Review Heart Flashcards
apex of the heart
where is apex located
left 5th intercostal space
what is the “box” in which the heart lives from top left clockwise
right 3rd costal cartilage
left 2nd costal cartilage
left 5th intercostal space
right 6th costal cartilage
tendon of conus arteriosus
aortic to pulmonary semilunar valves
left fibrous trigone
mitral valve to aortic semilunar valves
right fibrous trigone
AV valve to aortic semilunar valves
what a. sits in atrioventricular groove/coronary sulcus
right coronary
what are the 2 branches of r. coronary a?
post. interventricular
what does the nodal a. come off of?
right coronary
which v. does not drain to the coronary sinus?
ant. cardiac veins
pnemonics for cardiac veins
great to be on front: great cardiac v.
kids in the middle back of car: middle cardiac v.
small dog on the side: small cardiac v.
what type of cells are the conducting system of the heart
modified muscle cells
70-80 /minute
SA node
where is the SA node located
junction of SVC and RA
40-60 /minute
AV node
where is AV node located
posteroinferiror region of interatrial septum near coronary sinus
AV bundle/purkinje fibers
where do you listen to the aortic semilunar valve?
right 2nd intercostal space
listen- pulmonary semilunar valve?
left 2nd intercostal space
listen- tricuspid valve
lower left body of sternum
listen- mitral valve
left 5th intercostal space
blood flow hitting the closed AV valves
blood flow hitting the closed semilunar valves