Review Part 2- Imperialism to WWI Flashcards
The student will analyze the expanding role of the US in international affairs as America was transformed into a world power in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, 1890 to 1920.
White Man’s Burden
- Poem written by Rudyard Kipling
- Written in response to the US takeover of the Philipines after the Spanish-American War
- The whites have a duty/obligation to colonize and help the poor
Annexation of Hawaii
- America had sugar cane plantations in Hawaii (source of profit)
- 1898 during the Spanish-American War
- Pres McKinley annexed Hawaii into the US
Admiral Alfred T. Mahan
- Military historian and officer in the US Navy
- Wrote The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
- Claimed….
- nations are more powerful when they have a powerful navy
- US needed to have a bigger navy - US followed Mahan’s advice and built up the navy
Anti-Imperialist League
- Condemned imperialism as a crime
- Believed imperialism was disloyal to the principles of our US government
Yellow Journalism
- Articles and headlines that exaggerated the Spanish-American War
- The exaggerated headlines encouraged American people to support the war
T. Roosevelt- Big Stick Diplomacy
- Policy of creating and using, when necessary, a strong military to achieve America’s goals
- “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far”
W. Taft- Dollar Diplomacy
- Policy of expanding American investments abroad
- Invested in mines, oil wells, railways, and plantations mostly in Central America and the Caribbean
W. Wilson- Missionary Diplomacy
-Policy of promoting human rights to assert influence across the world, instead of using force
Panama Canal
- Cut travel distance from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
- T. Roosevelt helped Panama gain independence from Columbia
- Negotiated with Panama to build the canal
Presidential Election of 1912
- Roosevelt (Progressive Party)
- Taft (Republican)
- Wilson (Democratic)
- Because the Republican party split in two (Rep and Prog) it allowed the Democrats (Wilson) to win the election
Suffrage Movement
- Movement encouraged by the progressive women to gain their right to vote
- Used protests, boycotts, pickett lines, hunger strikes to gain awareness
- Carrie Chapman Catt/ Susan B. Anthony/ Elizabeth Cady Stanton/ Alice Paul (important women)
- National American Woman Suffrage Association
Bull Moose Party
- AKA Progressive Party
- Emerged from the split of the Republican party during the 1912 election
World War I
- Began 1914
- US wanted to remain neutral
- US entered the war in 1917 after…
- Zimmerman Note
- Unrestricted submarine warfare
Zimmerman Note
- Intercepted by the British and given to US
- Sent by German Foreign Minister
- Proposed an alliance with Mexico
- If US declared war on Germany, Mexico should declare war on US.
- In return, after a German victory, Mexico would get back the states it lost in the Mexican-American War
Unrestricted submarine warfare
- During WWI
- Declared by Germany
- Submarines would sink any vessel without warning
Home Front
- Wartime production
- produce food for soldiers
- produce weapons, ammunition
- clothing - Reporters publish stories/articles they want to public to know/believe
- The use of rumors, ideas, or information to influence public opinion
- Used during WWI to make people support the war
Women’s role in industry during WWI
- Women filled jobs that were vacated by men who left to fight in the war
- Farmers, munitions factories, trolley conductors, telegraph operators
- Their war efforts helped them gain the right to vote
Great Migration
- African Americans left the south and moved to the north
- Escape violence
- Better jobs, economic advancement
The Draft (WWI)
- Selective Service Act- Congress authorized a draft of men for military service in Europe during WWI
- Americans registered for the draft and were assigned a number
- Numbers were drawn to decide which men were drafted to the war
First Red Scare
-Widespread fear of suspected communists and radicals thought to be plotting revolution within the US
Wilson’s Fourteen Points
-list of terms for resolving World War I and future wars outlined by President Woodrow Wilson
-A national policy to avoid involvement in the political and economic affairs of other countries
New Territorial Acquisitions in the US
- William Seward bought Alaska from Russia in 1867
- US annexes Hawaii in 1898
- US gained control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Guam from Spain after the Spanish American War
- US bought Philippines from Spain
Insurrections in Cuba and Philippines
Cuba- Started a war for independence from Spain
-US came to Cuba’s aid to defeat Spain
Philippines- Started a rebellion against US rule
-US put down the rebellion
Marshaling of Industrial Production (WWI)
- War Industries Board- regulated all industries engaged in the war effort
- determined what products were made, where they went, and how much they cost
- system to fulfill the nation’s need for war materials
Suppression of Individual Rights (WWI)
- Espionage Act- ban treasonable or seditious newspapers, magazines, or printed materials from the mail
- Severe penalties for anyone engaged in disloyal or treasonable activities
- Sedition Act- Unlawful to use disloyal, profane, or abusive language about the American gov, the Constitution, or the military
- Schenck v United States- upheld the Espionage and Sedition Acts- There are times when the First Amendment protections of speech do not apply (the need for order/during war)
Rejection of the League of Nations
- The formation of the League was attached to the Treaty of Versailles
- Pres Wilson wanted changes to the treaty, when the changes were not made, Wilson asked his followers to vote against the treaty
- The treaty was defeated
Dealing with Trusts
- Roosevelt- “Trustbuster” Administration
- Enforced the Sherman Antitrust Act
- Saw a difference between “good” and “bad” trusts/ Big business was only bad if it bullied smaller companies and cheated consumers
- Taft- Brought lawsuits to twice as many corporations as Roosevelt
- “Busted” the Standard Oil Company
- Allowed monopolies as long as they did not “unreasonable” squeeze out smaller companies
- Wilson- Created the Federal Trade Commission to monitor business practices that might lead to a monopoly
- Passed the Clayton Antitrust Act- listed business practices that were not allowed
Trade Tariffs
- Wilson passed the Underwood Tariff Act of 1913- wanted to prevent big manufacturers from unfairly charging high prices so he lowered the tariffs on goods from foreign countries so if US companies’ prices were too high, consumers could buy foreign goods.
- Underwood Tariff Act also included a graduated income tax