ OKC sit-ins
- Luper was a high school history teacher
- Led a group of students in a sit-in at a drugstore in downtown OKC
- For 6 years, she continued sit-ins, protests, and boycotts in OKC
- 1964 OKC passed an ordinance preventing store owners from refusing service to anyone
Freedom Rides
- Organized by CORE
- 2 buses went from Washington DC to New Orleans and along the way riders defied segregation codes
- In Alabama, the buses were firebombed and attacked by a white mob
- JFK had police and state troopers protect the riders
- Federal Transportation Commission mandated the desegregation of interstate transportation
March on Washington
- Brought together major civil rights groups
- MLK Jr gave his “I have a dream” speech
Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Banned segregation in public accommodations and gave the federal government the ability to compel state and local school boards to desegregate their schools
- Individuals who violated people’s civil rights and outlawed discrimination in employment on account of race, color, sex, or national origin could be prosecuted
- Established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
24th Amendment
-Banned poll tax
Birmingham Church Bombing
- Sept 1963
- A bomb exploded in the church killing 6 young black girls
- The church had been used the SCLC’s headquarters
Voting Rights Act of 1964
-Banned literacy tests and empowered the federal government to oversee voting registration and elections in states that had discriminated against minorities.
Selma to Montgomery Marches
- Campaign to pressure the federal government to enact voting rights legislation
- The protests turned violent on a bridge
- As protesters tried to cross, state troopers attacked the marchers
- Known as “Bloody Sunday”
Assassination of MLK Jr.
- April 4, 1968
- Shot outside his hotel in Memphis, TN
- James Earl Ray charged with murder
- Riots broke out after King’s assassination
MLK Jr./ I Have a Dream Speech (view points)
- Advocated peaceful protests
- Gave speech at the March on Washington
- Dreamed of a colorblind society where all people would be free and equal
Malcolm X
- Minister of the Nation of Islam
- Very radical
SNCC (view points)
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
- Goal was to create a grass-roots movement that involved all classes of African Americans in the struggle to defeat white racism and obtain equality.
SCLC (view points)
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference
- Coordinate and support nonviolent direct action
- Believed that churches should be involved in political activism
CORE (view points)
- Congress of Racial Equality
- White and Black members
- Followed Ghandi’s teachings of non-violence resistance
Women’s Liberation Movement
- Similarities between the treatment of African Americans and the treatment of women
- Civil Rights inspired women to demand gender equality and taught them ways to get it
- Brought black and white women together for a shared cause
United Farm Workers
- Farmworkers’ union merged with a Filipino farm laborers union to form the UFW
- Followed nonviolent tactics to earn recognition from the grape growers
Cesar Chavez
- Influential Latino activist
- Fought for rights for migrant farm laborers
- Helped form the UFW
American Indian Movement (AIM)
- Inspired by civil rights movement
- Addressed all civil rights for Native Americans (land, legal rights, self-gov)
LBJ’s civil rights initiatives
- Civil Rights Act (1964) outlawed discrimination in voting, education, and public accommodations
- Created Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to fight hiring discrimination
- Prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex
War on Poverty
-Introduced measures to train the jobless, educate the uneducated, and provide healthcare
The Great Society
- Outlined LBJ’s vision for America
- demanded an end to poverty and racial injustice and opportunity to every child
- Did not completely alter America but did improve education, healthcare, and poverty
Native American Movement
- 1960s/70s
- Addressed civil rights issues
- Several organizations were formed to fight for rights
Siege at Wounded Knee
- Feb. 1973
- AIM organized a protest at Wounded Knee
- AIM took over a village and refused to leave until the government agreed to look into the conditions of reservation Indians
- Federal authorities were brought in and 2 AIM members were killed
- Ended in May when the gov agreed to reexamine native treaty rights
Changing roles of women post-war
- More women in the work place
- More women attending higher education
Women’s Liberation Movement Goals
- Demanded equal treatment in the workplace
- Gender equality
National Organization of Women (NOW)
- Established by Betty Friedan
- dedicated to gaining true equality for all women and to attain full and equal partnership of the sexes
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
- NOW wanted the passage of the ERA
- This amendment would guarantee gender equality under the law and reproductive rights
- Was never ratified
Roe v. Wade
- 1973
- Supreme court decision which assured women the right to legal abortion
- Used by President Nixon
- Flexible diplomacy to ease Cold War tensions between US, Soviet Union, and China
- Helped the US end the Vietnam war and closer to ending the Cold War
Nixon’s Opening of China
- Establishing diplomatic relations with the Chinese communists would benefit the US (trade agreements/ wedge between China and Soviet Union)
- Feb. 1972 Nixon traveled to China and met with Chinese leaders
- Established full diplomatic relations
Watergate Scandal
- 5 Men, linked to Pres Nixon, were arrested for trying to bug the offices of the Democratic National Committee
- Nixon denies knowledge of the break-in and refuses to release tapes of oval office conversations
- Determined that Nixon ordered a cover-up
- Nixon resigns
- American lose trust in gov
Executive Powers
after Watergate
- New reforms enacted to restore people’s confidence in the gov
- Established a procedure to investigate charges against the White House
- Limited the amount of money people can give candidates to prevent corruption
Role of the media
during Watergate
- The public might have never learned of the President’s actions without the investigative reporting
- Series of articles published as the situation unfolded
The Pentagon Papers
during Watergate
- The papers comprised the US military’s actions/plans during the Vietnam War
- Papers published by the New York Times at the beginning of the Watergate scandal
- Politically embarrassing
- Americans lose trust in gov
25th Amendment
- Deals with presidential succession
- 1973 Nixon nominated Gerald Ford to take the Vice Pres position after the previous VP resigned
- 1974 Ford took Nixon’s Presidential position after Nixon resigned
Pres Ford pardoning former Pres Nixon
- Caused Ford to lose public support/confidence
- Ford was accused of having a secret deal with Nixon- strongly denied this
Voting Rights Act of 1965
-Banned literacy tests and empowered the federal government to oversee voting registration and elections in states that had discriminated against minorities
Vietnam War consequences
- 1975 Vietnam under the control of communist gov.
- Communist spread to Laos Cambodia
- War Powers Act was passed (restricted presidential powers) - Many Americans thought Vietnam War was a mistake, unlikely to support future foreign entanglements
Incorporation Doctrine
- Due to the 14th Amendment parts of the Bill of Rights are made applicable to the states
- This means state gov are held to the same standards as the Fed gov regarding certain constitutional rights